HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-10-11 I JI I 237 Boz emmi"J/ Mon tana October 11, 1940 The Commission of 'l'he City of uozemar met in reGular session in the ComMission Room, City Hall Builning, Priday evening, October 11, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock I'.I:!. Those being present were Mayor Hoey, Commls~'ioner Busch and Commissioner lJorenson, City Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty Manager Lake, Direc tor of Finance 'Nul tor Davis and tho Clerk whon the fol- lowing proceedings were had to-wit: The mim)tes of the last regular session were read and it was rr.oved bJT Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commi psioner ,;,)orenson that the m~nutes be UIJproved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor 1100y, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 484 -- SID No. 333 Assessment The Manager stated that the resolution levying the assessment for material and con- struction of Spec:tal Improvement District No. 333, paving in the south part of the City, in the amomt of 4~86,534.36 had been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 484, entitled: A RESOLUTION ()Ii' '1~HE COJV!MISSION OF THE; CITY OF BOZE?MN, MONTJ~NA, LEVYING MID ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF 'I'AXI:S UPON ALL 'I'}L~ PEOPEH'I'Y Hi SPBCIAL IMPROV~~l\'];;NT DISTRICT NO. 333 IN THE CITY OF' BOZIi:!{AN, COUNrlY OF GALL1~TIN, SrrA'l'E OF' MOHTAlJA, TO DEFRAY 'l'IIE COST OF CONS'l'RUCTn;G Ji.ND MAK- ING Tim IMPROVEMEHTS WITHIH SAID SPECIAL B1PIlOVJ:<.:r-,1El,'r DISTRICT NO. 333. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by CommissIoner 3usch that the reso- lution be provisionall~T passed and October 18th, 1840 be set as the d', te for hearlng pro- tests and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma:ror Hoey, Comr1is~1ioncr Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tto.se votinf No, none. Resolution No. 485 -- Garbage Assessment The l\'lanager stated that the Resolution levyinG" the a.ssessment for the collection and disposal of garbage for the year 1940 in the amount of 4?7,240.85 had been prepared. Ee presented Resolution No. 485, entitled: A RESOLU'l'ION OP 'HIE CQ;.]."IS::3ION OF THE CITY OP BOZ~TMN, IdONTAlTA LEVYTIJG AND ASSESSING A SP5CIAL ASSESSNI~:;NT OF' TA,XES UPOE ..''eLL RL~^L fROP.'.:r:'rY IN TEE CI'lY 01" BOZErlIl\K, cotn~TY OF GALL!c':I'IN, STATLi~ OF M01i:TAl:A SERVICED ANT) PRON WHICE GAHBAGE ViAS COLLECTED AND RB:MOVED;)URIKG THE YEAR 1940, TO DEl-'RAY THE COST AND EXPENSE OF COLLECTING MJD DIS}OSING OF GARBAGE UEDER TIlE t'ROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 696 OP THE CITY" OF BOZ:'~l\'Al'T. It was moved by Commls sioner Busch, seconded by Cormnl:.sioner Sorenson tho t the Heso- lution be pro'l,rislonally paRsed and October 18th, 1940 be set as the <.1:.') te for hearinO' u protests and the motion was carried b:T the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be_~.ng ~.Tayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Soronson; tho~~e votIng No, none. Resolution No. 482 -- M~sc. IV ;' C 1940 Assessment The Ma.'1ager stated that the Resolution levying the assessment for the construction and repair of Misc. Walks & Curbs in the City for 1940, in the amount of ~pl,599.62, had been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 482, entitled: A RESOLUTIOK QIi' THE COlVUHSSIOl\' O}-' THE Crfl~ OF' J30Z1;I,':AN LE\i'Y:nlG AND ASSliSSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAX3S UPON CERTAIK PROPERTIES IN THli CITY OF BOZ:':;Ii::AN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, S'l'A'I'E OF MONTANA, TO DEFRflY THE COST OF CONSTRuCTING A:ND INSTALLD:ra AND/OR R!';PAIRING MISCE;;I,LANEOUS SIDEWALKS AND CURBS DURING 'l'1m YEAR 1940. It was moved by Commlssioner I:)orenson, seconded by COTrll11isc:;ioner Busch that the Reso- lution be provIsionally passed and October 18th, 1940 be set as the date for hear.Lng pra- tes ts and tbe roo tion was carried by the following Aye and };o vo te; t=10S e vo tine; A~~e be lng I!ayor Eoey, Commissioner Busch and....ommissioner Sorenson; tbose voting No, none. 238 Ordin8Yl ce No. 701- - He locn tinf; Safo ty Zone s Around Schools The Manager stated tlmt an Ordinance relocating the Safety Zones around. the new school buildings which a1T'.ends Ordinance No. 672, the '1'raffic Ordinanc e, had been pre- pared. He presented Ordinance No. 701,. entitled: AN ORDINAKCE OF 'rHE CITY OP BOZL:I,:AN ArLElW]\"G SECTION 37 01,1 ARTICLE NO. VII, OF ORDINANCE NO. 672 OF TI::::E: CITY" Oli' BOZI%:-AN, REGULi\.TING 'ri{AFFIC UPON TIm PUBLIC STRF:ETS, A VENUES AND ALLEYS OI" Tim C I'I'Y OF BOZEILAN, MON'l'ANA. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Cormnis sioner Sorenson tha t the Ordinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried b:r U~e followinff, Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commis::-lloner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Request to Play Band Com.:rts 11r. L. L. Howard, Director of the MSC Band, appeared before the Commission and. asked permission for the MSC Band to play three or four public concerts next sprine; dur- ing the absence of the Regiment~Oll band; that they would play the concerts without pay, bn.t needed $250.00 to help carry out their. program. The Manager stated that during the past season The City of Bozeman had paid the Regimental Band ~pl~~5.00 per concert; that while the proceeds from the band levy had been pledged for pa;Imen t on the Armory Building, the building could not be finished by early spring and payments would not be due untIl the structure was finished. After f'urther discussion by the Commission, lt was moved by Commissioner Buscb, o:'econded by CO!nmissioner Sorenson that the MSC Band be permitted to play concerts next spring and The Ci ty of Bozeman pay them $250.00 for three concerts and the :r.lO tion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commis sloneI' Busch and Commissloner Sorenson; tlwse voting No, none. Private Driveways on North Seventh Avenue '1'he :Manager stated that regulations should be made for the construction of private driveways across the parking on N,..,rth Savent]:) Avenue. !/;r. Fred Brown, resident Engineer of the State Highway and Ci ty Engineer Thorpe were present. The matter was discussed by those present and it was decided that the driveways should not be over ten feet wide at the top; have a culvert twelve inches in diameter, and Sloping sides; that the drive- ways should be maintained by the owner and so placed that the ash trees would not need to be removed. It was moved b:/ Commissioner Dusch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance covering these regulations and the mo- tion was carreid by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye bein["c Mayor I-Ioey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tllO:se voting No, none. Ordinance No. 702 -- Airpor t COI!1.>rjs si on The Manager stated that the City Attorney as instructed had prepared the Ordinance creating an Airport Commission, alone the lines of discussion at previous moetings. He presented Ordinance No. 702, entitled: AI\" ORDINAl,.CE C:REA.r~TNG AN AIRfORT Cm;],~IS~:JI()N FOR 'TEE CITY OF BOZENIAK FUR SlJAN '1' '1'0 'I'IIl!: AL'TIIOHI'I'Y GRANTED BY TIill fHOVI3IONS Ol~ CHAP'rER 420 OF 'l'H:.~ l'OLI'l'ICAL CODE, R. C. ~i:Or: TAHA, 1935. It was moved by Commissionor Sorenson, seconded by Conunissioner Busch that the Ordinance be passed and adopted and the' Iaotion was carried b~l the following Aye and I I I I I I .)3- {J- I... _ No vo te; those vo tIng Aye being Mayor IIoey, Commiss loner Bus ch and Commi ss loner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Snow Removal Equipment Mr. Willis Springer, Street Foreman, appeared before the Commission to discuss the need for snow removal equipment. He s ta ted that a t the time of the year snow had to be removed, it was difficult to get men who are prep8.red to do this type of work for only a few days; that if the Commission would like more streets cleared of snow than had been the practice, additional equipment would be necessary. The matter was discussed b;. the Commiss ion and it was decided to as~c representatives of different companies to explain their machines to the Commie sion ancl to the Stree t Foreman prepara tory to ad vertl".Sing for bids for thi s e:lu':pr1ent. Report The report of the Emplo~'1TIen t Officer for the month of September was presented. It was :rnoved by ComrniOJsloner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the report be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1';0 vote; tl:.ose voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Buscll and Commissioner Sorenson;those voting No, none. Police Radio Equjp~ent The need for rad~..o transmi tting equ' pment for the Police Departmen t was discussed by the Commis s ion, and it was dec ided to make fur ther inves tiga tion before any ac tion is taken. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commis:'.:ion at thls time, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b;; Commissioner Dusch that the meeting adjourn and the motion vms carrIed by tIle following Aye and ]\:0 va te; tl.:.ose vo tine; Aye be lng I'iTayor Hays, Commiss ioner Dus ch and COmr.1issioner Sorenson; those vo ting No, none. Attest: c:( j, ~~t?~ :::Ierk 'of the Cornmiss ion ~ ~AL-~~/ 1<~a;70r