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Bozeman, Montana
IvTarch 21, 1941
The Commi::'slon of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Cormnission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, March 21, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those
being present were Mayor Hoey, COr.rr:1issioner Busch, Commissioner .:::lorenson, City Attorney
Ai tken, Ci ty h:ans!or Lake, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the 1'01-
lowing proceedinc;s were had to -wi t:
The minutes of the last regular: session were read anCi. it was moved by Com:nissioner
Sorenson, seconded by Commis s ioner ;Busch tho. t the minu tes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beinn: May-or Hoey,
Connnissioner Bu,sch and Commis sioner Sorenson; those vo ting No,. none.
Request for Electrical Inspector
Mr. Thomas Lloyd, of the Board o'f F'ire Underwri ters, a ppeared before tl~e Commis ::::10n
to ask the Ci ty to appoin t an Elec trical Inspec tor.. He s ta tad fur ther th3re is a school
to be held in Great Falls, Montana April 4 and 5th, for Municipal Electrical Inspectors
where the Na tional Inspec tor's Code will be interpreted and explained. hTr. Lloyd. s ta ted
that he would be willing to assist in any way possible. The matter was discussed but
no action was taken.
Request for Sidewalk
Mr. cr. Mrs. Joe Livers, 404 V'/est Arthur, appeared before tho ComJ1;ission to ask the
Ci ty Commis [Cion to order in sidewalks so as to give them a sidewalk OJ nnec tion to Fifth
Avenue or to Third A venne. Mr . Livers was iref ormed the tat the time the Engineer I s Lis t
for sidewalks repairs is propared tr:is will be given consideration.
Reques t for ~"unidpal Band
Dr. N. O. Otheim, of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Commis8ion
to ask the Cit:"to co-operate in establishing a municipal band; that if it is possible to
furnish employment during the summer months for a person capable of directin['; a band, a
c:Hrector would be available.
The ma tter was discussed by the Commission, an:ii t was decided to refer the ma tter
to the Recroa tioD Board to see if it would be pos sible' to employ someone in connec tiOD
wi th the summer program.
Offer to FurchaseWilliams and Iiuff Ranch
The Manager read a \...rl tten offer of 'r. Vi. S'J1J'1110nds to purchase the huff and VHlllams
r -', ,,;I .
ranches owned by the Ci ty, for 4?65uO less 51" real es ta te broker's coanis sion. The offer
was accompanied b'i a check of :!li200.00 as good faith deposit. '1'he matter was discussed
by the Commission and I,'r. Symmonds, and it was decided to take U.:.e matter under advisement.
Tourist Camp Office
The r',Ianager presented plans for an office buiLJ.ing for the UozeF,an Auto Camp located
at 1001 East ~::ain. The plans were examined by the Commission, and after examination of
the planA, it was moved b",' liommissioner Busch, seconded b:'i Commissioner Sorenson that the
plans be approved and the motion was carried by the followIng Aye and No vote; tho:.'Je
voting AJe being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Buser:.. and Commissioner o)orenson; those voting
No, none.
Garbage Contract Approved
The Manager presented the contract of Julian Miles for garbage hauling for 1941.
The contract was approved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon it was moved by
Conmlissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the contract be approved and
accepted subject to the filing of the proper bond bJ' I.:r. J. S. 1.1:i..les, and approved by
the City Attorney, and the motion was carried by the Following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Corrnnissior.er Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those v:)ting
No, none.
Applications for City License
'rhe following applications for City Licenses were presen ted and read:
Budd & Mellon
Vorell & Nvmon
Russell's Cafe
.T. L. Macdonald
Dr. N. O. Otheim
Kester-Miller Co.
Don's Barber Shop
Elite Beauty Shop
Lovelace Mo tor Supply
D. Landrith Seed Co.
Golden Crust Bakery
Maurer Animal Hospital
Litening Service Station
Schrader's Refrigerator Service
Anderson Beautv School
Ark Secondhand" Store
Ellen Theatre Newsstand
It was moved b'l,T Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b~r Commis[oioner Busch that the ap-
plica tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the fol-
lowing Aye and 1;0 vote; tbose voting Aye be=ng I;=a~Tor Boey, CO:T1missioner Busch and Com-
missioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
'rhere being no further business to come before the CorrrrnisEion at tJ:!is time, it was
moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Comrnlssionor Sorenson that the meet1ng adjourn
lintil 11;30 0' clock A.'M. Saturday, March 22nd, 1941, and the motion was carri.ed by the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being l'ilayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and
Com~issi.oner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
CJ:erk 0.1. the ConmlIssion
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Mayor '--' (