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Doz eman, ~:~on tana
F'ebruary lL1th, 1941
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met In r~gular session in the Commission
Room, 0 i ty Hall Bui IJing, Priday even lng, Fe brna:>:'y 14, 1941, at 7: 30 0' clock f. ~':. 'l'hos e
belnrr, presen t were Mayor IJoey, C0111mis sioner Buser), COnL-'11is sioner Sorenson, Oi ty A ttorne y
Aitken, City ManaEer Lake, Director of Finance Walter Dsvis and the Clerk, ~len tho 1'01-
lowing proceedin~s were had to-wit:
'l'he minutes of the last regular session were rend and it: \VElS ~loved by Cmmnissioner
131JSch, seconded by COffip'is:::ioncr Sorenson that the mJnutes be al,proved as reau ancl the
motion was carried b~:r the following Aye and No vote; those votinc; Aye be~ng I,cnyor Iloe~'-,
Cormnissioner Busch and COJYI.mlssioner 8or8nson; those votin['; No, none.
Ordinance no. 704 -- 1941 Appr'opria tiOD Ordin!:l.nee
'rhe :Manarrer stated that this was the time and place set for the final passage and
adoption of Ordinance Eo. 704, the annual Appropriation Ordinance for 1941. Ee presented
affidavi ts of publica tion of' the Notice of hearings and affidavi t of ;,ublication of the
ManAO'er's Reeommenda tions. He pre s en ted Ordinance No. 704, en titled:
OF TIE MJinCIPAL GOvi:;}n~r,f'~IiTT 03' T!i2: CITY OF' BOZE~rl\.n, ]'WYf'l'Al:A POll. TEL<:; FIS(jAL
YEAH 1941.
It was moved b:r Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the OrJl-
n8nce Eo. 704, be final17' passed and ado.:Jted and tl'Ye motlon was carried by the f'ollow-
i nr: A"Je and No vo te; U10 se vot ing Aye beinc; IiIa;,ror EOG?, Comrlis sioner Busch ami Commis sioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
The following reports were presented:
Director of' Finance for January 1941
State Board of Health Water Report
I t was moved by C OrrL'n is a loner Bus ch, seconded by Commis f1 ionor Sorena on tha t ti.J.O re-
ports be accepted and ordp,red filed and tile motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vo te; those vo tinE': Aye be ing J'/ayo r Hoey, Commis [-loner Busch and Commi Si,; ioner Sorenson;
tho se vo ting No, norie.
Applications for Cit~ Licenses
The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
Qoo. 'IV. Shaw
Dr.S. O. Holm
P. J. Ries1and
Jer8ey 1)airy
130z eYnan A1l to Camp
~ilan Greenhouse
Crystal Barber Shop
Eagle's Dance Hall
:,;:a'1."1 Stree t Servlce Sta tion
Consolida ted li'relp:ht Wavs
Bozeman P1umb:':ng 7~~ rIte" Co.
Greyhound Grill
Street's Service
Bohart's 1.10 a t :/lrkt.
California. Company
Ralph' s ~'ood Store #1
Ralph's Food Store #2
Boze~nn Canning Co.
It was moved by Com::1issioner Sorenson, seconded b;! COL'll11issionE-H' Buseh that the appli-
ca tlons be approved and the Ii censes i ssucd 8.Cld tLe JTl.otion was. carriod by t.'-le following
Aye and No vote; those vo tlng Aye being !\'lnyo r Hoe;', Comrdssioner Bus ch amI COITL'll.! ss ione r
Sorenson; those vo tIne No, none.
Gas Fitter's Bond -- OVicnhowoe ~~w(L Co.
The bond of the Owenllouse IIarciware Company as a Gas 1~1:ltter was presonted. The bond
was approved as tD form b:: the City Attorney. whereupon, it was movod by COlTDdssioner
BuscL:, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tie bond be approved and aceepted and the
Plotion was carried by the following ,\ye and No vote; those voting Aye beIng l\'ayor IJ:oey,
Commissioner Busch and Co:mm:issioner ~orenson; those votinG No, none.
Iar1-:s - - Hecrr-;'la tion - Commi ttee rro~" Jun:!..or C of :::;
)I{r. Fred Browning, ,Tohn Boyle, H. Marsh, E. J. Owenhouse, Art Dixon, 'iValter Secor,
members of' the Athl.etic Co:mmi ttee of the ,Tunior Char:bor of COr.1merco, appeared before the
Commission to ask why the skatin~ had been discontinued.
'J.lhe Manager presented a reIJort showing the number of ska ting ds ys, receipts and
expenses for tho past several years; showing that tl1e avera(~e nUr.1bor of ska tine; da:rs for
1040-41 was 42 days which is equal to the Ilvera'3e number of days for other years; that the
cost of mainta:i.ning the rinks t}-;is year has been :~~550.UO in excess of the receipts.
I t was also poin ted on t U:e uncal' tain ty of wea ther condi tions at tilis time of the
year and t.he days are getting lone;er and warmer.
The Ii;anager stated the estimated cost for the removal of the recent snow and putting
the rink in shape for ska tine; to be betweon q~50 to ;:?,?O and t11e main tenance cost for each
day to be from ~:t;30 to ';~35; tha t wha tever recrea tlonal funds are sued for slm tins, will
decrease the amount of f'unds available for the S1..lr.'lrrer recrea tional program and to insure
a complete sumner recreational program anU not bein~'assured of desirable skating weather
the rinl-;:s had been closed for this season.
Several of those pre.sent expressed themselves as being favor of the action taken
regarding the slul. ti!"\g rinks.
Traffic - - Ilecl)mmenda tions by CLio l' 0 r folice
Chief of Police R. C.'~robry appeared before the Commission and l~resented ;-ris reCO;:!l-
mends tions askin,r' that the present Traffic Grdinen ce be amended so 8.3 to elimlna te all
double parking; eliminate all IIUtl turns on Main Street; allow pedestrians to cross the
street only between the white lines at intersections provided for that purpose an,~t
install traffic signals at 'rracy and Main and at the corner of Seventh and Main.
The recommendations of' the Cl:ief of l-olice were dis cussed, and it was decided t.o take
tlie ma tter of ins talla tion of traffic signals under ad vi senen t.
It was rnoved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COffi-'l1issioDer Sorenson that the City
A t to rrle7iT be i no true ted to draft an Ordinance according to the Cbi ef' of l>olice 18 recommenda-
t::ons n. nci tJ-18 motion was carried b:r the follow:ng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beine;
Mayor IIoey, Commis3j.oner BU.sch and Commissioner i:::lorenson; those votine; No, none.
~Nater Depart~ent -- ~nr'c~lnse of Ad'Jr'essor~ral)h.
The N:anager stated that the matter of an Addresso.7,ral)h to be used in the 'fi,~:tor Depart-
ment has been .lnves tir;a tod; tha t the Addressograph machine is ma,ie on.iy by one Compan:J and
this Compan;' had quoted a price of ~~475. JO fa r a machine sui table fo r the City I S needs.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by CommLo,doner Busch that the ::Jity
}\i;ana'Ter be authorized to purchase an Addresso,,,;raph ~,~ach:!nc for the Via tel' Deparwent a'1.1 the
rnotion was carried by the follow'ng Aye and !Jo vote; tllose voting Aye being r/ia;!Or Hoey,
Commissioner BU.SCi:l and Coro!r.is sione r lSorens on; thos e vo tine; No, none.
There beine: no further business to come before the Cornmiss1.on at this time, it was
moved by ComC'11ssioner SorensoL, seconded byGom~l1is3ioner Dusch thClt t:-~e :loeting ad,j011rn
anit the motion was carried b:r tho fOllowIng A":.re and No voto;those voti.nc Aye beinG Mayor
Hocy, ComI'lis::1J.oner Busch and Com~is~:;j.oner Sorenson; tl:.ose vot~nf, No, none.
r~1 n yo r