HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-10 1 I 1 271. Boz eman, Ivbn tana Jan']ary 10, 1941 rr'he Commis s1 on of '1'he Ci t~r of Bozeman me t in regular sess ion in the Commission Room, City I:lall Buildinc, I;'riday evenine, January 10, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. 'l'hose being present were Iv!ayor Uoey, Commissioner Buseh, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken, Ci ty Manager Lake, Direc tor of }1inance 'iVaI tel' Dc.v:.s and the Clerk when the following pro- ceedines were had to-~it: The minutes of the las t regularsession were read and it was moved by Commissioner Buser:" seconded by Comrnis:Jioner Busch, seconded by COT:1I111ssioner Sorenson that tho minutes beapproved as read anr~ the motion was carried by the follow:tne; Aye and No voto; tl,ose voUng Aye being Mayor Hoey, CommisE;ionor Busch and Comm::'ssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Repor t 'rho report of the Director of Finance for the montl: of ..Jecember ID40 was presentee.. It was moved by ConIDia oS ionor Sorenson, seconded by Commls oS loner Busch tr13. t the ro~:ortbo accepted and ordered filed an:l the motion was carried by the f'o llov;ing Aye and 1';0 vo te; those votinp, Aye being l.,ayor 1Toe~, Commls2ioner Busch and COrilr-.isED. or:or Sorenson; those tho. t vo t e d No, non 0 . Report -- Pire elder -- Bullc:~ing at 322 SO~Jth Dlac):: Fire Chief 1.:a t thew~ was presen t and s ta. tcd tha t dur~r..G the pa s t week he had inspec teo. the premises at 322 Sou th Black as .'ns true tad and foun:l the buildino.; 1s in need of repair, in a delapidated condition and enc1an~:r,ers tho buildings and property in the vicinity. The matter was discussed by the COrr-',mission and the Vtre Chief was instrl1cted to serve notice on the oVlner and the occupan t too t the buiLlmg is a public nulsanee. Parkins RestrIctions. ~,"r. 'tim. Lovelace, Lovelace StUdiO, 32 East Babcock, appcared before the Camr1i;;sion and stated that cars are parked in front of his business place all day long and his cus- tamers do no t have a place to park The Platter was discussed by the Commission, and they stated they felt all blJs:i..nesses in the Bus:_ness Zone should be given the sa:Tlc pa.rking consideration as a bus.i.ness on Mal n Strce t. frhe City Attorncy stated that Ordinanee No. 703 authorized tl1Cl City II~annger to ex- tend tho par~clng 11mit to other streets if' convenience or l)1)b11c safet:: requires it. The Manaeer askod the Commi<::sion's approval of extending the ra rking restriction to inchlde that portion of East Babcoclc Street in front of the Lov61acs Stu=~io and all of the North side of West Mendenhall Street between 'l'racy and Willson Avenues. It was moved by Comissioner Busch, seconded by C0111i111ssioner Sorenson trot the regu- lation of tliC City Mannger be approved and the motion was carried by the follo\vlng Aye and No vo to; those votlns Aye being I.:ayor lIoey, Commis si:.JDGr Bus ch and Commie:; 8 loner Soren son; those vo ting No, none. Condemns tlon 0 f Leaso -- Jump Ranch !{r. Ghas. Ballard, tenant on trle Jump Ranch appeared before the Commis[5ion and stated tbat his loss would be .~~3,406.60 if his lease ,'lith l'Ir. Jump was vacated. r.:r. Bal- lard stated that he was willine to arbitrate but would not 3ive possession of the ranch until the report WHS made b:;.' the Board of Arbitrators. 272 Tb.0 natter was discussed by the Coromission, and it was deeided t.bJ-J.t the City wanted and neede;l prompt possossion of the land in Question, and the City Attorney ad- vised tlk'1t such possession could best be assured by condemnation 'proceed~ngs, and the City Attorney WFlS ordered to conti.nue along the lines 3S authorized at the last r.;.eeting. Claims Claims Nos. 108 to 10gB inclusive were presented as follows: State Au to Co. Standard Construction Company Standard Construction Company Standard Cons truc tion C~wpany S tree t Fund General Flmcl SID 333 Bonds SIi) 335 Bonds ,~. ;Ii' 1,069.00 60.99 2,200.00 250 .98 The Manager stated thnt tLese claims are true and lawful claims again:,'t The City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their payment, whereupon it was !!'oved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COlY'Jnlssioner Sorcm20n that warrants be drawn for thai r paymen t ane" the motion wat' carrI e:l by the following Aye and No vote; those ~lOttng A~Te be'ng Ma;'or Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Cor.uniss10ner Sorenson; those voting 11: 0, no ne . Reports nlC followlng annual reports were presented: BuiLJlng Inspector Health Officer Po Ii ce JudGe Come b:;ry Board It \vas moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busc::-:. that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the moticm was carried by the followlne; Aye and No vote; those ~Totine; Aye being Tta;70r Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commlssioner Soren son; tho se vot ing No, none. Application for State Liquor License The application of the Elk's Club for a state liquor License was presented. It was mOiled by Commis sioner BUBel!, seconded by COrT'..mis slone r Sorenson tha t the applica tion be approved and the motion was earried by the following Aye and No \Tote; tLose voting Aye being Iviayor 11ooy, CommiStlioner;:"llscl-1 and Commissioner Sorenson; tb.ose vo-::ing No, non e . Appllca tion for Beer & LiJI10r License The appllcatiorn of the Toohey '8rothors for retail beer license and liquor license were presented and read. It was movod by COTImissioner Busch, seconded by Commis sioner Sorenson that the applications be approved and the licenses issued ann the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote; tlOSO voting Aye bolne; Mayor Boey, Commissionor Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those votlng Ho, none. Application for City License Tb.e following applica tions for Ci ty Licenses were presented and read: Arcade Sta te Auto Wagner's Wai te & Co. M. C. Smiley H. ':;. Slmrle R. F'. Bohart R. R. Sigler P. L. Bohart Corne r Gorcer y J. IT. Phill~tps A. W. De Groot Weiser's Gift Shop Hin es j":otor Supply Boz erran Auto \Vreckers Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co. McCulloch Conoco Servl c e I,'!arshall Furn i ture Store Flemnlng Grocery Company Bozeman Impleroent Company Heetderks & Scherer ClInic Commercial l;a ti anal Bank Gnll9. tin Co. .l\bstract Co. Galla tin Trust & Savings Bank Loy Laun(ir:r The I;'. :\.~. S tudi 0 Lovelace Studio C. E. Cou1s ton Dr. D. R. Seitz Dr. n. C. hl rdum " Modern Beau ty Shop Drs. Saba & Eneboe Wilbank's Variety Coast to Caost Stores Galla tln Hardware Co. Spur Service Sta tion I I 1 1 I I 27:3 It was moved by COmY:1is sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch tha t the ap- plications be approved and the licenses issued an'..1 the motion was carried by the follow- in~ Aye and No vote; .those votingAye being Mayor lleoy, Commissioner BUSCJl and COnL'11iS~3ioner S'lrenson; those voting No, none. Communi ca tion Re 1940 Aud: t The ]'.1a yor read a e orrnnunica tion from Mr. C. .2;. C01,),ls ton, C. f'. A., s ta teing tha t he wovld do the annual 1940 alLit for $265.00. It was moved by Commissioner BUSCh, sec::mded by Commissioner Sorenson th.at the C.:ty hiannger be alJthorized to employ Mr. C.:~. Coulston ~o do the annual BucUt for 1940, and the motion was carried by the following AYD and :No vote; those voting A";,Te being ll'iayor Boey, Commissioner Busch and COJ:l.missioner ;3orenson; those voting No, none. Salary I"ire Chief and Ass :stant The matter of an Increase in the salary of the F'iro Chief and the Assistant Pire C,..,ief which was discussed at the last meeting was again br:)ught up. 'l'he f,:a::'or read communications from Havre, Lewistovvn, Livingston, arid I{ilos Cit:r 2;ivinc: the salaries of the Fire Chie f and Ass is tan t in thos e c i tie s . After discussion by the Cormnission, it was moved b~T Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch th'3.t since the matter of an inerease L salary for the Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire C'hief would not become effective till fl.pril 1st, that action be postponed and the motion was carried by the followinc Aye and No vots;those voting Aye being l'liayor Haey, Gommls:doner Ibsch and Commirsioner ~orenson; those voting Ka, none. Abs trac t D: Ti tIe to Vr3n lIoorn Ranch The City Attorney stated that the Abstract of Title to the Vanlloorn Ranch, tobc used for A:trp:>rt purpos es, had been handed to him; tha t at'tr;r examinat ion of the abs trac t he fTnds the equitable title good but not the legal title and th'lt title S[lOu1(1 be qlllted. The Manager was instrueted to notify Mr. VanHoorn tho.t the City is ready to pay for the land the arnoun t agreed in the option as soon as deed is furnished hnd the title cleared, or that II'Ir. VanHoorn may deposit :~140.00 to cover costs if the C_ity has the title eleared. Cas.r; Required in Advance for all Labor and/or I,ia terials . The matter of the City making repairs or furnishing materials for any job and chargIng the accoun t was discussed, and it was mo ved by Cornmis sioner Busch, seconded by Comrnissioner Soronson that the City Hequire cash in advance for all material and/or labor for any chargeable service or work that is done at any timo in any uepartment and the motion was carr:l.ed by the following ^-:'le and No vote; those voting Aye being T';:a~Tor Hoey, C01nmis[donor Busch and CommIssioner .::)orenson; those vot.ing No, none. Ordinance No. 704 The !iTana<ser stated, that, in accordance with the law, his bUc1[:et recoffi.c"1lendations for the year 1941 were prepared. He presented copies of the recommendations which Yiere discussed and explained in detail. After e:.-amlnation of the recommendations, the Commission stated tm~,r had no addi- tions or amendments, whereupon the riianager stated that an Orclinanee conform'ng Witl:l his recommenia tions for the 1941 budget hed been prepared would be subj cct to admendments on 0 r af ter the pl blie he ar ings and before the final pas sage. lie presen ted Ordinance 274 No. 704, entitled: AN OR'JINANCE APPHOPRIATDlG MONIES li'OR 'l'ITE SIYPORrl' AND IVr.UNTENANCE, E(I'C. OF THE If:UHICIPAL GOVEInn;IEN'l' OD' TIrE C I'l'Y OP BOZE:MAIJ, 1,:01'; 'rAIU\ FOR 'IUE FISCAL Y~~fI.R 1941. It was IT'oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busci] that the Ordi- nance No. 704 be provisionally P~SS0d and January 24th, 1941 and January 31, 1941 be Bet as t!:o da tea for public hearings on the Ordinance and February 14th, 1941 be set as the date for final p3.ssage and the motion was carri.ed by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Co:r.mllssionar Busch and Commi.ssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. A~~ ,jourm:1Gn t Ther'e being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commis<oiloner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner BUSC;:1 that the mc:-eting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; tr:os e voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Cor.nnissioner Busch and COl:Jr.11ssioner Sorenson; thoca voting 1,'0, none. At te s t : L:Iz.y(A~L- Clerk 0 f the Commission ~~ I I 1