HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-20 I I. I Bozenan, ~i:ontana September 20, 1940 2,)(,. .h.J. The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commlss:ton Roarl, City Hall &lilding, Friday evening, September 20, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Eoey, Corrnnissioner Busch, Commissioner Lake, Director of .Finance \ialter Davis, Ci ty Engineer T!lOrpe, C. iN. Sorenson, and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The m:tnutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that the mimltes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo t.i.n? Aye beinc; Kayor IIoey, Cormnis- sioner Busch and Commi~:~sioncr Lak.e; tbose voting No, none. Heq11 es t for Ex tens lon of '1'11:"'0 SID No. 3:54 Mr. Roy Malsor, of the Standard Construction Company was present and presented a written request for an extension of time for the completion of Special Improvement Dis- tric t Ko. 334, SHn i tary sewer on North HOD se Avenue. The delay beIng due to heavy traf- fic ovor this street at this ti!'1e of the year. \It was moved by Commissioner DuscL, sec- onded b71 Comr.~is::::loner Lake that the extension of time be granted and the motion was car- ried b;T the followin:r Aye and 110 vote; those voting A:~e beinG i\layor IIoey, Commissioner Busch and Commis,sioner Lake; those VCl tinr; No, none. Ees~_cncl tiOD of Comr:J:~.~;rioner Lake The resignation of Commissioner Lake presented at the last rer:1Jlar meeting was clis- cussed. It was moved by Commissioner BUSCh, seconded by Mayor hoe:y tbat the resis;natlon be accepted and Ule mo tion Vias carried by the fo ll0wi ng Aye and No vo te j tll0 se vo t lnc; Aye bejng Mayor Boey, CommisEiioner Busch; those vot:~ng No, none. vommissioner Lake not voting. Appointment of C. '" j;)orcnson Coe,':l~ c:3_oner There beine a vacancy in the Commission clue to the resie;nation of Auc: E. Lake, it 'Nas moved by 1\'9:;01' Hoey, seconded by Commis s ioner Buscb. tha t Cl1as. Wm. Sorenson be ap p01n ted to. fill the unexpired terr:] of A.ug IT. LQke and tl:1e motion vms carried by the follow Ing Aye and No vote::; tllOS e voting Aye being Commis::: ioner Busch and liIa yor Eoey j tho se vo ting Ko, none.C.W. Sorenson belne; present took the oath of office and his seat as City Cornmissioner. f.L)pointr':ent of i\.l~r" :~. Ln.}.:::, 01 t: :,)8.Lfl,"cr There being a vacancy in the office of Oi ty l~annQ;er due to the leave of absence of l::. E. Henderson, it was moved by ~.:ayor Hoe;::" seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that AUI! H. Lake be appointed to serve as City lianae;er as of September 2lst, 1940 at a salary of :~~250.00 per month and trce motion was earried by the followini! Aye and No vote; those va t1nr; Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Comrcissioner Sorenson; tbose voting 11;0, none. A1Jg II. Lal{e tool\: the oath of office and }jis seat as City l'Tanager. l%seyr:snt of' Hl:"Lt-of-wa:r t~ rn noservo~r 81 te The Manager presented a right-of-way easement of the [ark Co-operative Electric Association, a division of the Rural Elect!'ification Ad.'Ylinistration, requesting a right- of-way thru the south side reservoir site. It was moved b:r CO!l1..'11isr,ioncr busch, seconded b:l Com!'"i8::,ioner Sorenson that the right- of-way be cranted and the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to ::: ign for 'I'he 0ity of Bozeman, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being I..r.a:ror 230 Hoey, COITL'l1j.ssloner Buschand Commissioner Sorenson; those voting 1\1"1' none. Plans for ~ourlst Ca~p Plans for additional cabins at the Tourist Camp owned by Gus Bonander, located at 1001 East Main were presented. After examination of the plans by the Commission, it was moved by Comrnis~110ner BuscL, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the plans be approved and the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a permit for their construction and the motion vias carried by the 1"\ollowine; Aye and N() vote; tllose voting Aye being IvTayor IIoey, Cont""issioner Busch and Comrnissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. \'ii 11 son A V8l11J e i\r tc 1'1 .'"t 1 (1' '~,,,,, ,., ....... "'; ., ,::; .".~..'J U.." T110 matter of makine:Vwillson Avem18 Soutb an arterial hic;hv:ay from Cleveland Street to Garfield Street ViaS discussed by the Com.~issiQn. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COmIr':ir'sioner Sorenson that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance desie;noting 'dillson Avenue from CIe veland Street to Garfield Street an arterial hishway and the motion was carried by the follow- i ng Aye and No vote; tho se vo tin?: Aye being :Mayor Hoe y, Oomnis s loner Bus ch and Commis- sioner Lake; tL,ose voting ho, none. Bond of Con Eolllnr:"svJOrt:: as ,Jailor The bond of Con Hollingsworth, in the amoun t of ;PIOOO ,as Ci tJ~ Jailor was presented. It was moved by COr.1missioner Busch, secondod b;T Commis:'Jloner Sorenson that the bond be accepted and approved subject to the approval of the City Attorney and themotlon was carried by the followtnr; Aye and Novote; those voting Aye boing ~;1ayor 111"1ey, ComrJ.ssioner Busch and Commission8r Lake;those voting 1;0, none. TI.esolution lTo. 4CJ 'j'leod. i\.s s e ~~ C:;--:"';2TI t The Manar-er stated that this was tb.e time and place .set for the final passage and adoption of the resolu tion making: the assessment for removal of weeds for the :Jeur 1940. lIe presented affidavit of publication of the Notice and stated that no protests had been filed and no one was present to protest, and presented Resolution No. 4BO, entitled: A R!3;SOLUTION OIl' THE CmEtISSr ON OF' THE CITY OF BOll'~KA}: LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSLTEN'l' OF TAXES UPON Cii:RTAIJlT PROFSRTIE;S IN THS CITY OF BOZ'r:Y"Alj COUETY OP GALL,.,TIN, ST!I'l'E 01" l'm:'rAHA, rl'O DEFHAY rrlil~ COi:1T OF EXrl'li;R~nNATION AND RmrovAL OF~ NOXIOUS '/r:-'=lmS FOR T~~I:; YEAR 1940 PURSUANT '1'0 Tl.rE l-ROVISIONS 01-' ORDINANCE NO. 428 :SN'I'rrl'LE.J: "A}; ORJYIJ:AN CE DJ.:~F'IKIKG ArD fliQVIDING PQR THE rUlJISIH5EN'l' AND ABATE~.rEN'l' 01" CERTAIN NUSIAlnJ;:Gs." It was mO'Jed by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by CO!l1r1issioner Busch tha t the Reso- lution be finally passed and adopted and tbe n:otion was carried b:' the f'ollow:i.D?, Aye and No vote;those votinp- ^ye being r\~nyor Hoey, Comrr:issioner Busch and Commis~Jloner Sorenson, t[Jose voting No, none. It was moved b': Co:m:T:s~:doner Buscl!, sec:mded by Comrnls'''")ner adlourn & the motion was carried. Eoey, Busch & Sorenson voting, Aye; those voting No, none. At te s t : ~>>~~=-n/ 01 erk 01' the Oom:r.is s ion the mee ting I I I