HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-07 I I I 28fJ Boze~an, Montana March 7, 1941 The Comm:tsslon of The City of Bozeman Met in regular session iy the Commissi,:m Room, City Hall BuildinG, Friday evening, March 7th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock '~"'. '!ll!" t.! III 1~.~, . Those being present were Mayor rIoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitxon, Ci ty Manager Lake, Direc tor of Finance Wal ter Davis and the Clerk, when the following proceedlngs were had to-wit: The minu tes of the last regular 3e8s10n were read and it was moved b:r COYrill:lsf"ionor ., Sorenson, seconded by COID..'11issioncr Busch tha t the rninu teB be approved as read and the mo- tlon was carrled by the following Aye and No vote; t:wse voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Bl.l.Sch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Request for Street Light at 7th & Deall Mr. Henry Rohrer, Wa Iter Savage, Chas. Nunnelly, ~I:rs. V.. rJlallman and others appeared before the Commis sion to reques t tha t the s tree t light to be ins tailed at Villaru and Seventh be installed at Beall and Sevent::1 instead; that there are several businesses at this, loca tion and it would be a safe ty mea[lUre. The matter was discussed, and it was pointed out that there Is a street light at th.e intersections of North Seventh and Main Street, Lamme Street and Mendenhall Street; thnt it is only one-half block from 3eall Street to La~~e Street and this installation would not be :i.n keeping Wit:l the general plan for installing street lights. After further discussion, it was decided to install the street light at Villard anc Seventh Avenue as planned. Fa 'ling on LaY1!118 S tree t 1,~rs. R. Fransham, Mrs. Haley and Y:rs. J. D. O'Connell a:ppeared before t:"le Cor.-Jrn:Lssion to ask if LaY:1r.J.o Street East is to be paved. The Commission stated that no petition had been presen ted, but if a pe tl tion was presen ted all property ovmers would be notified by mail before a paving district is created. Reques t to Open Alley Mr. Earl Dawes appeared before the Corrnnission to ask if the Ci ty would open the all:::y in Block C j OrigInal Townsi te to The Ci ty of Bozeman through to Roune Street; that 1 t would relieve traffic on Main Street and also traffic on tho :;;rivate alley-wa:T now used. Tho mattor ViaS discllssed and Mr. Dawes was asked to interview propert;r owners effected to see if they would be willing to create a Special Improvement District for ~;is improvement. Claims for the Mon trl Claims Nos. 315 to 466 inclusive were presonted on tho various nInds as follows: Come tery Pire General Lib rary Park Street Wa to r Airport Cemetery Suspense Garbage S Iv Fund ~ 217.55 1,057.73 4,424.57 546.99 464.41 1,126.14 3,110.24 8.88 65.00 675.00 60.99 ." ;~ 11,757.50 Total The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful clai:"s agains t The C1 ty of uozeman an:j recommends t..~a t warrants be urawn f or their 290 pa~rment. After exam:tnation of the clai'lis in detail by the Cornmission, it was moved by Com- missioner Busch, seconded by Conunissioner Sorenson that warrants be drawn for their payment and the motion was carried b7 the following Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Repo rts The following reports for the month of February were presented: Cashier Librarian Fire Chief Po Ii ce Judge Heal th Officer Wa ter Co llee tor Chief of Police Employmen t Office Director of Finance Plumbing Inspector BuildIng Inspector It was moved b;{ Commissioner I..,)orenson, seconded by Cornmisc"ioner Busch that the re- ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried b~T the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be:ng l'iIayor Hoey, COT:1'11issioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 493 -- Purchase of Shares of Vlater The ~anager stated that a Resolution authorizing the Bozeman City WaterWorks to pur- c:hase from the Bozeman Airport Fund the 250 shares of capi tal stock of Spain-Perris Di tch Company at par had been preparedi He presented Resolution No. 493, entitled: A RESOLUTION OB' 111m CITY COT'/MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~tAN, Mm:rTANA, PROVI.JING 1:'OR TFE FURCEASE BY THE MUNICIPALLY o '>\'nE I) BOZ~J',;rAN Grry WAT:':':R VVORKS OI:<' 250 SliARES OE1 THP: STOCK OF SFAIN-l"ERRIS DITCH COMi:'ANYAC- QUIRED AND OWNED BY THE CITY OF BOZErv~AN It\" 1':1'S PURCHASl~ OF LAND J:"OR AI Ri: ORTL~URt' OS!~S It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the Heso- lu tion be passed anQ ado pted anu the motion was carried by tho 1'ollow'ing Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye beIng l>'iayor Hoey, Commissioner '::';oren~lOn and COImn.issioner .Busch; thoc.e vo ti ng No, non e . Claim to Purchase Spain Ferris Capi tal Stock The ri'~anac;er presented Claim No. 467 on the Viater Fund in the amount of $2,500.00 for the purchase of 250 shares of Capi tal Stock of Spaln-:B'erris Di tch Company as author- ized in Resolution No. 493. It was r.lOved b:r Cor.unissloner Busch, seconded by Commis::'lor:er Sorenson that the claim be allowed and warrant drawn for Itspayment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; t.hose voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Bus ch an d CO!Yt"nis S loner l;)oren son; tll0 se vo ting No, none. Ordinance l;(). 708 -- Arr:enclT'1ent to Traffic Ordinance rrhe Manager stated tlYlt the Cl ty Attorney as instructed hau prepared an ordinance amending the Traffic Ordinance to elimina te "U" turns on Main Street; elimina te double parking and prohibiting pedestrians from crossin!? !lain Street except at street intersec- tions and designnted crossings. He presented Ordinance No. 708, entitled: AN ORDDTA:'1C:; OF TIT,!;' CI'l'Y OF DOZJ1:I,:A:I AIi;ENDING SEC1'I01JS 15, 23 AND 49 OF ORDnTMICE NO. 672, ENTITL.L:D: "AN ORDINANCE REGTJLATD;G TRAFFIC DFOl: TIm PUBLIC STREETS. A VT~NUES AND AL1CYS OP TeE C1 TI_- OF BOZEMAN, IftOWrANA AIW REPEALING ORDIl7AI:CES NOS. 576 AND 610 OF TIlE CITY OP BOZEr-'IMT. A1,:D ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AlTD r A..~TS OF ORDJ:NA1;CSS H; CONFLICT HEREVJITJI" It was moved b~T Commissioc,cr Busch, seconded by Cornr,1issioner ::)orenson that the OrJi- nance be passed and adopted and tl:1e motion was carried by tho followinfl; Aye and No vote; thos e vo ting Aye being ~ira:,'or lToey, COTIL'111s ::',1 oner Busch and COnl"'"11s 3 ioner OJorenson; t.Lose voting No, none. I I I I I I 291 Applications for City licenses The ~llowing applications for City Licenses were presented and road: Burger Inn Nicholson's Obie Signs Ellis Motors Oxford Hotel F. L. Dye Co. ~,~. P. Schallrer Galla tin Courts Shane Electric Elaine Beau.ty Shop Mt. Sts. T & T Co. J. C. Penny Company Ninth Avenue Grocery CD ssic Beauty Shop Fashion Beauty Shop Kilbride's Texaco Sta t ion Boz eman Shee t tile tal Viorks Iv1. L. Hul tgren Dr. G. Westlake ,Harrison Keyser 1Codern Barber Shop J\~onarch Lumb er Co. Dr. Roy Hauser _ D'r'. H. Culbertson Dr. L. Petrausch Barer Fur Company It was moved by Commissi oner Sorenson, seconded by COIn.:.'-:1issioner Dusch that the ap- plications be approvod'and the licenses issued and tlie motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No \0 to j those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, COnLrniss ioner Bus ch, Commis s ione r Sorensonj 'those. voting No, none. Claim ;)f Wayne E. Moore The Manager presented the claim of Wayne E. Moore, in the amount of $300.00 for loss of wages and doc tor bill being caused by a fall and resul tine; in a t'roken bone. The claim stated that the accident happened at the corner of Sixth andB:3.bcock Street, while the claimant was crossing the intersection. '1'ho City Attorney stated that, in his opinion, the City was not liable, whereupon it was moved by COnL'11issioner Sorenson, seconded b'y COnL'1lissioner Busch that the clair.; be disallowed and the motion was carried b~" the followln,s Aye and No vote j those vo tlng /l,.-ye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorensonj those voting 1-10, none. Purchase of Hose for Park Department The Manap:er stated that the Park Department needed approxl1'1ately 2000 feet of the ft-proo f garden :iOS e for use in the maIn tenance di s tric ts and the parks. I t vms moved by Commissioner Dusch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tile City Mana~er be author- ized to purchase 2000 feet of hose for the Park Department and the motion was carried by the fo llowing Aye and No vo te; tl'.iose voting Aye be :ine 1.:a yor Hoey, COlY'.:1:i ssianer Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Skating Rink in Bogert's Grove The Manager stated that it had been SU?;ge:3teQ trlat tIle City operate a skatine; rink in Bogert's Grove ne>:t winter and eliminate the two rinks now in operation. The Manager stated that before this was done, he had planned to send out a questionnaire vllth the monthly water bills to ,e:ot the opinion of the citizens on the matter. The Commissbn ex- pressed approval of the questionnaire. A(j ournmen t There being no furtber busine~s to come before tlle Commission at this time, it Vias moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the mectlng adj OlJrn, and the motion was carried by t.he following A"Jre and No vote; tLose voting Aye being Ea:ror Boey, Comrr:.: ss:ioner Busch and Commiss 10 ner .,)orensonj those vo tine No, none. At te s t : U~ C)o. k of' the')mmission