HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-18 I I I Bozeman, Montana July 18th, 1941 Baa The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session, in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, July 18th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.l\,1. '1'hose beinrr o present were LTa':lor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney -'>itken, Ci ty Manager Lake, Direc tor of I"inance Vial ter Davis and the Clerk, when the fOllowinc pro- ceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Boey that the minu tes be approved as read and the mo tion was carrled by tbe following Aye and No vote; those votinG Aye being IvTayor Hoey and Comr;;is:'ioner ~orenson;those voting No, none. Commissioner Thlsch entered and was noted present Applications for City License The followin'" applications for City Licens es were presented and read: Dutch MIll Tom ?;icCusker C .I~. Whi tehead Cen tral Motors Beley's DrUG Store Bozeman Meat Uarket Leonard Pfohl It was moved b;,' Commissionor Sorenson, seconded by Corru11is8ioner Busel" that the appli- cations be approved and tbe licenses issu,ed and the motion was carried by tl:e following Aye and No vote; those votIng Aye beinr: Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busel: and COlTUTi:Lssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Contract for Misc. W & C 1941 The dontract of A. Tobin for the construction of Misc.~'i & C 1941 was presented. The contract was approved as to form by the City Attorney, WherelJpOn, it W8.S moved b::r Commls- sioner Busch, seconded by Co~~issioner Sorenson that the contract be a,proved and accepted sub.ject to the approval of' the bond and the motion vias carried bytbe following kJe and No vote; those voting Aye bejng Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner ;;Sorenson; those voting 1;0, none. Municipal Emplo:,:,cees Union Mr. John Szi tnicl{, Chas. Knapp, 1". o. Berl{ey, Jacl( Case:/, G. A. ~:::tller a}'::pearecl before the Cormnisf;ion as a committee from the Trades & Labor Council and stf:lted they were appointed by their orGanization to Sbldy ~ln:ci~Bl Labor Unions as organized and operated in other cities in r.!ontana, and would report their findings to the City Commissi"n. Airport t.f. . +',_B .J 0 r Army Engineer, was present and reported on tho progress of the ,Airport Seele, now being const~lcted. 1.1 Resolution No. 498. Mtnco Assrnt. The Manager stated the Resolution levying the assessr,ent for parldng maintenance for t~e year 1941, in the at:101JD t of :nj2, 700.30 had been prepared. lIe pre8 ented Resolu tion No. 408, en ti tled : A R,:SOLU'rION OP TEE COl'/f'ISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZE!'i;AN LEVYING Mm ASSESSIKG A SPECIAL ASSESS1~EN'l' OF TAX2:S UPON ALL 'I'IlE iROPEH'l'Y I:r\ SJ?ECIAL ni:PIWVETd!;N'l' DIS RICTS ()fo' 'rEE CrfY,OF BOZEh:l\N, COUNTY OF GALL/I '::'IN, S'I'A'I'S OF T.JOFTAN/\, POR TIlE l;:AIN'rENANCE Or<" PAHKIlmS TO :JEFRAY TLE COST OF' r.!AIN'l'AINn:G THE }'ARKII\~GS 'IVI'l'iTIN SA.ID SPECIAL HiPROVEYf:::NTS DlS'l'RICrrS OB' 'I1Eb~ CITY 01<' Bozgl.rAE FOR TIlE YEAR 1941. It was moved by Commis sioner Busch, seconded by Coronls s ioner Sorenson tha t the resolu- tion be provisionally passed and July 25th, 1941 be set as the date for hear:1nG protests anu the motion was carried by the fo'llowine; Aye and 1(0 vote; those voting Aye beIng Kayor JIoe~T, Commissioner Busch and COT!'1l"1issioner Sorenson; those votinG J.Jo, none. 334 Resolution No. 409 - Snow Assessment The Manager stated the Resolution levying the assessment for the removal of snow for the yenr 1940-41 in the amount of $87.68 had been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 409, entitled: A RESOLU'rIon OF 'rEE COl'atISSION OF TIE CITY OF BOZEI;AN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECI1\.L ASSESSMEN'l' OF TAXES UFO1\: CERTAnr PROPERT!l;;S IN nlE CITY OF' BOZEIiiAN, COUNTY OI<' GALL,\'l'IN, S'l'ATE OF MOETANA, TO DEFRAY TEE COST OF' R':"~MOV!,L 01" SNOW FOR TEE YEi\R 1940 -1941 FURSUAN'I' TO i'ROVISIONS OF ORDINl',NCE NO. 502 ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F'OR TBE REMOVr~L OF SNOW F'ROl.I 'I'llE SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN AND RSPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: tAt ORDINANCE PROVI0ING FOR TEli; REMOVAL OF Sr~OW AND ICE, DIRT, FILTIl AND OTIER OBSTTII'CTION FROM SIDEWALKS ON MAn:; S'rREE'l' BErrWEEN WALLACE AVENUE ANDillUR'l'H AVEliUE IN TLE crT]' OF' BOZEI:IANtll It WI~S moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Comrrdssioner Busch tha t the Resolu tion be provis ionally passed and July 25th, 1941 be set as tbe da te for hearing protes ts and the r:otioYl was carried by tIle following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being }r,Tayor Hoey, ~ommis3:ioner Busch and Comr.lissioner j;Jorenson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 500 -- Sprinkling Assmt. '1'he IIanager s ta ted the Resolu tion 1e vying the assessment for sprinlding m..qin tenance for the year 1941, in the amount of $812.85, had beer' prepared. He presented Resolution No. 500, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TlIE COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEYiAl:; LEIT'II1\"G AND ASSESSIKG A SPECIAL ASS.1i:SSKEl::T OF TAXES UPOF ALL Trill PRO,?i..m'IY IN STRIi:.2T SI'Rnrl'\LING DISTRICTS OF' TIm CI1'Y OF Bozm,:i\N, COUlTTY OF GALLA Tn;, STA 1""2 01" lWNTANA, TO DEFRAY SEV".21~TY- FIVE FER CENT OF' TIIE COS'l' OF SPRn~KLIKG STREF~TS WITHIN SAID STREET SPRINKLI1\G DISTRIC'l'S OF IrITE CITY OF' BOZEf':M F'OR 'I'HE YEAR 1941. It was moved b:l Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Reso- lution be provisionally passed and July 25th, 1941 be set as the date for hearing protests and the motion was carried by the following AJre and 1\0 vote; those voting Aye being Ma:;or Hoe:r, COT11rl"lssloDcr Busch andCommiRsioner Sorenson; those votinG No, none. Resolution No. 501 -- SID 334 Ass~t. The ManaGer stated the Resolution levying the assessment for Special Improvement District No. 334, sanitary sewer on North Rouse, between Lamme and Aspen Streets in'the amount of $5839.63, had beer: prepared. He presented Resolution No. 501, entitled: A RESOLUTIOl; 01:<' TIE co]'n,'ISSION OF TL},; CI'l'Y OF 130Z1~],{AK, IWFTAHA, LEVYING AND ASSESSnW A SFECIAL ASSESSIi8NT OF TAXES UPOX ALL TIlE PR01;';iRTY IN S.l:-ECL\L B;- FROVEl,fENT l)ISTRICT NO. 334 IN TEfi~ CITY OF BOZl~MAN, COUIPI'Y OB' GALLl\'I'IN, STA'TE o Ii' ~:ON'I1ANA, TO DEFRAY TEE COST or;' CONSTRrrCTING AND MAKING THE n:fROVEIrENTS VH'l'EH SAID SPECL'lL IMPHOVSr!.ENT DISTRICT NO. 334. It was rtoved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Cornnissioner Busch that the Reso- lution be provisionally passed and July 25th, 1941 be set as the da te for hear:!.ng pro- tes tE: and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye be Jrg l\lI:ayor Boey, Com7issioner Busch and Commlssioner Sorenson; tbose voting No, none. Ad j ournmen t There being no flJrther business to come before tl:eCornrnission at U::.ls time, it was moved b-:T Co;rrn"issioner Sorenson, seconded b:r vommissioner Bnscb that tIle meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votIng Aye beir1g Hayor Hoey, Co:mmiss ioner Busch and Comrr.is sioner 80renson; those votine; No, none. Attest: ~~ Cl rl: 0 the City '-'or.unission I I I