HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-20 I I I B.2fj Bozeman, Montana June 20th, 1941 r1'11e Conunls'ion of 'l'he City of Bozeman met in regular session in tl:le Commission Room, City Hall Buildinz, Priday evening, June 20th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock F.ti. l].'h088 beinG present were r:iayor Eoey, Commissioner,!1J8ch, Commissioner Sorenson; City Attorney Aitken, C:i ty Manager Lake, and the Clerl{ when the follow':.ng proceedings were had to-wit: 'rh8 m:inu tes of the last rC[jtUar session were read and it v,as moved by Commissioner provod as read Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be 'ap-/ ,'me trle motion was car- ried by the following Aye and Ko vote; thos e vo t'L ng I'; ye bel r,Q" -""a \Tor Hoe IT ~-~ ~ ~ , ("'I ,. ~ l.Jomm.L S S.L oner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, nona. Iy~'is c. ';"v' t/,', C 1 9 41 'The I.1anager presented a list, prepared by the City Enr;incer, of t1108e persons who have not complied with or made arranl3ements for the installation and/or repair of thoir sidewalk as ordered by the City Commission. The list was accompanied by the Engineer's es tima tes of quanti tie s for the cons true tion and/or repair of the walks. It was moved by Commissioner Snrenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of Misc. ~ & C for 1941 and tho motion was carried by the followinr, Aye and Ko vote; tl:lOS e bein? 1 I 'f r ~ .. I''.)"l .,1a:lor iJ.oey "...,0nnn.LSS loner .L..>U3 cn vo ti ne; Il.ye ~ (", . ,. ana uommlSS.LOner Sorenson; those votinG No, none. Resolution No. 497 Intention to Create SI~ No. 336 The j,,;anap;er stated trwt the City Att:)rney as instrl1cted fIBS prepared the Hesolution of Intention to create Special Improvement District No. 336, paving of Arthur Street be- tween Fourth and Fifth Avenues and Fifth Avenue between Garfield and Hayes. lie presented Resolution No. 497, entitled: A RESOLU'l'IQII; OF THE COlITI\lISSION OF 'l'lh;: C ITY 01~ B02,],:,^..N, hjOJii'l'Al;A, 02CLAIi.IlW IT '1'0 13:::: THE IN'l'EKTION 0 B' 'I'l-IS CITY OF BOZEr.:Ai'; TO:;::\~A TE A S1' eCI A:l... n,IP:qOVI~~;:;j;NT :lISTTII~T '1'0 BE Kt\O';iN AND DESIGN.AT:W AS SFECIAL p.:1-'rzOV:s~.T~NT ~ISTRICT ~m~mER 336 OF THE CITY OF BOZL<;IfAN FOR THE FURi) OSE OF COlTS'l'ln)~;TL"G CUHBS, AND .F'A VE- l.fENT OK WEST ARTHUR STR:::ET BETWEEN TILS WEST LINE 01" POUIZ'I'II A VE1JUE, SOUrl'H, AND T'tiE EAST LINE 01" FIF'TH AVENUE, SOUTH, AKD OK 2Il"TL ;,VElTUiS, S'JUT'E, 3E'l',iEEL THE sourr:a Ln;-E 01'" WEST' GAR.}t'IELD STREET AND TIm NOH'l'}-j LIlrs OF' WEs'r HAYES SnmE'I1: AND A STOm-.': SE'vVJ~R ON F'IP'll11 AVENUE, SOurl'I.i:, BGT',;;~i.;;J;: C1-ABF'Ii:i:LD fiIJJ I1il.Y:i;S S'l'HEErrS, I NCL1.IDIJ-': G A IVlo,NHOLS AT 'I'HL<: f'IFTli A VENUi!; l\.l{G IiAYES .sTn~::-,;rI' IIIJ'l'ERS2C TION. It was moved by Cor.nnissioner Busch, seconded by Commissloner Sorenson that the Reso- lution be passed 8.nd adopted and July 11th, 1941 be set as the date for hefctring protests and the motion was carrl ed by the following ':I.ye and No vo te; t:-, os e vo ting A:re be ing l..ayor T'.. C '. . ,oey, ommlSS loner Busch and Commissioner Sorens0n; those vo tine; };o, none. Application for City License The applicat10n of the Master Improvement for a City License was presented and read. It was moved by Commlssioner BUSCh, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson tha t the applica ticn be approved and the license issued and the motion was carried by the following riye and no 'Tote; tbose yoUng Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner 13uscl: and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Eepol't The report of the State Bonrd of Health for water:nspection was lJresented. It was moved by Co:mmis s ioner Sorenson, seconded by COID.'rlis s loner Busch tha t the report be accepted and ordered fi led and the mo tion was carried b~T the following Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and COm.Jl1iss.Loner Sorenson; those votJ..ng No, none. 326 Arnory Lease Opposed Kr. L. W. Plummer, appeared before tho Commis si on to inquire about the leas :!ng of the Armory Build:i.ne: by The City of Bozeman and stated tl13t he did not think it advisable to take over the leasing of the building at this time and also pay the maintenance which would amoun t to a large sum and thought tho. t a per lod of twen ty-fi ve years was too long to lease the building; that he come to get rrore information about the leasIng of the b lJ.ilding. The Commission explained tlle details of Ute lease, the anticipo.ted income and from what SOllrces the;! expected the income, and the estimated majntenance costs;'that.the City Commis 31 on had given this ma tter of leasIno: the Sbl to Armory a grea t deal of cons idera- tion and had concluded th8t it was for the best interests of the Cit;.' and its inhabitants. Resohltion Yo. 496 -- Authorizing Contract for Lens irg Armor;" The ~,ff.anager ststed th8t tho City Attorney as instructed at the last meetin.a' had prepared the Resolution authorizing trle Mayor and the Clerk to si,l7n a contract of lease wlth the Montana Armory Board for the use by The City of Bozeman of the Ar~ory now in the course of construction. I!e pres en ted Resolu t ion No. 406, en ti tled: A RESOLUrl'ION OF THE CONIIH8SION OF '1'HiC; Cl'l'Y OF BOZEM."'.N, MONTANA AU'11HOIUZING THE MAYOR AND THE CLERK OF TIlE CITY COM!viISSION '1'0 'LSX1~CUTE AND JELIVi.m ON BEHALf" 0Ii' ~L'IE CITY A CON'I1RAC'l' OF L=ASE \i'I'l'H lWNTANA ARMORY BOARD POR niB tTSE BY TILE!: CITY OF THE AmWRY NOW IN counSE OF COHs'rRc:)'rION 3Y SAID ARMOHY ;30ARD IN TIlL: CITY OF" BOZEIv:AN, rr.ON'rANA. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by COr.1missi oner Busch that the ResollJtion be passed and ndopted and the moti,m was carried by the followine; Aye and 1;0 vote; those votIng Aye beinG Mayor Boey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner SorsmWD; those vo t' ne No, nDne. 'l'he Contract as authorized b7.' Commission Resolution No. 496, was presented, approved as to form by tho City Attorney, sicned and executed. 8103 inr: Offi ce Jllly 5 th '1'he matter of closina' the City Offices, Saturday Morning, July 5th, 1941 was broup:ht up. 'rho Commi~sion expressed approval of closin~ the offices that day. 1\(Jj OlJrnmcn t There beInG no further bllsiness to come before the Commission at th::s time, it was moved by Com;nissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by tho following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Eoey, Commissioner 3uSGh and COn1"'1issiOl er Sorenson; those votina' No, none. 2s.t~ GC ~ f h "1 -C' . i lerk 0 t 0 v ty ommlSS on I I I