HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-13 I I I 2~27 Bo zeman, M'on tana September 13, 1940 rrhe Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met ~.n regular sossion, in the ComC1ission Room, City Hall Building, Priday evening, September 13th, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.I\~. Those being present were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Lake, City Man- ager henderson, Ci ty Attorney Ai tken, Director of' 1,linance 'Nal ter D8.vis and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Comrdssioner Lal{e, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; tho se voting Aye being Ivla:ror Eoey, Com- mi ssi oner Busch and C'Jmmis ::doner Lake; thos e voting No, none. Oilinf Costs for Gravel streets Mr. Roy Malsor" of the Standard Construction Company, appeared before the Comr:1ission and quoted prices on oiling of gravel streets, the Commission at different times having discussed the possibility of oiling some of the gravel streets in the City as regular street main tenance work. Mr. MaIsor quoted the f'ollowin'T prices: $ 0.25 per gallon f'or oil and spreading 6.75 per hour for distributor and two operators 3.50 por hour for roller and opera tor 4.00 per yard for 1" to 1/2" crushed stone 4.50 per yard for 1" to~tI stone, loaded, spread and rolled. l.50 per yard for crushed gravel at cnlsher 2.50 per yard for crushed gravel spread. Resolution No. 400 'Need Assessment The resolution levying the assessment for the reI".aval of vleeds for the year 1940 in the amount of 4?9B.40 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COML'lISSImr 01" TIE er1'Y OF 130Z.1';)',L>1J LEVYING AND ASS;:;;St)D:a A 31' ECIAL ASSESSHEHT OF TAXES UPON CI~RTAIl~ PRO .pi.m'1' IES IN THE CI'lT'f OF' BOi.~rLAN, COUN'ry OP GALL/I, TIN , STAT3 OF !.TOR'rANA, TO DEP::i.AY TES CaS'l' 0:.1 EX'l'EHl,:INATIOl; AND REMOVAL 0l,1 lTOXIOUS '}:S;~.~DS FOn 'J.1Er~ YEAR 1940 FUnSUA1:T TO Tm~ PROVISIONS OF OHDIlU\.NCB 1<;-0. 428, EWfITLED: "All 0i1DINAljC2 JEFI1nNG AID n-:OVIDING FOR Tf.E rUNISHliT"t,;WI' AND J\BATE;,:t~I-rrr OF C~RTAIN NUSIAJJCES." It was moved by Cormnissioner Lake, seconded b:r COmr.1issioner BuscL that tLe Resolu- tioD be passed and adopted and September 20th, 1940 be set as the date for hearing pro- tests and t:le motion was carried by the following Aye and 1\0 vote; those voting AJ~e being l',~ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Comr1issioner Lalw; those voting No, none. ::ayr:'cnt -- Lots 15 [,; IG; Blacl.;: E; O.T. klc:.:i.. tlon The Ci ty A ttorney explained certain technical discrepenci es in the title I)f Herman d. Lehrkind to Lots 15 & 16; Block E; Original Townsi te 1\.c1di tion, and in view of the price for which the property was offered, it was mo ved by C01PI"liss ioner Busch, seconded by Com- missioner Lake that the Clerk be authorized to deliver v>Tarrant to Herman A. Lehrkind for sald lots, and the motion was carried by the followinr!' Aye and No vote; those vot:tng Aye bA'n",: l\/Ia;Tor IJoC'..,.r, CO.mm'l's."',:ton"',r 13'1'.SC}1 and Com"'""'''lon0r Lake' t"o"c> vot nN- 1\Jo - lce>." _' 1 - -" A - . -,":.~., , '-' . 1::"";' u i G l. , no no . ^~pl~cstions ~or City Licenses 'l'he following ap plica tions for Ci t7t Licens e s were presen ted and read: C. vV. Wentler F. D. I..Tatis It was moved b;- Comrniss loner Busch, seconded b:- Comm.is s ionor Lake thl1 t the applica- tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, C0mr11ssioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. 228 Reports '.Lhe followinG reports for the mon th of August were presented: Pire Chief Director of Finance Employment Officer and the E:nploymen t Officer's report for themon th of July. It was moved b:r Commissioner Lake, seconded b;, Commie s loner Busch tho. t the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the :":":otion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being l,.ayor E,..,ey, COlJ1.1l1issioner Buscb and Commissioner Lake; those voting no, none. Leave of Absonce; -- CIty I,:anac'er City Manager Henderson presented and readalctter requesting leave of absence, without pay, for himself for one year beginning September 15th, 1940. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by CommisDioner Lake that tho leave of absence be gran ted to City Manager ]L E. Henderson for one year and the motion was carried by the following Aye and N" v oto; those va ting Aye being }Fayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commis~:1.oner Lalee; those voting 1;0, none. l'~e s i:':na tIon of Conn:l18 c'; loner Lalw A letter from Cormnissioner Lake,tendering his resignation as City Commissioner was presented and read. The letter was discussed oy the Commission and was tabled until U18 next rcglllar meeting. I'drport 'rhe Man8.[';er read a le tter which ho had wri tten to D n. A. Bedinger of the Civil Aeronautics Authority regarding their conference held on September 12, 1940, concerning the putting in shape of the Belgrade Airport and building of hangars to house the air- planes to be used in the Civil Pilot '1'raining program to be carried on there. After discussing tlle relative value of wood and steel str'uctures, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake thf~t the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for two steel hanGars S1-1.i table to house two airplanes and the motion was carried b:r the f,'ollowing Aye and 1';0 vote; t~.ose vo ting Aye being r.':ayor Eoey, CO!TL.'111s s ioner Bus ch and 80TI1'TIls ;::;loner Lake; tho ~)e va ting No, none. Ad j011.rYiH1Cn t rrrlore being no further bus~.ness to come before t]~e00mmlssion at this time, it was moved by Commissionnr Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that tLe meeting adjourn and tbe motion was carried by the follovling Aye and No voto; those voting Aye being h~ayor Hoey, Com.-rnis[lioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; tl10se vot:Lng No, none. Attest: ~!61:f:r~s~ 0;-- Jl /' ~~#-A4 ~ Mayor (j I .1 I