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Bozeman, Montana
September 6, 1940
The CO!r1Jl1ission of 'rhe Ci t7T of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening September 6, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those
being present were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake, City Attorney
Ai tken, Ci ty Manager Henderson, Direc tor of Finance Wal ter Da vi s and the Clerk, when
the fo llow ing proceedings were had to -wi t:
The ninutes of the last regular session wore read and it was moved by Commissioner
Busch, seconded by Commissioner La1m tha t the minutes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the followinc:; Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being r.iayor
lIoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lalce; those votine; No, none.
The following reports for the month of August were presented:
Police Judee
'Na ter Collec tor
Chief of Police
Building Inspector
Plumbing Inspector
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by vommissioner Lake that the reports
be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote; t..'l1.ose voting Aye being Ma:Tor Roey, Commissioner Busch and COnl.>nissioner Lake;
those voting No, none.
i'urchase of 31;) Don<~s - - Ceme tery ror:~:. C8re Pund
The Manager stated that by disposing of the U. S. 'I'reasury Bonds held by the Cem-
etery Permanent Care Investment Account and with available cash on hand, it would be
possible to purchase $12,000.00 of Special Improvement ~istrict No. 333 Bonds for
inves tmen t.
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that the
Manager be aut}'lorized to ma~m said sale and purchase of Special Improvement District
Eo. 333 Bonis and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye being Mayor Iloey, Commissioner Busch and "";ommissioner Lalee; those voting
No, none.
Fl.lrchap. e of L" ts\les t of Li b~(ary
The Manae:er read a communica tion from Herman A. Lehrldnd offering to sell for
$600.00, Lots No. 15 & 16; Block E; Original Townsite Addition, these lots being loca-
ted directly west of the present library building. 'ihe offer stated further that
he would pay the 1940 tax asse8sment and would furnish an abstract of title.
'1'11e M.anager s ta ted it was the recommenda tion 0 f the Library Board tba t the C1 ty
~lrchase these lots.
'The matter was disc'ussed by the Commission, and it was pointed out that thls was
the logical direction to enlaree the Library; that the present building is located
very close to the property lIne and a building built on these lots and also located
close to the property line could shut 01Jt considerable light in the Library.
It was moved b;y C0111lv:issiow';r Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the offer
of Horman Lehrkind bo accepted subject to the approval of the title and abstract by
the City Attorney and the motion was carried by the i'ollmving Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye beine Mayor lioey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lalee; those votine
No, none.
92. ~)
,... t
Clnims for the I,'10nth
Claims Nos. 9204 to 9405 inclusIve were prosen tad on the various funds as follows:
l' ire
S tr e e t
Cemeterv Perm. Care
SId (No'.331) , :
SID No. 332 (Bds.)
SID No. 333 (Bds.)
Arnaun t
9f) .10
40,000 '_~
The Manager s ta ted tha t he has audi ted these claims and finds the:', to be true and
lawful claims against The City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be dravm for
their payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was
moved by Commis~ioner Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch that warran ts be dravm for
their payment and the motion was carried b;,r the following Aye and Iio vote; thoso voting
Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commiscioner Lako and COrL'11issioner Busch; thoso voting No, none.
Insurance He City Cars
The Mana"'er s ta ted tha t the blanket policy ocverlng Public Liability and .t"ropert'jT
.Jamae;e on the C~Lty fleet of cars would expire trlis month and that the premium on this
policy will be in excess of ~250.00. Eo requested autl10rity to hsve the policy renewed.
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded b: Commissioner Lake th,c,t the Ci ty
Manager be authorized to make this renewal and the mo tion was carried by the follow mg
Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor lloey, Conm1issloner Busch and "ommissloner
Lake; t.'1ose voting No, none.
lllrchaso of Coppor ripe
The IIIanager reql1ested authority from the Cor:-;mission to purchase 2040 feet 0:' 3/4"
copper pipe for use in the Via ter Ds..:artmen t, and s ta ted tha t the apprOXlrrJl to cos t would
be $325.00. It was moved by Corur.issioner Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the
Ci ty l'ilanager be authorized to make tbis purchase and the mo tlon was carried b71 the fol-
lowing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Comrr.issioner l.Jake and"or.J.-
m'is s loner Busch; those va ting No, none.
Flans for A:r:llOry
Mr. Ij1red .\;V"11lson, Architect, was presont and showod ;clans for the proposed Armory
Building for The City of Bozeman, which were examined and discussed by the Commission.
Airport Bosrd
The matter of an Airport Board was brought up and discussed by the Commission, and
it was moved by Commissioner Lal{e, seconded by Commissioner Busch thr:1 t the 81 t:l /I.ttorney
be instructed to prepare an Ordinance creating an Airport Board of five membors for The
C1 ty of Bozeman and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1:'0 vote; those
voting Aye being r.:ayor noey, Co:mmissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting
No, none.
City Attorney to Vis80ula -- Codification of Ordinancos
Ad 5 ou. rnme::l t
moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that it being in the public
interest, that the City Attorney be authorized to go to Missoula, if necessary, in con-
nection with the Codification of City Ordinances and his expenses be paid from the
General Fund and the motion was carried by the followinc Aye and No vote; those voting
Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none.
'1bere being no further business to come before the COTIL"t]1ission at this time,
it was movod by COTI1rdssioner .i.Jal{e, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the meeting
adjourn and the r:.otion was carried by the following l-I.yo and No vote; t}:ose voting
Aye being Mayor IIoey, Commis s ioner Lake and Commissioner Busch; those voting No,
Clerk of the Con~ission