HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-27 I I I 'J~) -1 f_t) . Bozeman, Montana September 27, 1940 The Commission of The 01 ty of Bozeman me t in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, September 27, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.K. TIlose being pre sen t were Mayor Hoe;!, Commis s loner Busch, Commis s ioner Sorenson, City Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty 1",ranager Lake, Direc tor of r'inance Vial ter Davis and the Clerk when the following pro- ceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was !:loved bJ~ COnL'Tlissioner B1JSch, seconded by Cornmissioner So'renson that the mLnutes be a~i)proved as read and the mo- tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo tine; Aye being lIayor Hoe::, Com- yr:issioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Junior Patrol for Traffic near Schools Mr. G. F. Schraeder, J. w. Tschache, and Forest Thompson, representine the Youth Welfare COIl1.1'!1i tte8 of the Junior Chamber of vorrnnerce appeared before the Commiss ion, aDd explained a plan whereby the Junior Chamber of Commerce planned to sponsor a Junior 'l'raffic Patrol at busy intersections near the schools during the noon hour, if there were no objec- tions from the C1 ty Commissi on. They s ta ted the t they had talJ.<:ed wi th the members of the Police Department and this Department had approved the plan and offered their co-opera tion. The Cornrnisf.11on expressed approval of the plan and assured them of the co-operation of the Ci ty. Complaint -- Noise at 7th & Main Street !i~r. Hans Bille and A. C. Talmadge appeared before the Commis sion and s ta ted tht the noise and odor from trucks, service stations and other all-night businesses located in the vicini ty of Seventh and Main Street, was very annoying and interferred wi th their sleep. 'l'hey asked that something be done to stop this nuisance. The gentlemen were in- formed that this would be investigated, and was, no doubt, covered by an Ordinance and tLe Police would be instructed to enforce the Ordinance. Deed-- Lots 15 & l6; Block Ej O.T. The ~I:anager presented the deed to lots 15 & l6; Block Ej Original '1'ownsite of Tbe Ci ty of Bozel11l1n purchased from U. A. Lehrkind. He stated that the deed had been recorded at the County Clerk & Recorderts Office on the 23rd day of September, 1940, on Pn',-:;e 217, Volume 84 of the Deed Records. Applications for City Licenses The following applications for City Licenses were presented & read: Goosey & Fallang GCHS Chapter of F'uture Farmer's of America It was moved by COT!1Fcissloner ~orenson, seconded by Commission (;r Busch that the appli- co. tions be approved and the licenses issued and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Co:t:1rlissioner Dusch and Commissioner son Sore~-;those voting No, none. Resolution No. 481 Assessment SID No. 335 The Manager stated that the resolution levying the assessment in the amount of ;~2350.88 for the construction of Special Improvement District No. 335, paving of Arthur Street be- tween 'l'hiI'd Avenue and li'ourth Avenue had been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 481, \ \ \ en ti tIed: 232 A RESOLUTION OF' THE COMMISSION OF '1'Iti: CITY OF BOZBMAlT, }WNTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL TIlE I'ROPERTY IN SEPCIAL IM- PRQVE:JvEmT DISTRICT NO. 335 IN 'rID: CIT'I OF BOZT~lvItJJ, COUNTY OF GALLA TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY TIlE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING THE IMPHOVE1IL~NrrlS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL DiPRovm,:ENT DISTRICT NO. 335. It was moved by Comlnissioner BUSCh, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Reso- lution be provisionally passed and October 4th, 1940 be set as the date for hear1.ng pro- tests and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be- ing Mayor Hoer, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tilose voting No, none. Ordinance No. 700 -- Extending Willson Avenue as Arterial Highway The Manager stated that the City Attorney as instructed had prepared the Ordinance extending the arterial highway on South willIson to the south line of Arthur Street. He presented Ordinance No. 700, entitled: AN ORDINAliCE OF TilE CITY 0Ii' BOZ'c~MAN AMENDING SECTION 57 OF OHDINM[CE NO. 672 OF THE CITY 01<' BOZE!iTfl.N ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE REOULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, A VEl::UES, AND ALLL"'Y"S 01i' TIlE CI TY 01" BOZEIMK, MONTANA, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 567,AND 610, OF THE CITY OF 130Z- Ej,'lAN, AI':D ALL OTmm OTI.DIHANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COl:FLICT llImEWITHH, SO AS TO I\U.EE VHL:::"SOl; AVENUE Al~ ARTEP..IAL HIGE\iAY PRO I'.! 'EnE SOUT:i BOUIJD.\RY OF' VHLLSON A VT~NUg TO TIill SJUTE BOTHWARY OF ARTHUR STREET INSTEAD OF TIlE SOUTll BA01TNDARY OJ!' CL:~WELi\ND STR3ET. It was moved by Comr1issioner Sorenson, seconded b';)" CO:!Y'Xlis:'ioner Busch tl1Iit the Or- dinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried b~T the following Aye and No voting; those vot::ng 'Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner BUSCh, and CommisE.1ioner Soren- son; those voting No, none. Report -- Ci ty Attorney to 1Usso~:la The C:i. ty Attorney reported on h1.3 tr:'Lp to },Hssoula in connection with the codifi- cation project for the Cl ty Ordinances. He stated that the project would be finished soon and would be well worth the money spent for the codification. Purchase of Steel Trusses The Me.n:~1-="er stated that he had priced steel trusses for the hangars, which are be- ing built at the Belgrade Airport; that it is his recommendation that the steel trusses be purchased from the Boz eman 'Nelding & !,lacrline Shop for $260.00. It was moved by Com- T" " I ("1 . m_oLssioner BUSCh, seconded by \.IoJr..1TIissioner Sorenson that the UJ. ty II~anager be authorized to purchase two steol trusses from. the Bozeman Welding &, Maclline Shop and the motion was carri.ed by the following Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye being Me. yor Boey, Com- missioner Buscrl and Cow.missioncr Sorenson; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further bus;.ness to come before the COrrL.'11is3ion at this time, it was moved by Con":1issioner Sorenson, seconded by Conlll1issioner Dusch that the rrleetinp: adjourn and the moti.on was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma;ror Hoey, Commls sioncr Busch and ~ommis 8 ioner Sorenson; those vo ting No, none. At te s t : ~::f Ic'-Z~ ;!/ ~ l"ommission It \'~:j.. .. \\. \. ,., "~, ~ . ~ " ~"" \~' 0\\ ,~ \ I I I