HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-10-18 240 Eo zeman, li:on tana October 18th, 1940 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Cl ty Hall Building, Friday evening, Oc tober 18th, 1940 at 7: 30 0' clock P. E. Tho se being present were Ma:yor Eoey, Commissioner B1JSch, Comml.ssioner ;;:'orenson, City Attorney Aitken, Ci ty Manaeer Lake, DIrector of Plnance Vialter Davis and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session wer'e read, and it was moved b:{ Comrnisf,ioner Busc.h, secon(~ed by Commis~ion(;r Sorenson that the m.inutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the follow:ng Aye and No vote; tho:,:'o voting A',:le being Mayor Hoey, Com,nlssi oner Busch and Commiss ioner Sorenson; those vat ine No, none. Resolution No. 484 -- Garbace Assessment 1940 The 11anaaer stated that this was the time and Il1ace set for hearln:?, protests to the final adoption of the Resolution levy:in'7 the assessr.I0nt for the collection and disposal of garbage for the year 1940. He presented affidavit of publication of the Notice and Eeso lu tion No. 485, en ti tIed: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE1IflW, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIA.J1 ASSESSMENTOF TAXES UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, SERVICED AND FROM. WHICH GARBAGE WAS COLLECTED AND REMOVED DURING THE YEAR 1940, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXFENS:G OF COLLECTn~G AND DISFOSING OF GAHBAGE UNDER THE PROVISIONS Of,1 ORDINAN{m NO. 69C OF TBE CITY OF' BOZEMAN Mr. Fred Jacobs, .F'. L. Bohart, n.~'. Boh::;rt F. O. Brenden and others appeared be- fore the COl111'7',is S ion rela ti ve to the aBse ssment for garbage ell sposal. They asked the number of places assessed for garbae:e collection anG the nUT:1ber of places from which collection of garbage was made. Mr. Julian Kiles, Collector, stated that there were approximately 250 places from whch no collection was made, because it was either vacant or no garbage had been ;;)ut out by the resident. Those present stated that if the collector worked full tIme, th"lt collection from the additional 250 residences would require more men and another truck thereby making additional cost; that the places from which no collection was made should not be assessed to help ~ay for the collection of tbe othor places. The Commisrion stated that the service was available to all residential properties of The City of Bozeman and all residential properties have been assessed for the col- lectlon of the garbage. After further discussion by the CommiSSion, it was moved by Commissionc:r Buscll, seconded by Commls f: ioner Sorer~son tho t tho Resolution be pa Bsed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoe~7, Comnoissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Rental of Ean7ars },Cr. Doug. Ferp:uson '-' , :.Ir. He ishler, Jor.ill [,'. L:'DCh and r,~artin Halley, appeared before the Commissi on to discuss the storage of gasoline in tl':e ci ty-owned hangars at the Bel- r;rade A~.rportand after discussion by- the Gommis s ion and tLose pr'esent, it was decided to leave the s torac;e of gasoline up to the rules and regulations of the fire insurance company. The Manager s to tecl thn t he had. agreed wi th Mr. Jo1:m P. Lynch on a month to mon th lease for the hanc;ars at the Belgracle Airport; that the monthly rental rate is :$::-2().OO per month payable in advance, beg:_nn.Lns on the 15th day of October and payable on the ~' ~~ I I I I I I 241. 15th day of each month thereafter as long as both rartles are satisfied. Mr. Lynch con- firmed this agreemon t . It 'Nas moved by COrrrrr.isfdoner Busch, seconded by Commissioner ':::'orenson that tt.e aZ-ree- ment be accepted and the motion was carried b:' the following Aye and No vote; tho~2e voting Aye being T.:ayor IIoeJ, Commissioner Busch and Comissloner Sorenson; those voting 1:'0, none. Petition -- Disturbance at 7th &: Main Mr. Hans Bille and A. C. Talmage were present and prosented a petition signed by residents in the vicinity of Seventh Avenue and Main Street requesting that the City Commission adopt an Ordinance to prevent the operation of businesses in this locali ty between 12 o'clock midnight and 6 A.M. They stated th"l.t the noise was vl':ry disturbi.nc; and anno:r1ng and they would like some action by the City Commission. The matter was discussed by the Comr:1is2,10n anc1 the Iv:ayor s ta ted they would do all they could to preven t the con tinuance of this noi se and the Polic e Department will be 0 rdered to check on this locali t;v- more of ton during the nigh t. R~solution Ko. 482 -- W & C 1940 Assessment The Manager stated that this was the tir.le and place set for the hearinG of protests to the adoption of the resolution levying the assessr.1ont for the construction and repair of Misc. VII !!.;, C for 1940. He presented affidavit of pub1ic'~~tion of the Notice an:... H8S0- 1ution No. 482, entitled: A RES01"UTION OF THE cO!n',~IS;'ION OF TEE CITY 0Ii' BOZET"TAN LEVYU;G AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMr,~l;T or,' TAXES UPON CER'l':UN lROP3RTIES IN fI'T;}<~ CI'IY or' DOZ~~T."AI'f, COUN1'Y O~' G.Al..LAT'DT, STA'I'E OF I',:ONTI1JTA, TO DE~'\'~AY TIll!; COST' OF COESTRTTC'rD!G AND 11I)C.~1It,~:'.IY'" ^1I7D/OP. R,i"p!jln""~,;c l""IC'CTi'TL'A1IT"S'f\lJr.:' c'IDcE1NAL'.:<"S A1IJD CUmB(~ DTTRI1\~G 'I""~i' l'~W .L.I.L......,. .I.,V .ill\; .L.l ~~IJ.J:'J. i.\J..LJ L. i.J J..:.iJ..J 1\,.....J........v I.) H .1.\.. 1'. Jl\."') l..... l\i ilL.., l'TIAR 1940. It was moved b'y Com::-lssioner Sorenson, seconded by Comrdsslon8r Busch that the Reso- lution be passed and adopted and the motion was carrled by the followinG 'lye and No vote; those votine' Aye being Ijlayor IIoey, Co:mmissioner I3usch and Commissioner SorensoYl;those voting N'o, none. Resolution No. 484 -- SID No. 333 Assessment The Manar:er stated th~,t this vms the time and place set for the hearing of protests to the adoption of the Resohltion lcvyin::r the assessmont for the construction of Special Improvr;mcmt District No. 333, paving in the south part of the City. He presented affi- davit of !,ublication of the Notice and Resolution No. 484, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF '1' HE Cm,:;"ISSICN O:F' THE cr TY 01"EO Z:':;1::"1N, MONTAl~A, LEVYING AN~) ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF' TA,~(l';S UPON ALL 'rHE lROF~RTY IN SPECIAL IMPPOVEJ\!f:NT DISTRICT 1W. 333 IN 'rEE CI'f'I OF BOZ.s:\:,:\;; COULTY OF GALLi\. TIN, STA TE OF !iIJI';TAKA, TO DEFRo"'" '1'jf;.: COS'1' OF CONS'l'l'~FCTING AND VIAKII<G 'l'::rr: n!:FROV'~MElJTS WITHIN SAID 8:2ECI1\L nlPYWV'~t:~r:rr .JISTRICT NO. 333 I twas n;oved by Commls s ioner Busch, seconded b:r Cornmlp sionc;,r '->oren2 on that the Heso- '" lution be passed an,: adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; ~ H ' ~'I .. ,....." '1 n .. ("'I those votin[': .aye being Eayor eoy, vomm.:.;:,slOnOl"' Dusr::n .9.n'_ '...I0I1UHlS2:L0n"jY' o.JOl"'r.m'oYl; t:.O:,8 voting No, none. Claim -- SID No. 333 Resorve The Man", [';er pres ented Claim No. 9591A, on Specia 1 Improvemen t .LlL: tl"' ic t 110. 333 to be paid in bonds in the amount of ~iPl,?OO.OO, wLich is the amount of resorve now due the Stanclard Construction Company from the pa~:"ment made AU:3u::-t 1, 1940. It was moved by CommLssioner Sorenson, seconded by Corrrrnissi oner Busch tha t the claim be allowed and t~e motion was (~arried by the following Aye and No vote; tho:e voting Aye 242 being l~ayor H('Iey, COffi.'11issioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting po, none. Specific tions for Snow TIemoval Equlpmf:mt & Truck ~le Manager presented specifications for snow removal equipment and for a It-ton truck which were examIned and discussed by the COTI1'l1ission. ri~r..T. A. Ring of the Empire Equipment Compan:T was present and explained further on the specifications. It was movod by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the City ~anB~er be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened November 8th, 1940 for snow removal equipment and for one l~--ton truck and the me tioD was carried by the follow- lng Aye and No vote; t~lOse voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Com- mis s ioner :::lor en::: on ; those '10 tln0' No, none. Release of Bond -- Dean Chaffin 'rhe ]',~an<Hc:er s ta ted tha t the bonding c ompan:r reqlles ted release of llabili ty from the bond of :gean Chaffin as Ci ty Commissioner. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the bonding company be released of liability from the bond of Dean Cb...'3.ffin as Ci ty Corrmiss ioner from and after January 8th, 19'10 and the motion was carried by the followl.ng A~TO and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor IIney, CO!r.missioner Bush and Com:misei oner Sorenson;those voting No, none. Hesolution No. -186 -- Driveways on Nort~l Seventh TIle Tl':anager sta ted tha t the C1 ty Attorney as instructod had prepared a resolution regula t:tn:'3 the cons true tion of dri v8ways on North Seven th .:~venue between Beall Stree t and the Cit:r Limits. He presented Resolution No. 4D6, entitled: A RESOLUTIOn OF '.lEE CITY COI,1T,~L;SION OF TlIE CITY OF BOL.;-f~IU~};, WI'1'II Ri~FimJmClZ TO PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS ON SEVENTH AV2NUE, NORTII, IN SAID CI'ry, FRmC 'l'H~~ SOUTH LUm OF BSALL STR~E1' TO THE C IIY LIMr'rs. It was moved b;lCommlssioner I:::>orenson, se-::ondod by Cornmi,:'!sioner Busch thr~t the Resolu tion be IB ssed and adopted and the no tlon was carried b;T t:1e following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beIng ;,':ayor Boey, Comrnissioner Busch and Connnissioner ::)orenson; those voting No, none.. Appointments to Air,Dort Board The llayor announced the following acpointmen ts to the newly created Airport Board: Dean Chaffin for 3 year term E .EL Anders on tI 2 year term Gard::;._ner Wal te II 2 year term .Dric Therkelsen for one year term 'rho I-;layor for one year term. The appoints to be effective as of November 22nd, 194U. It was moved by Connnission8r Sorenson~ seconded b;: COnlll1issioner Busch that tho n~)pointmen ts of Mayor Boey for the Airpor t Board be 8tpproved and the r.JO tion was carrie d b:r tho fo 11oVli.ng Ayoand No vo te; those votin['; Aye being J'i-ayor Hoey, Commis2,10nur Busch and Corrnnlssioner SDrenson; those vo ting N:), none. :-11 rcha:::~ e of L"mlJ :jr for Hangar The Manager stated thr'J.t tho a"tJount of lumber ordored for the constructiJn of the hann::ar a t the BelGrade Airport from one flrm would amount to more than ~~250 .00 and he would lIke autll.orLty to exceed this amount. It was D'oved by Commissioner Snrcnson, d d b c, . . s eCOD e y vO:rtlr1lS S loner Busch that the City Kannger be authorized to pur- ch8se the lumber necessar:i for the construction of the hangar and the motion was carried by the follow.~,ng Aye and No '\TO te; those voting Aye be.1.ng Ma:Tor Hoey, Conmlissioner BU8C;1 and Commissioner Sorenson; those votin-z No, none. I I I I I I Adjournment There beinQ' no furtber business to corne before tho Commiss ion at this time, it was mov ed by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorcn:lOn that tho meeting a.djourn 243 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Iilayor Eney, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those votinc: No, none. A t te s t : L Cle rk ~_.... Mayor