HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-08-16 21(1 Boz eman, Mon tana August 16, 1940 The Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met in regular session in the Comrnission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, August l6, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Iviayor Hoey, Commissioner Euact, City Attorney Aitken, Actine; City Manager Davis, and the Clerk, when the follovllng proceedings were liad to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by COmi'11isslonor Bus ch, seconded by Mayor Iioey tha t tho m:'.nu tes be approved as rend and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye be:l.ng Ma yor Hoe y and Com- missionor Busch; tl~ose voting No, none. Applications for CIty Licenses The followinz applications for City Licenses were presented and road: Riggs 1'1'[0 tor Co. Sullivan Implement Co. Snyder's Conoco Station Capitol Produce I t was moved by COrrIT;1i ss ioner Busch, seconded by Mayor IIoey that the applica tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thoe e va tlng Aye being Mayor Hoey and COrL1TIlssioner Busch; those vo ting Ko, none. Sewer Connections Ordered rYrr. and Mrs. ;.~. D. Jeffers, and :r.~rs. :Mark G. Swingle appeared before the Commission to request extension of time to connect with the sanitary sewer as ordered at the last meoting. They s ta ted tha tat the presen t they were employed and planned to do the work themselves later in the year; that in the case of I,f!. D. Jeffers the ditch wOlJld extend the full lengt:l of the lot and across theIr garden; that to make tlle connection at this time would work a hardship on them; tha t they could and WOIJld conneC t not 113. ter than October of this year. After d:'Lscussion by the Comrlission they were informed that it was not the intention of the City to work a hardship on anyone, but advised them thnt from a health standpoint for themselves and others it would be advisable to con- nect to the sewer as soon as pOSSible. ~" 'J ~)oncc Contract -- W & G 1940 The bond and contract of A. Tobin for constrc.lction of r,Tisc. V; 8: C for 1940, were presented. The bond and contract were approved as to form by the City Attorne)" \'lhereu~=on it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoc;y that the bond and contract be accepted and approved; that the Ma :;'Or and Clerk be au thorized to sign for the Ci ty and the certified checl{ be returned to the bidder and the motion was carried b:,: the follow- ing Aye and No vote; tLose vo t:ng Aye being j'<,f:a yor Hoey and CO'I7L'Ylis cioner Busch; tllose voting No, none. Bond 8: Cor, trac t - - SID kJ. 335 The bond and contract ,f the Standard Construction Co~r'pany for the construction of Special Improvement District No. 335, paving of Arthur Street betweenPourth and T:~ird Avenues were presented. The bond and contract were approved as to for:n b7J' the Clt~7 Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Buscr_, seconded by IvIa'Yor Eoey that the bond and contract be accepted and approved; tha t the ]iIa;?or and Clerk be authorized to s 18n for the Gi ty and the certified chec k be returned to the bidder and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those votIng Aye being Mayor lIoey and Com>J1is s ioner Bus ch; tlJOS e vo t:Ll)g };o, none. I I: I 1 I ,I Resolution No. 473, 217 Snov'l Assessmen t The Clerk stated tha t this was the time and place set for hearing protest:,: to levying the assessment for removal of snow for 1939-40. The affidavit of publication of the notice was presented and Resolution No. 473, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF' THE :~m,:~GS3ION OB' THE CITY 02 BOZEI'.:i\.l.T LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPT;cIAL ASSESSMEKT OF TAXES UPON CERTAIN PROFsn'I'I8S IN TIlL CITY OF DOZE:-:AX COUNTY OF GALLl':..'TIN, STA TI: OF I,:OETAN!l., TO D:~FR':,Y 'l'1:!.:': CO._:T OF R::~,;OVAL OF' SIW'N POR TEg YEAR 1939 -40 PURSUANT TO PROVISIOFS OF' ORuINA~:;GE NO. 502, EN'rITLED: "AN ORDINANCE FROVLJING FOR TEE RE!,IQVAL OF SI:O'{l FROE TIlE SIDEWALKS IN Tim CITY OF I30Z~~!tAH AND R:2:PEj\LING ORuINAl;:CE NO. 385,21; TIELD: II AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F'OR THE R.~MOVAL OF SHOVv AND IC8, DIRT, F'ILT2= AND OTIffiR OBSTRUCTION FROM SIDE- WALKS ON !'.1AII\ STRE!~T BET'vvEEN WALLACE AVEl-juS AID FOli'RT:; AVEl;-UE IN TIlE CITY OF BOZEM AN'" . There were no protests filed and no one present to protest, whereupon, it was mO',Ted by Com~1issloner Busch, seconded by Ma~-or lIoey that the Resolutlan be finally passed and adopted &.; the motion was carried by the followinz Aye and No vote; UlOse voting Aye being Commissioner Busch and Mayor Hoe:]; those votIng No, nme. Resolution No. 4'74 -- Sprin1d:i.rE Asser1,,~ert The Clerk stated that this was the time and place set for hear'ng of protests to the levying the assessment for sprinkling for 1940. He pre2ented affidavi t of p1.Jblica tion of the Notice and Resolution No. 474, en ti tled: A RESOLUTION OF THE Cm.~MIS:)IJlT OF 'rILE CITY OF BOZIQ,~U.! L::;;VYING AND ASS~~SSING A Spl~CIAL ASSESSr\~ENT 01:<' TAXES UPON ALL THE I'ROPEnTY IK STRE:T SPRINKLING DIS'I1RICTS OF' TIrE CITY OF' B021<':T',1AN, COUNTY OF Gi\LLATIK, STATE 01" MJNTAlTA, TO DEFRA:~ SI~V[i;NTY-FIVE rl;n C2NT OI" THE CO;:JT OF SJ?HINKLING STREETS WITHIN SAI.J STRm~T SPRINKLING DISTRICTS OF TIlE CITj' 01<' BOZi~Etn; F'Ort TIlE YEAR 1J40. There were no protests filed an no one was present to r;rotest, wheroupon, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, s econcled b;,: Ma'yor Hoeytllat the Resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1;0 vote; tLose voting Aye being Commissioner Busch and Mayorj those voting }To, none. Resolution ~o. 475 Lio:llting Assessl",ent The Clerk stated that this was the time and place set for hearins of protests to the 18vy:~ng of the assessment for lighting assessments for the year 1940. He presented af- fidavit of publication of the l'iotice and Resolution No. 475, entitled: A RESOLUTIOl; OF THE CCnE,IS;:nON Ol" TEE CITY OF BOZfi::..~hN, Mm-~TANA, Lj~VYING AND ASSESSING LIGHTING DISTRICT LIAINTENJUJGE AN.J ELECTRICAL CUn:'mNT COSTS FOR SPECIAL HPROVEMLGNT LIGJTTIIW .JISTRICTS 1:U!',IBERS 100, 284, 288, 289, 290, 295, AND 300, OF THE C I'l'Y 01" BOZE~:AF, FURSUAlJT TO THE FROVIS I::nrs OF SBC'1'IJN' 5266 ;:-:. C. MONTANA 1935. There were no protests filed and no one was present to frotest, Whereupon, it was moved by Cormnissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor IIoey that the Resolution be finally passed and alopted and the motlrm was carried b'y the follow..1.ng Aye and No vote; those votinG Aye be=_ng r,;ayor Hoeyand COrrL'11issioner Dusch; Lhuse voting No, none. ~, 1 i' .\et:;:) V:',:Lon 1]// (j -- :.,T;"l . T'.: n :~. r~ t () ~'_ I r'l C '8 .i.~ D 8 ~; r~ :'",'!t The Clerk stated that this was the time and place set for hearing of pl'otest~; to the levying of the as ses smen t fo r parking ma ln tenance for t lIe year 1940. He presented affi- davi t of publica tion of the Notice and Resolu tion .No. 476, en ti tled: A RESOVJTION OF TIll COMMISSIOF' OF' TIm CITY aD' BOZicl:AIJ IEVYU:G MID ASSESSIKG A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OP TAX1<.;S UPON .:'\1L THE pnOP':~ET'.! In SPECL~ n\;:PROVl.~]'.':'~lJT DISTRICTS or TEE CITY OF' BOZEr.:AH, COUN'l'Y OF GALLATIN, S'l'A TE OF rWNTA1:A,FOR TIne: MAINT.8NANCE 01" P i\RKINGS 'I'O DT~F'Ri;Y TEE CO ~.)T CI" 1(An:'I'A:a~IHG 'l'1m P ARKrr:GS vnTEn~ SAID SPECIAL DirPROVEMENTS DISTRIC'l'S 01<' 1'I~E C I'l'Y OF DOZmri\I'i' l"OR THE YEAR U;40. There were no protests filed and no one was pre8ent to protest, whereupon, it was moved by Comn-oosioner Busch, seconded by Mayol' Hoe:, that the Resolution be finally passed ')18.... f...J. and adopted and the motion was cD,rried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot.Lng !l.ye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch; those voting lTo, none. Resolution 11~0. 478 -- Assessr;lent SID No. 331 Resolution No. 47E3, levying the assessmen t for the construction of Special Improve- mcnt District Ko. 331, sanitary sewer on East r,~ain between Broadway and Cypress, in the an~unt of $1,142.00 was presented, entitled: A RESOLU'rION OF THE CmnUSSION OF' ThE CITY OF BOZ:sr,:r'd'I, 1YIJNTANA LEVYI}~G AHD ASSESSD:G A SF'ECIJ\L ASSl~;SSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL TIJE rROPEHTY IN SPJ~CIAL II,PRO'rEl'"r~NT DISTRICT NO. 331 TK THE CITY OF BOZi,.:I'i:n,;, COUNT:{ OF GALL Nl'IN , STATE OF MONTANA, TJ DEPR';Y TfE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND !.~AKnTG rr'}jE IMFROVE- Mr"~N'l'S WITHIN SAID SPI!:CIAL nIIPROVI:1\;~ENT DISTRICT NO. 331. It was moved by Connnispioner Busch, seconded by Mayor IIoey that the Resolution be provisiona'lly passed and August 23, 1940 be set as the d,:; te for hearing protes ts and the motion was carried b;,r the followlng Aye and !~() vote; thrn e vot~_ng Aye being Commissioner Busch and l.:ayor Hoey; those voting No, none. Resolution Ro. 479 -- Assess~ent SIn Ro. 332 Resolvtion No. 479 levying the assessmen t for the con:: truc t10n of SpecialImprove- n1ent District no. 332, sanitary sewer on Dell Place, in the amount of ~~915.85 was pre- sented, entitled: A RESOLurl'IO~; OP TITE CONirnSSION OP TIlE CITY OF BOZJ~r,;/,N, ~iIONTANA, LEVYING AUD ASSESSING A SFECIAL ASSESSM.EKT 0:2 TAXES UI'OIi ALL '1'1m FROPERTY II-; SI'CCL\L n;PHOVEi,lEI:T DIS'I'IUCT NO. 332 IN TEE GITY OP BOZENr\N, COillJTY OP GALL ,:,'1' IN , S'l.'A1.E OF lWNTAlTA, 'TO DBPRAY THE COST OP GONS11ZUCTING AlljD ]lJiAK- rEG THE IKPTWVj~TkEJ~TS .iir TEIN SAID SPEGr.AL I:rv;PRovmrSNT DISTRICT NO. 332. It was moved by Commis sioner Buscfc, seconded by r,:ayor Hoey that the Resolution be provisionally passed and August 23, 1940 be set as the date for hearin,~ protests and the motion was carried by the followinG AJ~ and No vote; those voting Aye being Com- m:l.s sioner Bus ch and I\Iayor Hoey; those voting No, none. Ad journmen t There being no further bus iness to come before the Commis s ion at tLis ticne, it vlias moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded b:,' :Ma;Tor Boey that the meeting adjoumand the n-:.otion was carried b7T the following Aye and No vote; ttose voting Aye be.1ng Mayor Hoey and Cormnissioner Busch; those voting No, none. Attest: ,~~~ . C . rk of the Conrrnission ~~~ 1 I 1-