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'J.1he minutes of the la.st regular session were read, and it was moved by Commis~'ioner
Boz ema n, Mon tana
May 16th, 1941
The Commission of The Cit:T of Bozeman met in reg;ular session in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, :May 16th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those
being present were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney
Aitken, City Manager Lake, Dir.ector of Finance Walter Davis, and the Clerk, when the
following proceedings wer~ had to-wit:
Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch, thHt the minutes be approved as read, and the
mo tion was cHrried by the fo llowing Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye be ing Mayor Hoey,
Commissioner B1Jsch and Commissioner Sorenson; tho~,e voting No, none.
Protes ts
VI D: C 1941
Mr. W. J. Nicholson, 5 South 8th Avenue, was present and asked the order to build
walk and curb on TITain Street between 8th and 9th Avenues be put off until such a time as
it would serve more people and when there is more need for it.
A cornnmnication from Mrs. I',.~arjorie Renz, 901 South Third, was presented and read,
asking the order to cons true t a new walk on Harri son from Thi rd to Fourth 'be pos tponed
until there is more need for it.
Action on the above requests was delayed until a later date.
Noise on East Peach
lVir. Robert Corrigan, 630 East Peach, a9peared before the Commission and sta ted the
unnecessary noise and disturbances and the bloc1cing of the street, while loading and
lmloading, a t the Cook 8: Fulmer Warehous e,. was a nuisan ce, and a sked that some thing be
done to prevent the blocking of the street. The mattr~r was dlscussed, and it was de-
cided to talee the ma tter up wi th the landloJ:'d of the warehouse and see if the loading
and unloading could not be done on their own property.
Com:r.1issioner Sorenson nsked to be excu2ecl and permission Vias c;rantell.
Bids for )i8 tribn tor, Roller t.: Storage Tanz
The Manager stated this was the time and place set for the opening of bids for a
dis tributor, Storage Tank and Roller. He presented/affidavi t of public ation of the
Notice to Bidders, whereupon, it was c.,oved by Commis,:::Jioner Busch, seconded by Mayor
Boey that the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the follOlvinS Aye
and No vote; t;-~ose vot:1.ng Aye being Mayor Hoey, and Commissioner Busch; those voting
No, none.
The following bids were opened and read:
Stef.feclc Equipment Company
M~dland Implement Company
Hall-Perry Machinery Company
Lovelace' Motor Supply Co.
Roller 'Tank
.~ll 495.00 365.00
317.00 + I
($100 for :-renting Unit)
Dis tributor
Western Construction & Equip. Co.
A. N. Eton ~,':etals Products Compan;!
i" steel
After hearing the representatives present describe their product bid on, it was
moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey, that the bid of the Hall-Perry
Machinery Company for the dis tribu tor be accepted and the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch;~ those
voting No, none.
The bids for a storage tank were discussed, and after discussion, it was decided
the bid of the A. N. Eton Metals Products Company, including pipes for a heating unit
and of heavier metal construction was the best bid, and it was moved by Commissioner
Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey that the bid of the A. N. Ston Metals Froducts Company
for -iff metal storage tank wi th hea tine; unit ins tailed be accepted and the mot i,m was
carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoeyand
Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none.
The purchasing of a roller was disDussed by the Commission and Willis Springer,
Street Superintendent, and it was decided' not to purchase a roller at this time.
Claim -- Study Guides for Radio Operators
The Manager presented Claim Nq. 791, of the Superintendent of Documents for fifteen
study guides and reference ma teriel for Commercial Radio Opera tors, in the amoun t of
;~1.30. After examine tion of the claim, it was moved b~" Mayor Hoey, seconded by Com-
missioner Busch tha t the claim be allowed and warrant drawn for its ra yment and the
motion was carried by the followine Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being l'.ayor I-Ioey,
and Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none.
Applicntion for City License
The applica tioD of the RUB tic Inn for a City Licnese was presented and read. It was
moved by Connnissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor IIoey that the application be approved
and the license issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those votIng Aye being Mayor IIoey, and Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none.
There being no further buslness to come before the CommisGion at this time, it was
moved b:r Commissioner Busch, seconded by Ma::ror Hoey that the meeting ad,journ and the
mo ti -'n was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye beinc; Mayor Hoey
and Corrrnissioner Busch; those votj.ng No, none.
~-of the Commission