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Bozeman, Montana
Augus t 2, 1940
The Commission of r1'he City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commis;:;ion Room,
City Hall Duilding, Friday evening, August 2, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.lit. r:Chose being pres-
ent were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner LAke, Commissioner Busch, City Attorney Aitken, City
Manager Henderson, Direc tor of Finane e Vial ter Davis and the Ac tine; Clerk when the f'ollow-
in[1; proceedIngs were had to-wit:
The mlnu tes of the last re[;Ular session were read and 1 t was moved by Cornrlissioner
Lal{e, seconded by Comrrrission:r Busch trlat the minutes be approved as read and the moti~)n
was carried b~~ the followIng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoe:T, Com-
missioner Busch and COJ:1LY.'1.issionor Lake; those voting No, none.
Bids for SID No. 335 -- Artblr Street between 4th & 3rd
The :Manager stated trm t this was the time and place set for tho openii1e; of bids for
furnishing materlal and the construction of Special Improvement District No. 335, paving
on Art.hur Streot between Third and }i'ourth Avenues. He presented affidavit of the hotice
to Bidders, whereupon, it was moved by Com1111sE,ionor Lake, secomled by Com:"jissioner Busch
tha t the bids be opened anci the mo tion was carried by the follOWinG Aye and No vote;
those vo ting i'.ye being Mayor Hoey, Commis sloner Busch and Connnis s ioner Lake; those vo ting
no, none.
The following bid was opened and read:
Standard Cons trllC tion Company
;;;; 2,134.85.
L. IJ. 'lhorpe, vityG:nlc;neer was present anel stated tho.t the unit prices bid were
the same as that bId on Special Improvement District No. 333, and was wi thin the
estimated cost. It was moved by Commissioner BuSch, seconded by Commissioner Lake
tha t the Standard Construction Compan y be awarded the contract and the motion was carried
by the followj_ng Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye beinG; l'ra~ror Hoey, Commissionor Busch
and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none.
Bond & Contract SID No. 334
The bond and contract of the Standard Construction IJompany for the construction of
Special Improvement 0istrict No. 334, sanitary sower on North H.ouse between Lamme and
Aspen Stree ts was pres on ted. Tho bond and con trac t were approved as to form by the
C i t~r A ttornoy, whereupon, it was moved by Commis s ioner Lake, seconded by CommLs loner
Busch that the bond and contract be accepted and approved and the motion was carried
by the followin[~ Aye and No vote; tho:'e voting Aye being I.,:ayor Eoey, Commissioner
l,alw and COf.1J11is s ioner Bus cll; tho~le vot ing IJo, none.
Applications for City Licenses
The followinr~ applications for Ci ty Licenses were presented and read:
H. G. Darlinton
H. A. Croonquist
Eddy's Bakery
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COnJ111i8fJioner L81<:e tba t the appli-
cations be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by ttJ.e following
Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beinl3 Ma:"or Hoey, Commissioner Busch, and Commissioner
Lal(e; those votin~ No, none.
I30nds for Polic emer,
The I,Ianager s to. ted tha t only two members of the Police force were bonded; tha tit is
his reconnnenda tion tha t all regula r policemen be bonded. The Ci ty Attorney confirmed
the recommendation. After discussion by the Com.nlsE:ion, it was Moved by Commissioner
Lake, seconded by Commis sioner Busch tn.'1 tall regul'.lr members of the Folice force be
bonded for :~l, 000 .00 each, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, CoYltr:1issloner Dusch and Corrm1issioner Lake;
those vo ting Ho, none.
Revocation of City License -- Park Rooms
The Manager stated that duo to the Police Court decision of findinl:': Mr. and r.Trs.
J. J. Sweeney, operators of the Fark Hooms, 9 Soutb Bozeman, guilty of operating a
disorderly houso, the Police .Tuds;e and the Oi ty ~~ttorney recommend tha t the vi ty
License No. 829, issued 1/::ay lBth, 1940 to the I.ark rtooms be revoked. Whereupon, it
was moved by Commissioner Lake, sec;)nded b' Commissioner Dusch that the said licen.'3e
be rovoked 8.nd the Motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those vo ting
Aye belne l\:ayor Hoey, COJl1TIis sioner Busch and Cor:1Inl~, si oner J..Jalw; thos e vo tine; No, none.
Armory to be loca ted in r:ehe Ci t;T of BozoPlan. The plans wero examIned and explained
in detail to the COl11JJ"}islJion, and certain recommendations were passed on to the
Archi teet.
Claims for tbe Month
Claims Nos. 9016 to 9203A wore presented on the var::'ous funds as follows:
Cemetery Suspense
S tre e t
SID No. 333 Bonds
;~ 368.00
l5-,-~~Q.Q . 00
$ 29,370.47
To tal
The Manager s ta ted tb:t t he has audited these claims and :'inds them to be true and
lawful claiMS ae;a:1nst The City of Bozema.n and recommends that warrants be drawn for their
pa7y111ent. After exanination of the claims in detnll by the Comrdssion, it was moved b;;.
Commi::sioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake tl19t warrants bo drmvn for their payment
'with the exception of tho claim of .ti. A. Allen for refund on plumbing inspection fees,
said cla_:m being disallowed and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those vo ting Aye be ing Ivrayor Hoey, COlT1..'11is sioner Bus ch and Commis s ioncr Lake; those
vo ting No, none.
Ropor ts
of July
The followin['; repor ts for the mon thiwere pre sen ted:
Police ..Tudge
F'ire Chief
Celie tery Botord
City Engineer
Building Inspec tor
Flur.::.bing Inspector
It was mo ved b~ Commis sion~:r .....ake, seconded by Commis s loner Bus ch thn t the ro ports
be accepted and ordered filed ~nd the motion VJaS carl~i eel b;' the followln ..~ Aye and No
vote; thosemting Aye being I~:ayor lloey, Commissioner Bushh and Commissioner Lake; those
voting No, none.
There being no further buslness to come before the Commission at this time, it
was moved by CommiDsionor Lake, seconded by Commissioner Buschtha t tr.e meetinc adjourn
and the motion was carried by tho following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beinfT
Mayor Eoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those votinl3 No, none.
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A ting Clerk of the ~ission-
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