HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-07 282 Bozeman, Montana ?ebruary 7th, 1941 rrho Cornriission of rl'L_o City of Boze;r:an met in regular session in tho Commission Hoom, Oi ty Hall Building, Frida y everd_n::;,F'ebruary 7 t:h, 1941, at 7: 30 0' clock I'. T,'. 'rihose being present wer'e l/~a:ror Hoe;,", Commissioner Busch, Cornnlssioner Sorenson, City l\ttornc:r i,itke;n, Ci ty ILanacer Lake, Diroc tor of I,'lnance Wal. ter DavIs, Ci ty En["ineer L. S. Thorpo and the Clerk when the followin~ proceedin~s were had to-wit: The minutes of the l.ast regular session wero read, and it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b;, Comrnis s ioner Busch U13 t the m:lnutes be approved 2. s read anCl the rrntion was carried by the following i\.ye and No vote:; Ulose voting Aye beIng .ll'ia:yor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Soronson; those vo-;-;ine No, none. neports Tho f'ollovJincr r.,:por ts for the man th of .Tanusry, 1941 were pre sen ted: Cashier i_Cn.!Tineer Librarian Pire Chief Health Officer Ceroetc:ry Board Employment Officer C;,iaf of }'olice Builainr Inspector P1R~blng Inspector and the Engineer's Annual report for 1940. It was rnO'led by Commissioner Sorenson, seoonded by Commisd oner Busch that the reports be accepted and orderod filed and the motion was carriod b~ the followIng Aye and Ko vote; those voting Aye beIng j,;ayor 110 e" " , Commiss loner Dusch and Gommis~' ioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Clail'lS for the Ii'on th. ClaiTrs Kos. 112 to 314 incllJsi ve were presented on the various funds as follows: Airport Gene tory li'ire Gene ral Library Pa rl{ S tre e t 'Jiator GarbHf,e Cemetery Suspense l'lumbing i';xan,iner' s Cemetery ?~rm. Care SID No. 334 (Dds) rro tal ,tP 5,043.i37 374.14 1, l6~) .12 3,6513.76 605.87 1.701.48 1,143.02 2,297.75 679.71 21o.UO 10.00 4,270.00 578.93 ..............._'.~.. ._,.~",._,a',______ ';;1 21, 74::5 . G 5 r1'ho ManaC"er s ta ted tha t he; has audl tad tY;ese clair,s and finds them to be trne and lawful elaims a~a~.nst The :::::i ty of Bozem3n and recommends tha t warrants be drawn for their pa:,'rncnt. After exan<nntion of the clai~s in detail o:r the Commis:c'ion, 1 twas 1710vad by Commissioner Buscl:c, seconcied b~T CommJ.s::ionor Sorenson that wr;r'rants be drawn for th3ir pa ymen t nn':l the mo ti on was carried by tho following Aye and No va to; t:lOB e va t.l.ns;" A:'e being l\Tnyor Hoey, 00mmissioner 3uscb ar::cl Commissioner Sorenson; those va tIn:" l~o, n')Do. Applications for City Lic8nso '1'he follow:i.nrr applica tions for Cl t::, Licens es were prosen ted and read.: '1'he Oakes ri] . E. Whi te V. J. I3~ t tn c I' S}-lanrock TIooms Dr. C. C. Seerley 5UI Avenue GroGory Embr;T &: Jordon Walter V. Hicks =. <T. Bell, Sr. :r.:nl'tln Ardesson Phenle S. Ahern Dr. E. R. Grigg Northern Tire Shop Dahl ~"uno ral Home rhi111ps Dook Store Sloan Conoco S~ation l~ort~ler n lacific Railway Yellowstone 10ster Adv. Co. It was r.;oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Conmissioner Busoh tl,:-it the ap- P llcG tions be a :'::n'ovecl and tJIG licenses i BSlJed and the motion 1;vas carried by the 1'01- 10win:::Aye and No 'lot'::.; t>ose votlnp: Aye beIng Eayor Eoey, Commissionor BU3Cl-, and C0r:1'1lis.2,ioner SorenSO?'l; those voting Ho, n~'l;e. I I I 1 I -I 288 Ordinance Xo. 707 The r',:anager s ta tad that the C1 ty At tornoy as :tns truc ted a t the reglJl ar moe ting of Janllary 24th, 1941, had prepared an ordinance amendIng Ordinanc e No. 637, l'egardinz t:l':; license fee for wholesalers selling frui ts and vege tables. He pre sen tad Ordinnnce No. 707, en ti tIed: AN OnUINAI';CEj}' Il'II~ CI'I'Y OF BOZEMAN, MUH'l'j\NJ\ 11'0 A:':iEND SUBDIVISION ib) OF PART "e" OF SEC'l'ION 1 OF OfDIlJANCE EO. 637 OF 'I'lC CITY OP 30Z:::r,:MT SNTITLIm: "AN OllUINAECE REQFIRING 'r}-IOS~~ ENG1\8ED IN CETI'I'.'\. Hi OCCUPA- TIONS, nmUSTFUES, TRADES, rURSUITS AND FTIOFESSION.J.i' Ii\ 'I'EE CIII'Y OF' BOZEl/AJI: 'ro PAY A LIC!-';NSE li'G;E IN AE; OF 'I'ITi~ iOLIC2 f[iI:GUL'..'rrOHS OF ThE CITY OF' BOZRN'AN, FHOVIDIlTG Fon TIm GRANTn:G, R:~F'USAL, SUSfE:IJSIOI< AND R!~VOCATION 04' SUCH LICENSES, PROVIDING PENAL'l'IES Fon VIOLA11'ION OF 'I'LIS OIWn~i\.NCE AND EEl'EALU:Ci OE;-JIKANCES l'TUI','r13'~RED 494, 506, 529, 535, 554 anl 581 OB' SAID CITY OF' BOZEMlUr AND ALL OTHER OEDIN AIICES /ti\D F fJ<:TS OF OR- DINANCES OF TIm CITY OF BOZ-~~MA.l~ IN COlTPLI{~IJ:' HImEV'JITII" It was moved by Commis 8 loner Busch, seconded b~! CommlR ~1ioner Sorenson tha t the Ordinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried b-y the 1'ollo,;vlng Aye and No vote; . those voting Aye being h;ayor lIoey, Conm~lsf:ioner BUSC!-l and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. fl.lrchaso 0 f FO'HO r T.'ower for Cemetery The l::anag;er s ta ted that one of the power mowers a t the Ceme tery has been used for abOllt ten :tears and shoull be replaced. He stated that a new power mower WOllLi cost apyrovimately $385.00. It was moved by Commi::,sioner Bus~h, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tLe :'::itv ..1 Manager be au thorized to purchase a new power mOVler for the Ceme tery an.l the mo tlon vms carried b:T the following Aye and Ho vote; those voting Aye being l'l:ayor Boey, Commlss loner Dusch and Commissioner i.:lorenson; those votIng No, none. k: 5 ournrr:cn t There beIng no flJrther business to come before the Commission at tLis time, it was moved by COMmissioner Sorenson, seconded by CommissIoner Dusch ths. t the meeting adjollm and the motion was carried by t.he followIng Aye and I/O vote; those voting Aye being Ma;ror Eoey, COl~issioner Busch and Commissioner Soronson; those votlng Eo, none.