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Bozeman, !v'on tana
July 4th, 1941
The Cornmission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, July 4th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.!.'. 'l'hose being
present were Commissioner Bl1sch. There not being a sufficient number present for a
quorum, the meeting was adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.!:. l:Ionday, July 7ttl, 1941.
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met :in
Bozeman, IvIontana
July 7th, 1941
rep;u lar
an adjr-mrned7sesslon,
I..iorrmissi on ,
City Hall Building, Monday evening, July 7th, 1941, nt 7:30 o'clock
,t.; . I\;!. _
be:ing present were Mayor Hoe;", Commissioner Busch, CommL'sioncr Sorenson, Cit~T Attorney
Aitken, City Manager Lake, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk, when the fol-
lowing proceedings were had to-wit:
'1'he minutes of the lRst reP:1l1ar session were road and it was rr;oved by ""omrnlsc) loner
Sorenson, seconded by Gommissionor Bnsch that the minutes be approved as road and the
motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and li:o vote; tLoso voting A:re beinr; ~'Ia:!or IToey,
Commissioner Busch and Commissloner ::3orenson; those vot'ng No, none.
Applications for City Licenses
Yr. Robert E. Emerson, Agent for the Animal Oddities Show appeared before the Com-
mission, to ask that his show be allowed to rl'n three days, July 10th, 11th, and 12th;
tha t he has met wi th a cornml ttee of the Junior Chamber of COD1r.1erce and it Is agreeable
witll tllem" whereupon tbe Conunission the Com..mission stated they lmd no objections.
The }.':an8.cer presented the followiD[' applications for Cl ty Licenses whicrl were read:
Animal Oddities Show
Belshaw for Tires
Hi-way Cafe
E. R. I3aile:~
Dr. I'!. C. Dawes
A. Schlecten
d b,., . .
movo' .:! l",omml8:'noner
sec onded b;r COI':'.mis s ioner DUS cll tha t the appli-
ca tions be approved and the licenses issued and tho motion was ~arried b:' the f'ollowin!"'r
Aye and No voto; those votin!3 Aye being Mayor Hoe:!, Cor:nnissioner Buscrl and Commissioner
~orenson; those votin~ No, none.
I3ills for the :',ion th
Claims Nos. 9t30 to 1200 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows:
"Na ter
1-'. L. & P.
S. I. D. Revolving
Cemetery Suspense
~V 1,115.63
;~ 19,704.51
The 1.ran3r:er stated that he has audited these cla,lms and finds tLem to be true and
lawful claims against The Clty of Bozeman and recoml'1onds thnt warrants be drawn for their
payrrcn t. After exam:!n8 tion of the claims in de tail by the Commis C1 .-I.oners, it was moved
b::~ CommJs s ioner Sorens on, seconded by Commis 8i oner 3118 ch th'_\ t war ran ts be drawn f or the ir
payr;!cnt and t.!:le motion was carried by the following '''ye and l~o vote; those vot\nz Aye
being ~!jn:~or Hoe;', Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tlose voting No, none.
Request to Use Dog Wa~on
Mr. Harold RushinR: and Jay Oliah, of the Junior Chamber of COllil11erce appeared before
t}Je City Com:rnisslon and asked permission to lJSe the Cit;' Dog Vw'ac;on for their I\ancraroo Court
carried on iT' connec t:'Lon wi th tIl.e Bozeman Roundup. The Commls 8i on expres sed approval of
lendinf.'; the Dog V'Jagon to be lJ80d by the Junior Chamber of Commerce for tr18ir Kangaroo Court.
The follow:'Ln;;r reports for the mont:: of June, were presented:
Pire Chief
Health Officer
Police Judge
o erne ter\' Boa rd
Ollie f of Folice
Emplo;Tment Offj.c er
~jja tel' Collec tor
Buildin~ Inspector
Plumb1np, Inspector
SWir.u'TIing Poo 1
I t was moved by Comm1r1 s lor er Bus ch, see onded by Cornrnls s1 oner Sorenson tho. t the
reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye
and No vo te j tbos 8 vo tin'" Aye beIng l\Ta:ror H08:T, Commis si oner Bus ell and Commie sior or
Sorenson; those votIng Ko, none.
Police Radio 0iscussed
Sheriff L. I Vies tla ke appeared before the Commis s ion to ,l:tscus s a radio to be used
by the Coun ty and Ci tv law enforcemen t officers. 1':1'. ':108 tlal:e s ta ted tllO C01.mty Com-
rr is s loners had s ta ted they 'WOlJ Id pay 1/3 part of the ins talla tion cos t not to exceed
:~;GOO .00 and 1/3 of tbe cos t of repairs. He also presen ted informa tion he had obtained
from investJ..r;:ation of other radIos used for this purpose. The matter was discussed
at lenc;th by the Commissioners and Er. vVestlake, and it was decided to prepare sl)ecif-
icn tions SlJ i table for advertls i1"e-: for bj ds for a radio for tIle Ci ty only and also
for a radio to be used by the City and the County combined.
T~rrploym~~nt of ~T1"ion Labor D.iSC1JS sed
Mr. J. RoO' Connell, and two 0 ther memb ors of' the 'reams tor's Local Union appeared
before the Comrnis~ion stat~n[': they had been appointed as a ComMittee, by their Union, to
Investl~Bte an alled~ed ~rievance.
-- -.-
'l'be pr_~ncipal grievance, tlle:y stated, was thn t The City of Bozeman had av...-arded a
contract for the construction of tt,-e30zeman J'J.1rport to a firm from the South, instead
of a iNestern firm, and ttlis firm from the South was known to be unfr10ndly to organ-
izecl labor. When advised by Ute (,:ayor, that the Cit~,T had nothin[ to do w:Lth the lettinc;
of this contr3.ct, and it would be lmjust to hold SlJch a ;:::rievance 8[';ainst the City, the
Committee failed to naJ'11e 8n~T other specific grievance, but stated, there was 8 ,,;enoral
dissRtisfaction vv'itj, the relations between their Union and the City, and their Union
, ....
haC. under consid<'3ration placin!",: the r.Tayor and the two Commissioners, as well as the
City Vanager, on tho unfair list.
Numerous conditiors were discllSsed, and the Committee vms s}'~ovm thnt trle Cit~T did
employ 1mion labor wherever skilled labor was needed, except where regular Ci t;r employees
could do the work at no extra cost to the Cit:n thf::t the Cit:,r Ad!11.inistration had no
objection to oreanized labor, and no objection to labor orsanizlng.
The Cit~r Attorney st,gted HIe laws of our country c:id not r;crIT'it cities to enter
in to contra c ts v; i tll 13. bor or~aniza ti ons, but did no t prevon t tbem from bar[a:nin; wi th
labor. TIlo Committoe left, stating tlie:r felt tlle; had ';Jee" sisin:'ormec: on matters
affectlnp their orpani~ation.
l~:J l 0-;,,] rnrion t ,..
, There be:.nF': no further busIness to come before the ()omml:':~ion nt thIs time, :it was moved
bv Commissioner"So1'enson, seconded by Gom. E1J3Ch thfit the moeting'!d,journ and the mot:i'n was
c;rr:ied. Hoe:c".sorenson and nU30t votinp Aye; t'osc vot:i,n'" T'To, none.