HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-10-04 I I I ')'.} ~.J fw't.JtJ Bozeman, Ivion tana Oc tober 4, 1940 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commis~.:.:i on Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, October 4, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.L:. Those being present were Mayor Hoey, COIl1RJis~:;ioner Busch, Con11llissloner Sorenson, City ManaGer Lake, Acting City Attorney Bolinger, Director of Pinance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the followinp proceedings were hnd to -wi t: The mInutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Corrurission8r Sorenson, Beron ded by Com,."issioner Bus ch that the minll tes be approved as read amI the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beIng Ma;yor I-Ioey, Cor;lmissi oner Busch and Comnissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Blocking of Street on East Peach Mr. John Parker of the Cold Storage Plant, 629 East Peach Street, and R. C. !.Torris, of Cook & Fulmer, Trucl:ers, appeared before the Commission in regard to complaints of their trucks blocking Peach Street while loading and unloading, and they would like a solution to the complaints. It was pointed out that the street is a dirt street and the railroad tracks in the street make it difficul t to go around the truck~-J. After ufrther discussion, it WaS decided to ask the railroad company to plank their 1/ tracks west to the street corner and the City wOlJ.ld haul some gravel in the street to ~... make it more passable, and see if this would lessen the conpla in ts . Resignation -- Julia Martin -- Recreation Board The resignation of Miss Julia Martin as a member of the Board of Recreation was presented and read. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by ComrJissioner Busch tha t the resigna tion be accepted and the mo tlon was carried by t he followIng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commis~~ioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; th.ose voting No, none. Reports for the r;'onth of September The followinp: reports for trIe month of September were presented: Cashier Engineer Fire Chief Po lic e Judge Librarian Health Officer Chief of Police Water Collector Cemetery Board Bul1ding Inspector Plumbing Inspector Directer of J:1'inance It was moved by Commis cionc;r Buscll, seconded by COrrJr.lissioner 8orenson that the re- ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and No voto; t1:10se voting Aye beillg l.~ayor IIoey, GOm!'.1issioner Busch and COmr;1issioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Offer to l)urchase Real Estate -- B. :'. Crenshaw A written offer to purchase Lot 16; Block E of the Orieinal Townsite to Doze~an, },'!ontana, signed by B. M. Crenshaw was presented and read. '1'he offer stated that ~,~r. Crenshaw offers to pay 4~500.00 for the lot; i~50.00 upon the execution of an a[reement to sell said lot, and the balance of <iP450.00 on or before sixty days tbereaftor. After discussion, it was moved by COIn.'nis sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the City ll.ttorney be instructed to propare a resolution autborizing the Ma'JTor and the Clerk of the Commisaion to enter into an agreement to sell said lot to B. ~,~. Crenshaw as per hi s offer and the :r::.o tion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those voting rl.ye being Mayor Hoey, COmmlssioDor Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, nono. 234 Resolution No. 483 -- Authori~ing Sell of Real Estate The Manager stated that the Ci ty Attorney as instructed had prepared a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to enter into an aGreement with B. M. Crenshaw, to sell him Lot 16; Blook E of the Onginal Townsite to Bozeman, Montana, as per his offer. He presented Resolution No. 483, entitled: A COW.GSSION RESOLUTION l\UTHOR.IZING AND EM.FO';mRIEG '}'HE MAYOR AND CLERK OF CITY COMjFISSION OF TFm CITY OF BOZEJ\:AN, MOIJTANA, TO SELL THI~ F'OLLJWING DES- CHIEI:;;]) REAL FRO.PSHTY, SI'l'UATE IN TEE CITY 01<' BOZ3l.IAN, MONTANA: LOT SIX'rEEN (16) IN BLOCK "Elf OIil THE OHI GINAL 'rmiNSITE TO BOZ'~I\lAII, MaNTAl: A. It was :l1oved by 00ml11is sioner Busch, seconded by Commis sioner Sorenson tha t the Resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was curried by the following Aye and No vote; those votine; Aye beine; !\:ayor Roey, Com.>nissioner Busch and Conunissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Hangars at Airport The Manager stated that this was till time and place set for the opening of bids for two steel hanrears at the Airport. lIe presented Affidavit of Fublication of the Notice to Bidders. The Manager stated furtLer that no bids were submitted; that all inquiries were notified that the Ci ty was cons truc ting wooden hangars ir: order to have them completed by October 15th, 1940 for the Civil Pilot Training l'rograrn. The Manager reported on the progress of the construc tion of the wooden hangars at the Airport and s ta ted tha t wi th favorable weather the hangars would be read~T for use by the 15th, of October. Issuing of License -- Ed Mellon Mr. J:<'rank Trunk, W. O. Yates, 1". L. Dye and E. G. Ene;strom appeared before the Com- mission and discussed the issuing of a Ci ty License to Ed Mellon to opera te a plumbing shop in this City. Mr. N:ellon :baving appliod for a Master'sl~lumber's License here, failed to rass the examination, made application in Helena, Montana, was refused an ex- a:rnina tion there, and was 1s sued a Iilas ter 1 Plumber's Lic ens eat Mis soula, IvIon tana to opera te as a Mas ter Plumber in an~r 0i t;," or 'rown in the Sta te . ':l'hese points 11a ving been discus sed in detail by the COJT'...rnis sion at the time tJ:je Ci t:'license was issued. It was stated by the Acting City Attorney, H. A. Bolinger, Jr. that, since Mr. l\:ellon possed a license permi ttinC': him to opera te in any Ci ty in Montana, the Oi t;.' Com- mission would have no reason for not issuing a license to operate in Bozeman. Mr. Trunk, as a member of the Plumbing Examiner's Board asked that at any flJ.ture time should any similar difficulties or circu1'1stances arise, the Plunbing Board would appreciate a hearing Witil the Commission. Bi lls for the I:: on th Claims Nos. 9406 to 9591 were prosen ted on the Airport $ Cemetery Fire General Library }lark P.L. & p. Stree t Water Cemeterv- Suspense Garbage' Plumber r s Examiner's W & C 1940 (Eds) SI::) II, 333 (Bds) SID # 335 (Bela) To ta 1 various funds 386.88 475.20 1,073.50 3,621.49 416.86 1,161.26 10,468.26 1,878.23 2,771.87 65.00 766.00 10.00 1,418.29 23,112.87 ~.t..~_9.9-. 00 ._ 49,725.71 as follows: ~~ ~ I I I I I I 23~ r::. ..,/ tl The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims aga :infJ t The Ci t;T of Bozeman and recommends tha t warrants oe drawn for their paymont. After examination of the claims in detail by the CommifJsion, it vias moved b: Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that warrants be drawn for their pa'J'TIlcnt and the motion was carried by the fol10win['; A:re and No vote; t:'lose vo ting Aye be~.ng Mayor Hoey, Comr:11ssioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Street Equipnent l,'lr. J. A. Ring, and Mr. Clark of the .t.::!"pire Equipment Co. wero present and explained their load in!!, equ:i.pmen t to the Commissi on. Bonds of Ci ty Manager Lake and COl'nmis ;'ioner Sorenson The bond of C. W. 00renson as City Commissioner in tho amount of ~2,000.OO was pre- sented. 1'he bond of Au". II. Lake as Cit~l Manager in tl':..e arIlouJ.'1t of ,~;2,000.00 was presented. The bonds were approved as to form by the Oi ty Attorney, whereupon, 1 t was ~... oved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Corr.r.lissioner Sorenson that the bonds be accepted and approved; that the bonding companies be relieved of liabil:t ty fron the bond of I,':. E. Henderson as Oi ty !I:anager from and after September 15th, 1940, and the bonding Compan y be relieved of liabili ty from the bond of Aug. II. Lake as Oi ty COIn.TJ1is s ioner from and after Septenber 21, 1940 and the !!l0 tion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Raey, Commissioner Busch and Comrdssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Examination of Depository uonds 'rlhe Director of .F'inance presented lists of Deposi tory bonds held as security for bank depos its in the various ci ty banl-::s. Tho lis t was chocked wi th Cus todian' s receipts and examined by the Co:mmissl.on. It was moved by CO'!"'1.1T'issloner BUSCh, seconded by Com!"dssioner Sorenson that the list be approved and accepted and incorporated in the minutes and the mo tl on was carried by the following Aye and 1\0 vo te; tho se vo ting Aye being ll~ayor Hoey, Com111i8 sioner Bus ch and Commis s loner Sorenson; thos e voting No, none. DEPOSITORY BONDS & SECURITIES l)AR Value rro1rAL Amount Commercial National Bnnk, Bozeman. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Trus teed wi th Federal Reserve Ban.; of Minn. U. S. Treas. Notes Ser. B-1942, 2%, due 9-15-42 U. S. Treas. Bonds of 1948, 2~%, due 9-15-48 U. S. Treas. Bonds of 1948-5l, 2-3/4%, due 3-15-51 U. S. Trea8. Bonds of 1951-54, 2-3!4jG, due 6-l5-54 U. S. Treas. Donds of 1946-48, 3/~, due 6-15048 J;,\ ';r 5000.00 41> 5000.00 50JO.OJ 10000.00 5000.00 13UOO.OO 30000.00 50GO.OO 10QUO.OO 5000.00 13000.00 30000.00 68000.00- To tal ~ Gallatin Trust ~". Savings Bank, Bozeh:an Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Trusteed with Helena Br. of Federal Reserve Bk. of Minn. Home Owners' Loan Corp. Series M, l~/;, 6/1/47 Home Owners' l.,oan Corp. Series A, 35s, 5/1/52 ConsolidfJ ted Fed. Farm Lnon Bds., 37~, 1945-55 Fed. F,qI'1l1 Mort. Corp. B,s. 194,2 -47 2-3/41';; 3 -1-47 U. S. Treas. Dds. 1943-45, 3i%, due 10/15/45' U. S. Treas. Bds. 1955 -60 2 -7/8;6, due 3/15/60 bOOJ.UO 5000.00 (3000.00 5175.00 5000.00 1700.00 7650.00 1300.00 8000.00 5175.00 5000.00 1700.00 7650.00 1300.00 ~---~_.- ;jp 33825.00 Total Securi ty Banlz: & Trust Company Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Tursteed wltl: Helena Br. of F'ed. Res. Danlc of Minn. Hone O\'IlDcrs I Loan Corp. Serio s M, l-fkJ;, due 6/l/4 V. S. Treas. Bds 1951-55, 3%, due 9-l5-55 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 120uO.00 5000.00 12000.00 $ 22000.00 23(i This is to certify that we, the Commission of The City of Bozeman in compliance with the provisions of Section 4767, Political Code, R.C.M., 1921, as amended by Chapter 49, Laws of 1929, and as amended by Chapter 23, Extraordinary Session Law of 1933-34, have this day examined the Deposi tory Bonds held by the Director of Finance as securi ty for the deposl ts of City Punda held by the several banks 0 f Bozeman and find them to be as above s ta tad. FRANK HOEY. (Signe <& Ma YJ r ~ G: B~SCH -LSigne d) liOilll1llS S loner Dated this 4th da-:l of October, 1940. Cli.as. Sorenson (Signed) COInlnis s ioner Recomnendation -- Board of Recreation The Maneger stated tlat at the regular meeting of the Board of Recreation held this month, the Board made the following recoTI1Inendation; That the fees for t he skatinG season be the same as last year and that John Hancock be re-employed to supervise the flooding of the rinks. It was moved b7' Commissioner Sorens0n, seconded by Comm.iSE}1.0ner Busch that the recommenda tion of the Board of Recrea tion be approved and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;tbose voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, andCommissi0ner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 481 -- Hearing Assessment SID No. 335 The :Manager stated that this was the time and place set for hearing protests to the levying of the assessnent for Special Improvement District No. 335, paving on Arthur Street between TLird and Fourtb Avenues. He presented affidavit of publication of the Notice and Resolution No. 481, entitled: A RESOLUTION OP TII"3 COMMISSION OF TIlE cr TY OF BOZl'.:I'.:,;'N, lWNTAl;J~, LIWENG AND ASSESSIlJG A SI~ECI/\L ASSESS1'.:ENT OJ? TAX;:<;S U.POI~ ALL TJr8 PROF:2H'IY IN SP]~C:IAL D:;PHOVEM}nJT DISTRICT NO. 335 In THE CITY a,!? BOZ:c:r\':.:J<, COUNTY o I" GALLA'I'IN, STA'1'E OF MONTl"KA, rro m~l"R[':.Y 'TIlE CO:::)T 01" CONS'I'l1UCTING AND J.iTAKING TET~ U,:PHOVEMEETS iNITIIIK SAID SrECI!:..~ n~PR0V12Ivrl.mT D I:'jTRICT NO. 335. It was moved by Connissloner Dusch, seconded by Cor.I!.nlssioner Sorenson that the Reso- 1 u tion be passed and ado ("ted and the mo tion was carried b~T the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, COID.'!lissioner Busch and I..ionunissioner Sorenson; thos e vo ting No, none. Ad j 011 rnmen t There being no ft1.rther business to Come before tLe Commission at this tirre, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the foll:Jwing As"e and No vo te; tbose vo ting Aye being Mayor Boe>', Commis,:' ioner Busch and "';ommi.ssioner- Sorenson; those voting No, none. Attest: ~ ~~ -~ Ie k of the Cannulss ion - ~ct' ~#(f . >'\;". ",\'- I I It