HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-31 280 Bozeman, Montana January 31, 1941 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Roon', City Hall Building, Friday evening, January 31, 1941, at 7: 30 0' clock P. tIT. 'I'hos e being presen t were Mayor Hoey, Commis 8ioner Busch, Commis s ioner Sorenson, Ci ty A ttorne~T Ai tken, City Manager Lake, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was rr:oved by Commissioner 13us ch, s econcied by Commis sioner ;;)orenson tha t the minutes be appro ved as read ami the motion was en rried by the following Aye and No vote; those VQ ting Aye beinG Mayor Hoe:r, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner ""orenson; tL:.ose votinc; No, none. Complaint -- Roise ~nst Peach I:!r. Hobert K. Corrigan, 63" East Peach Street, api/earod before tho COl11'TIission to ask that somothinG be dono about the noise made at night, and about trucks parkIng across the street while loading and unloadinG at the Cook & Fulmer warehouse, located at 629 :Zast Peach Street; that the noise disturbs the peace and quiet of tho neic;hborhood and is a nuisance and tha t parking crossw:~se of tl1e s tree t se ts up a hazard. The matter was discussed by the Commission and. IVlr. C:orrigan,and the City J:,~anaber was instructed to write to the Cook & ~llroer office in Billings and ask that their drivers be instructed to stop such practices. Heports 1be follovLtnp; reports for tlJ e mon t~; of .January, 1941 were pre s en ted: Police Judge Via ter Colloc tor and the City Engineer's annual report. I t was moved by Commis s ioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch tha t the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by tile following Aye and Ho vote; those votinp, Aye being ~.';ayor Hoey, CommisC'ioner Dusch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Bids for Garbage Eauling for 1941. 11he IY=anager presented speci fica tions for garbage hauling con tract for the year 1941. After exam:1.na tion of the specifications by tLe Commission, it was moved by Comrr.issioncr uusch, seconded by Commis s loner Sorenson tha t the Cl erl{ be au tl:orizod to adver ti se 1'0 r bids to be opened Februa ry 21 s t, 19/H, for 2'arba!?o col1~ c tion as per the s pecifl ca tions subrni tted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No voto; those vot.~nr: aye being Mayor BaBY, Commissioner Dusch and Com::nissioner Sorenson; those voting Eo, none. Lease of Land for Radio Ranze Facility The ~i~anager read a communication from the Civil Aeronautics Authority, aslctng that The City of Bozeman lease the land on which tte Radio Hane;e Pacility on the Pondera Tract is loca tod to tho CAP. for a period of tor: yenrs. Tho ma tter was discussed by the Com::nis s ion anJ they expres sed thcmsel ves as being in favor of leasing the land for ten yenrs. Purchase of Belt for Streot Sweeper The Mana,q:er stated that L:e Street Sweeper needed a new belt and the price might exceed the amount authorized by law for the Manc,ger to purcbsse. It was 'roved by Com- missioner ~orenson, seconded by Corrwissioner ~]sch that the City Manager be authorized 1 I 1 1 I 1 281 to purchase a belt for tIle Street Sweeper and the motion was carried by the followi~7, Aye and No vo te; tho se vo ting Aye being Mayer Hoey, Commis sioner Busch and Cor.unissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Resohltion No. 492 -- Offer to Sell Real Estate - Huff Rancl:t The Manager presented a written offer of Lester Covey to purchase the Huff Hunch for :;p4,OOO.OO, and stated th_:3.t the City Attorney had prepared a Resolution stating the City's intention to sell this ranch. IIe presented Resolution No. 492, entitled: A Rl'.:SOLU'I'ION OF' 'THE COI\iI',7ISSION Ol" 'rl:-lE CI'lT OF BOZli:i.IA1i:, Iv:OWrANA S'r1\'I'I1Y' ITS IHT~~t~TIOH '1'0 SELL CER'l'AIN nEAL r(w:e;:~nTY OF SAID CI'l'Y HEREINAPT~R DESCRII3ED, '1'0 LEST2:E COVEY, FOB. POUR THOUSAND ;)OLLA1"\3, MiD AUTIIOHIZING TIm CI'l'Y MAj\JAG~~R TO 3NTSR IlJTO A ccna'RAC'I' ON BEHALF OI" 'rEE CITY FOR 'rEA T PURFOSE It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COmr.1issioner Sorenson that the Resolu tion be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the followin!!, Aye and No vote; trlOse voting Aye being Mayor Boey, Commissioner Dusch and COMmisf.1ioner Sor- enson; those voting No, none. Applications for Cit~ License The following applications ~r City Licenses were presented and read: Woolworth's Richardson's Dr' A. A. Evers Fred }'. Willson Standard Oil Company C. Lee Donaldson Dr. E. B. Keeler Chambers - Fisher Co. Ryan-Butte Company Continental Oil Co. Collcse Eill Grocery Super Croam Ice 8roan, Gallatin Co-op Creamery It was ypoved b~T Com,nisslof'er Busch, seconded by Corl':nissioner ::>orenson that ttiEl applies tions be approved and the lIcenses issued and tho mo tion was carried by the follovJi ng Aye and No vo te; tt,ose voting Aye being i..ayor lloey, Commissioner busch and COn-'lYiis s ioner Sorenson; tho~)e vo ting No, none. Public fiearine -- Bud'~et CrdinnDcB The 1\Tanager s ta tod tha t this was one of the de tes set for public hearing on Ordinance No. 704, the annual approprla ti.on ord:inance for 1941. He s ta ted furt,Lor tha t no one was present to be hearCl or pro tes t. Ali j au rnmon t There being no further business to come before the COMmiE'sian at this tlme, It was mo ved by Cor-ris sloner Sorenson, seconded b;T Conr'lis ~J loner Busch tl13 t the meeting ad j ourn and the !''.Otion was carried b~T the following Aye and No voto; those voting Aye be':ns~ Il'jayor FOBY, COr.J.rJissioner J.3u.SCl-1 and Com,-;issioncr Sorenson; those votIng l~o, none. A ttes t: ~~,