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Boz eman, Mon tana
May. 29th, 1941
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in an adjourned session, in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, I}'hursday evening, May 29th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock E.M. 'rhose
bein~ present were Mayor Hoey, Comrrdssioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney
Aitken, City Kanager Lake and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner
Sorenson, seconded by Comrrdssioner Busch that the minutes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor
Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Rules ~,~ Rel7tlla tions for folic emen :~ Firemen
Mr. R. C. Embry, Police Chief; W. O. Matthews, F'ire Chief; and Wm. Pent':lla, Fire-
man, appe9red before the CO!!L"'l1iss10n and discussed the proposed Rules & Regula ti ons for
the Policemen and Firemen.
Representa ti ves of the Fire Depa rtmen t s ta ted t..~ey would
carry out the rl11es as submitted by the C01TI."'l1i.ssion, btJ.t sucgested that it would add to
the efficiency of both Departments if another person was available for desk duty be-
tween the hOl1rs of midni:"\ht and 8 0' clock in the morninG. 'rhe ma tter was di sellS sed
further b:r the Commission but no def ~ni te action was taken.
Protest W & C 1941
L~r. '11. B. Holker, 1104 South B'iftb, appeared before the Commiss ion to reques t tha t
he be relieved of the order to construct 168 feet of new walk on ~est Arthur Street.
He stated, that in his opinion, the order would cause him considerable burden wi th the
new paving just installed; th3 t the walk would only serve one house and this family
could get to sidewalk by using tbe pavinp: on Arthur Street between Fourtb and Third
Avenues; that at the time this house was built no sidewalks were built and no other
houses were facing this street between Fourth and Fifth and the si tuat:ton has not
changed. Mr. Holker stated further that if at any time more homes were constructed
on this street, he would feel obligated to put in the sidewalk; that as it now stands,
it was his request not to construct the walk at considerable expense, against ano.ther's
request that he ShOll.ld construct it.
Mr. I-Iolker was informed b';t the COr:L'11is si on th8. t Kr. Joe Livers had made several
requests to have a walk constructed here and they felt at t.hat time if Mr. Livers
needed an ou tie t, connec tine; wi t::l 0 ther axis ting waU::s, and in case Mr. Holker had
no valid objections they would order the walk in.
After further discussion, }Lr. IIolker was informed that the Cit:l Comr.11ssion would
rescind the order to construct the new walk.
Bids for Cast Iron Pipe
The Manager stated that this was the time and place set for the opening of bids
for cast iron pipe. He presented the affidavit of publication of the Notice to Bid-
ders, whereu.[Jon, it was moved by Commissioner BUSCh, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson,
tha t the bids be opened and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te;
those vo t:~ng Aye be' ng Ma yor Eoey, Commls s ioner Bus ch and COnJr.lis cloner Sorenson; those
voting No, none.
The following bids were opened and read:
Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co.
American Cast Iron Pipe Company
United States Pipe & Foundry Co.
;~ 1913.10
18' lang ths
16' lengths
12' lengths
After discussion of the bids submitted, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded
by Commissioner Sorenson that the bid of the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company for
l8-foot length pipe and for a carload of 60,000 pounds be accepted and the motion was
carried by the followine: Aye and No vote; those votine; Aye being Mayor Hoey, Comrdssioner
Bu:::ch and COlmnissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Applic~t'o~s for City License
The following applica tions for City License were presented and read:
E. f'-. Park
Frahk Bonn
Tuttle's Service
Hous e of Mus ic
Vince's Hair Shop
Nelson Shell Service
and the application of the Elk's \Jlub for City Liqnor License as a club was presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the
applica tions be approved and the lic ense is sued and themotion was carried by the fol-
lowine; Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being ~\;ayor Hoey, Comm.ls d oner Busch Emd Com-
missioner Sorenson; those votJng No, none.
Appointment to Recreation Board
The Mayor announced theappointmen t of ~'[rs. Ernes t Anderson as a member of the
Recreation Board. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Soren-
son that the appointment be approved and the motion was carried by the followlng Aye
and No vo te; those vot tng Aye be ing Mayor Hoey, Commis si oner Bll.sch and ColTlJTIls s ioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
There beInr; no further b1Jsiness to come before the Commissi:m at tLls time, it was
J'l"ovod bJT Commissioner Dusch, seconded b~T Commissioner Sorenson that tLe meetinc adjourn
and the motion was carried by the followinc Aye nnd No vote; those votin:" A-;,re being
Mayor Boe:i, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
~f the vommission