HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-08-23 1 I 'I ~~t!J Bozeman, Montana AUGust 23, 1940 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met 1.n rcglllar sessi on in the Comrlission Room, C1 ty Hall Building, Frida y even~ng, Augus t 23, 1940, at 7 :30 0' clock P. r,f. 'I']:cose be::.ne; present were Mayor Hoey, Cornmissioner Busch, Commissioner Lake, City Attorney Ai tlcon, Acting Ci ty Manarter Davis, and the Clerk when the followin[I proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last rec:ular session were read and it ViaS moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by :Mayor Hoey that the m:.nutes be alyproved as read and the motion was carried by the fOllowinG Aye and No vote; tl10se voting Aye be:ng Ma;/Or BOGY, ComY:lis.c:ioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Airr'ort -- Student l'ilot Tratninfo Dr. A. L.Strand, E. R. Anderson, E. A. Stiefel and E. J. Jennl.ngs appearod bofore the ComrnisE:ion ant1 stated tl:wt tl"le 'Jivl.L k:ronm.ltics fl.11t:~:lJ'it:; woulC:l Lt:ce r,o c.~tabl:ts,:l a Studen t Pilot Training course a t the College and they had come to asl{ the Oi t.. of Doze- man to 'put the preBen t Be1gracie Airport in shape for this tra.inlng and build a temporary hangar at an approximate cost of $500.00, so that the school could be started by October First. They stated that the hangar could be moved at a later date and estimated that the cost of putting the rlIDways in condition as an additional $500.00. The matter was discussed by the Co:rnnlscion and tl1eJ expressed themselves as being in favor of fixing the runways and building a temporary hangar, provided the G1 v1l AeronHu tics Au thori ty wi 1l do the IDa in tainine of the field. No def .1_ni te ac tion ViaS taken, pending the retunr of the Cit;r Manager. rlanfl for 'l'ourist Camp -- 7t~-1 t: Durstm Hoael Mr. Wm . vi. Hoffman appeared before the Commission and presented plans for a tourist camp to be located at the northeast corner of the l:r.tersection of Seventh anclDurston Road. The plans were exan:ined b:' the Commission, and it vms moved by GO!llr.'lie~;ioner Lake, seconded by Commi ss ioner Bu sch the t the plans be approved, proveded toilo t facili ti es were installed for each cabin, and the motion was carried by tIle following Aye and No vote; tlose voting Aye being Mayor Eoey, Commisc,ioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Hearinrr -- Assm1t SIu No. 331 'l'he Clerk sta ted tha t this was the time and place set for the hearinG ofprotests to the levying of tl:..e assessment of Special Improvement District No. 331, sanitary sewer on East Main Street between Broadway and Cyrpess Streets. He presented Resolution N . f'\ 478, on ti tIed: A RESOLU'.PIOt! OF' TIlE COMlo:ISSION OF TILE CITY or" BOZj.:;r;'AlJ, MON'EANA L[VYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSES3r::ENT OF TAXES UPON I.L1 Tii.c; l'nOPEHTY IN SEPCIAL IMPROVE:M;~I;T DISTRICT NO. 331 IN THE CITY OF BOZEt:,AN, COm:r'l"'.,' OF GALLArl'U:, STA TE 01<' !lTONT1\J\"A, rro DEPfu'1.Y Tbl:-': COST OF CONSTRlJC'l'H;G Ar~0 KJlKDJG TIm n:- PROVEJ\'IEN'I'S VIITIUN SAI)) SPECI.AI, DlfPRov:rnmNT 0IS'I'RICT NO. 331. I t was moved b~' Commis sioner Bus ch, seconded by Commis s loner Lake that no pro tes ts being filed and no one present to protest that the Resolution be finally passed and adop- ted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot~ng Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commls,c-:ioner Dusch and Commissioner Lake; t;iose voting No, n:)ne. 220 Hearing -- Assm't SID No. 332 The Clerk stated that this was the time and place set for the hear:ng of protests to the levying of the assessment of Special Inlprovement District No. 332, sanitary sewer on l)ell Place. He presented Resolution No. 479, entitled: A RESOLUTION o Ii' TIm corn.~ISSION 01" THE CITY OF BOZEEAN, li!ONTANA, L}~:VYnw AND ASS~SSIFG A SPECIAL ASSI';SSMENT OF TAXBS UPON ALL 'rIIE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL Irv:- PHOVEMi~NT DIS'1'RICT NO. 332 IN THE CI'1'Y OF BOZE!v";dI , COUNTY" OF GALLA'1'IN, S'l'ATE OF rr.Ol:TANA, TO DEFRAY rElm CO:.;'1' OF CO:KSTRUCTI1W AND MAKn:o 'lIBE IMPROVEMENTS 'NITEIN SAIl) SPECIAL TI[PHOV1:::?rmTT DISTRICT NO. 332. There were' no protests filed and no one was present to protest, whereupon, it was moved by Comm:ts f3ioner Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the Resolu tion be finally passed & adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot- 1 ng Aye being Mayor Hoe:;, Comnlis sioner Buscb and Comn11ss loner Lake; those vo ting )ITa, none. Applications for City Licenses The following applications for City licenses were presented and read: D::m Basnett Mellon Be Budd The application of Mellon & Budd, for a Plumbing Shop License, signed by Ed Mellon was discussed. It was pointed out that the applicant had applied to tbe local Plumbing Examing Board for a Master's Plumber's License; that he had falled to pass tlwir examin- atlon; that he had made application to the Board in Helena, Montana and his application was denied; that he had then applied to the Board in ~assoula, Montana, which Board granted hir.1 a I:~aster's Plumber's License to operate in any City of Town in the State of I'IIontana. Mr. li!ellon was present and confirmed these statements and stated further that he had worked at plumbing work for a considerable number of years. Asked for his opinion, the City Attorney stated he did not believe that the license granted b:,' the City of Missoula, under the circumstances, entitled Mr. Mellon to a license to carryon the business of plumbinc; in The Ci t;-{ of Bozeman. The matter was discussed further by the Commission, and it was moved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch tb:lt the applications be ar:,proved and tbe licenses subject to tb.e approval of Ed Mellon's bond by the :;ity Attorney, iss1.led/and the motion was curried b;7 the following Aye and No vote; those voting A";le being lffayor Hoe:T, CommissIoner Busch and Conrrnissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Hoad Poll 'rax for 1840 The ma t ter of ':Phe Ci ty of Bozeman collec ting Road Poll Tax for 1940, was discussed. The City Attorney stated that b:i an opinion coming from the office of the Attorney General of !'.':ontana, some d01Jbt 11as been cast upon the power of cities and towns in the State to collect Road Poll rEax. He sta ted further that Galls. tin Couc;ty was not levying the Road Poll Tax for 1940 and that chlrlnG the lecislo.tive session of 1941, the question will probably be cleared up and the collection of the tax resumed; that under Section 52l9, by a c1elcision of the Suprer1e Court of Montana the cit; does not have tLe authority to make the Road Tax levy. After disCllssion, it was moved b:r Commissioner Dusch, seconded by Conrnlsslonor Lake, that the Director of Finance be instructed tD refund any Road Poll Tax collected. for this year and to notify others tL.ere will be no collection of such tax made this year, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1-;0 vote; t:::'.ose voting Aye being Jlf.ayor Eosy, Commissioner Busch and C0mr.1is3.l.oner Lal<:e; those voting NO, none. I I I I I I Adj ournc.nlcm t There being no further business to Come before the Commisnion at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Dusch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that t.rle meeL~ng acl- journ and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; t1:ose voting Aye being Ma;/Or Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. At te s t : ~~,.P~ Clerk of the lJommiss:i.on 221.