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Do z ena n, hion tan a
January 17, 1941
'l'be Cm!'.mission of 'The Ci ty of Bozeman met in reC'ular session in the COID..'nisd on
Room, City Hall Build 1ne, Fr iday eveninp;, January 17th, 1941, at 7: 30 0' clocl{ P . lv' . 'l'hosc
beine; present were ~,':ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissio)~,er Sorenson, City Attorney
Ai tken, Cl ty Manager Lake, Director of Finance 'iial tar Davis and the Clerk when the fo110w'-
ing proceed':ngs were had to-wi t:
The mlnu tes of the las t regular sess ion were read and it was r::oved by CO:m.D~is E;ioner
Busch, seconded by Comm:l.s sioner Sorenson that the minutcs be appro\rect as read and the
motion was carried by the followinp; Aye and No vo te; those votins; Aye be lng 7.tayor Hoey,
Commissioner Buscb and Cormnissioner Sorenson; those voting lh, none.
Bids for Trllck for Via t(3r Departmen t
The Manager stated that this was the tiMe and place set for the openin~ of bids for
a truek for the V'la tor Department. He presented affida vi t of pllbllca tion of the Notice
to Bidders, whereupon, it was moved by COJ:lr.1issioner DuseL, seconded by l.:ommls:Jlorler Sor-
enson the t tho bids be opened and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
\TO te; tll0 se votin?; Aye being 1.1ayor Hoey, Comm ~_ ssioner 13useh and COmmi8[1ioner Sorenson;
those vo Hng No, none.
The following bids were opened and read:
l'iclc-up 'l'ruck
Panel Truck
Anderson Motors
Sta te Au to Company
Northern Auto Co.
Owenhouse Hardware
(1:"0 ru )
( Che V . )
(In tor '1)
653 . 50
742 . 50
Mr. W. R. Border, Superintendent of the '[later Dep8.rtment was present and stated that
in his opinion the panel trucl{ would best serve the use of the Department. il.fter eonsid-
eration of the bids and specifications subroitted, it was moved by Com~is~oner Sorenson,
seconded by Conmissioncr Busch tha t the bid of the Anderson j\70tors for a Ford Panel Truck
be accepted anu the mo tion was carried by the following Aye amI No va tc; tLose votine;
Aye being Mayor Hoey, Conmissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
True 1-:: for Park Dep:J. rtr"lcn t
The I\lana:,rer stated that the Park Department did not rlave a truc1{ that was suitable
for their use and the Park Superintendent has been uslnp: his private car in this Departrnent.
He presented the fol10wlnz 0uotations for trucks:
Ander::>on l':Iotors
Northern Auto
GIiJC 1939
:;jl 499.00
After considera tion of the trucks offered and the quo ta tions submi t teu., it was
IT'.oved by COlIDnissioner BuscL, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tl1e City l'.an'''lcer be
authorized to purchase tho truck quoted by the Anderson Motors and the motion was carried
by the follovvlng Aye and No vote; those vot ing Aye be :tne; j,\'ayor Hoey, C::ommis sioner Busch,
and Comroissioner Sorenson; those vo ting No, none.
Salary Ordinance No. 705
The Mana,!er stated the t in accordance wi th the law, the annual Salary OrJinance had
been prepared, settinp; the salaries of the Ci ty Manager and the Heads of the Departments.
lIe presented Orciinance No. 705, entitled:
TITS HEADS erp ::JEP.~.r,'rI':'.~Ii:TS, f-iND TH"2~ T~"PLOY1,;;.~S Ot<' THE CI'l'Y C:JT,:JnS;H01:, PURSTTANT
TO 'rJTci; PHOVISIOFS OF S::;:C'l'ION 5507, R.C.~{. 1935.
It W13.S moved by Commi:,sioner Busch, seconded by COrrL'TIis,3ioner Sorenson that Ute
Ordinance be passed and adopted and the motIon was carried b;y the following i\.ye and :No
vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoe:r, Comm~ssionor Buscll and Comrnissl. onor Sorenson;
those voting No, none.
Ordinance No. 706 -- He: Storage Tanks in Industrial District.
The Manager stated that Urdinance lio. 663, the .2'ire frevention Ordinance, was so
worded that it did not permit the storage of flammable liquids in the Industrial Zone,
and i.t was clearly tJ:18 purpose and intent of said Ordinance to prohibit the storage
of such liquids wi thin the corpara te lird ts of The Ci ty of Bozeman except wi thin the
Industrial Zone.
He stated that the City Attorney had prepared an Emer{:,ency Ordinance amending
Sac tion 312 of' Ordinance No. 663, to make this correc tion. He presen ted Ordinance No.
7U6, entitled:
AN ORDINAlICE l\j\~EN:;:nNG SEC'l'ION 312 (}P OHDINANCE NO 0 663 01<> 'TEE C lI'Y OF
B()Zr~;:\'AN iUL) D~~CLr,TII:iJG AN EMT;:HGE~TCY 0
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Corl1Y'iissioner Busc~.'. tha t the
Ordinance be passeu and aJopto(l awl the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and
No vo te; those votinc; Aye be :1.ng ILayor Hoey, Commis s loner Bus ct"J. a nei COl1"J'1is s:1.oner Sor-
enson; those voting No, nono.
Rop orts
'rhe annual report of the Flumbing Inspec tor was presented.. It was moved by Com-
missioner Sorenson, seconded b7" Commissioner Busch that the report be accepted and
ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and lJo votSl; those
voting Aye being Mayor Boey, Commir::sioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those
voting No, none.
Claim Van Eoorn ;t8Ylch (Airport)
Claims 1'los. 110 and III of George VunIIoorn on the ^irport :L<'und in the amount of
~;4950 were presented. The clal:'r~s being for the purchase of the VanlIoorn Hanch, which is
tobe used for Airport purposes. After examination of the cla:ims :1.n detail b~" the Com-
m':ssion, it was :r.lOved by Com,'nissioner Busch, secondsd b:- Cormnissioner Sorenson that
the claixs be allowod and warrants be dra\'m for tlleir ,paymen t anJ the motion was carried
by the following Aye and :Ko vo te; tho;;e' votinE!' Ayo be ing Mayor Hoey, 00mmlss loner 131.1. seh
and Commis :o:ioner Sorenson; tl:ws e voting No, none.
Application for Beer & Linuor License
'The applica t10ns of the Hotel Baxter for retail beer and Liquor license were pre-
s en ted, and read. It we s mo 'fed b:r GoITnnis sioner Dus ch, seconded by COrnr:1is sioner Sor-
enson that tLe alJplications be aiJproved and t:be licenses is,mod and. the motion was
carried b:r tLc followinG Aye and 1;0 vote; tt,ose voting ,^,ye beine; Mayor IIoey, Commis-
n 'C o. :j
s ioner ,--,u8ch ann Om!:1).S" loner orenson;
trIose vo t:ng No, none.
Applications for City Licenses
The followins a;-;pllca tions for C1 t:~Licenses were presented and read:
Canton Cafe
G. E. Gallup
Wes tern Unior:
Cook 8: Ii'ulmer
Hejdel An'encv
Ba bcocl{ Grocery
J. to Stotesbury
Park:i_n E~ Korslund
Gallo. tin Lumber Co.
Feerless Dairy
Dr. Wo S. Dole
1'f.on tana PowerCompan y
Bozeman Peed & Grain Co.
Owenhouse hardware Company
nssociated Seed Grower's
};orthland Greyhound Lines 0
I t was moved by Corr.miss loner Sorenson, seconcled by Coromiss loner Bus ch tl: 0. t tl:Je
applications be approved an,'; tLo licenses issued and the motion was carried b;':i the
followin(!, Aye and No vote; tho se vo tine; Aye be inC r,Tayor Hoey, Cornrnis ~1 loner BU.Scrl and
Con1J)li[~s loner Sorenson; tLoso voting No, none.
Adjournt1en t
There beinr; no furtber business to cono before the Commls8ion at this ti:T1o, it ViaS
moved by COlrJnls s ion or Dusch, s econdod by Conuni Sf', loner Sorenson tho. t tbe mootLng ad journ
and the motion VIas carried by the follow:!nc "\ye and t~o voto; tho~e votinG J.ye being
:r,Tayor Hoey, Commissionf1!' Busch and Comwlssioner Sorensonj tlose voting No, none.
Clerk of the Commission
oiJ._~A.L,/ p~
Mayor U