HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-11 I I I Bozeman, Montana July 11th, 1941 33t The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Comr.1ission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, July lIth, 1941 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Hoey, Com..l1issioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken, City Manager Lake, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the fol- lowing proceedings were had to-wit: adjourned The minutes of the last/regular session were read, Bnu it was moved b::;r Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e voting Aye being Mayor lIoe;T, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Public Hearing SID No. 336 The Manager stated that this was the time and place set for public hearine of Special Improve1':1ent Distri8t No. 336, paving on Art:':1ur Street between .F'ourth and 1i'ifth Avenues and on Pifth Avenue between Garfield and Hayes Streets. he presented affidavit of publica tion of the No tice and the Clerk's 11:ailing Gertifica te tha t all property owners had been notified. He presented the wri tten protests of 62c}Jb of the property owners. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Com~issioner Busch that the protests be sus tained and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Iloey, Commissioner Busch and CO:!Y'crnissioner Sorenson; those votinR.: No, none. Bids for Misc. W & C 1941 The Manager sta ted this was the time and place set for the opening of bids for the construction of I'tIisC. IN" C for 1941. He presented 8.ffidavlt of publication of the Notice to Bidders, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded b:T CoIn.tl1issioner Sor- enson tho.t the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; th.ose voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissi oner Busch and Commissio'lCr Sorenson; those voting No, none. The follow:1.nr; bid was opened and read: A. Tobin " ;;p 2,052.50 City Ene;ineer, L. 3. Thorpe, was present and stc.tcd the bid was within the estimated cost, and it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by ComJl11ss10Der Ijorenson that the con tree t be awarded to A. Tobin and the mo tion was carried by the follow ing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being r,layor Hoe:;, Com:-dssioner Busch and COrrL.111ss10ner Sorenson; tr.ose voting No, none. Contrac t for Cem8 ter;' Service Building The l,=anager presented the contract with 1f1. D. Wllmore for the construction of a Service Building at the Cemetery. The contract W3S approved as to form by the City Attorney. W. D. .Wilmore was present and stated he had underestimated his bid and was reluctant to signing the contract. It was pointed out to Mr. 'iilnorc that it would. be to his advantage _90ncl to go through with the contract, and that by furnishJng a persona~ which would be accep- table to the City, money could be saved. After furtr.ler discussion, I\':r. Wilmore stated he V'JolJld sien the contract, whereupon,it BUS9h was moved by CommissioncI/, seconded by COrrL.':lissioner Sorenson thr, t the l.ia:ror and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for The City of Bozeman WrlOn a suitable bond is furnished and approved by the Clt:r Attorney, and provided f'urt:ler that the bond be furnished by Wednesda y, July 16 th, 1941, and the motion was carried b;;' the follC!wlng A'Te .; and No 'vote; 332 those voting Aye being Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting r-;o, being Mayor Hoey. Report The report of the Director of Finance for the month of June, ID4l was presented. It was moved b~( Commissioner Busch, seconded by COI'1Jnissioner Sorenson tl1st the report be ac- cepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following J:'.ye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor IIoe7t, Cornmiss ioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tLose voting No, none. Union Labor Discussed Mr. Clm s. Iillapp, F. o. Berkey, and Ed. Warner appeared before the Commls s ion as a conuni ttee from the Trades E,: Labor Council to ask if the C1 t:~ of Bozeman would agree, tha t in the future, not to use tbe:i.r employees to do plastering work; that there seems to be a general dissatisfaction witl} tLe relations between the Unions and the City; and after further discussion and explanations, it was decided to bnve a repretlentative of each union meet wi th the Com:rnis sion and dls cus s these grievances and s eo if the dissa tisfac tions could be straightened out and a better understanding be restored. Applications for City Licenses The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read: F. A. Ripley, Inc. Baxter Hotel Gallatin Packing Co. & Slaughter House It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Buaeh that the appli- cations be a;:proved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by trIe following Aye and No vote; those votinG Aye being r,;ayor Eoey, Conunissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those votinG No, none. Limited Perking ON North Tracy The }i:anager stated Mr. R. M. Ese:ar had made a request for 90-minute parking on r0rth Tracy for one block. The ManElger was ins true ted to inJ.'orm Kr. EsgE\r to presen t a petit::..on makinG this request. Land on Water Shed The Manager stated the Nortl:1ern Pacific Railway Co. owned 4398 acres of land on the sou th wa ter shed and had offered to sell this land to Tbe City of Bozeman for 75rJ an acre. The I,:anager was ins tnl cted t:") :r.1a ~{e an offer of 37B-~ an acre to the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company for this land. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by COIinnissioner Busch that tri.O meeting ad,iourn and the motion was carrIed by the Ii'ollowing Aye and No vote; those votinG 1l.'Je being Mayor IIoey, Commissioner Busch and Commiss:'Loner Sorenson; thoJe votins No, none. /..- I r- I I