HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-10-25 244 Bozeman, montana Octo b e r 2 tj , 19 40 The Commj_s:':Jion of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening October 25, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock lJ.}i;. Those beine; pre s en t were Mayor Eoey, Corr'J!'.is's ioncr Busch, Commis si onor Sorens on, Ci ty At torncy Ai tlcen, City Manager Lal{e, Director of :F'inRnce Walter Davis and the Clerk, whon the foLLowing proceedings were had to-wi t: The minutes of the last rec:ular session were read and it was moved by COI11'TIisl'iioner Soren~'lOn, ~~ec'mded by Cormnts::i oner Busch tha t the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried b; the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Eoey. Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Addi tlonal Land for Airport P1J.r:r::oses 'Mr. Dean Chaffin, E. ;:\. Anderson, and Gardiner:'iai te, members of the Airport Board, appeared before the Commis si on to discuss the acquiring of aeLli tional land acl.joininc the Pondera Tract for A~rport :purposes. A map showing the owners of the adjoining laIJ...d sur- rounding the Pondera Tract was presented. rUle Board recommended the purchase of the land lying north of the Fondera Tract, i.e. Section 6, which would give ample runways in an:.\" di rec tion. The matter was discussed by the Commission, and it was moved b:,'Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that Gardiner Waite be authorized to act as ac;ent for The Ci ty of Bozerran to secure an option on the ;;round lyinc; nortl1 and adjoininG the Pon- dera Trac t, the options not to exceed ~~50 .DO each; also, tha tit being in the public in teres t, his expenses, lnciden tal to the sccurine of these options, be allowed and pa id from the Airport Pund, and the mo tion was carri ed by the fo llow ing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hooy, Corrunlssloner Busch and CommIssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Complain ts - - ~;'ain 8.: Seven tll Avenues. Mr. Dan Kilbride, Bert Jordon, and Mr. Baldwin, operators of businesses located near the intersection of' Seventh Avenue and X-:ain Streot appeared before the Commission in re- t1;arcl to complaints by res1dents about the noise from these bus':'nesses during the night. The:: stated, that in their opinion, the noise fr,Jm the btcsinesses was not as great as the noise from the reglllar traffic at this intersection of two highways; that they were not aware of any unnecessary noise. 1\e R ,-"'1. T:l b !'"r. ,. v. .Gm ry, Chief of Police, vms present and stateu that two nights during the pas t weelr a member of the Folic e Departmen t had pa troled and VIa tched t:,e operations of business there. Reports of their r.:.nds were read, which stated that most of the noise wa~ due to the regular opera tion of business and the reGular run of traffic a t this loca tion. Those present stated further that they would do all they coul<.l to prevent any unnecessary noise durinS' the night. No action was talclm by the Commission. Application for State Liquor License The application of the Baxter Hotel for a Sta te Liquor License was presented for approval by tLe City COIr..J:ission. It was moved by COrrllilissioner S()renson, seconded by Commissioner Busch tho.t the application be approved aJ;1d the motion was carried by the following 1\.yO and No vote; tbose voting Aye being 1;1ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and CommIssioner Sorenson; those voting No"none. I I I I I I 245 Snow Loading Equipment !.Tr. Garmer of the 1iidland Implement Company ViaS present and discussed with the Cormn:ls3ion their snow loading equipment. Besigna tion -- Geo I,~onroe -- Plumbing Board The Ea:y'or presented and read the resignation of Goo. D. Monroe as a member of the Plumbing Examiner's Board. I t was moved by Comm:l s:' loner 3')renson, seconded by COffi.rn:1 s ;-'ioner Busch th8 t the resigna tion be accepted and the motion was c3rrlod by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beine; Mayor Hoey, Connnissioner Busch and Cornrnissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Appointments rrhe :Mayor announced the following appoin truen ts : IiIrs. P. C. Gaines as a member to the Hecrca tion Board Mr. Aug H. Lake as a member to the Cemetery Board I t was moved by Commis sioner Busch, se c()nded b:T Commis s1 on or So rens on that the ap- pointments be approved an.. the motion was carried by t1:o following l'..ye and No vote; those votinC: A~~o being I,;:a:mr r-Ioey, COITDnissioner BUSC:l and Com..':11ssionor ""oren:,>on; those vo ting No, none. Application for City License The applica tion of Joseph II. Heister for a ci ty license waspresented and reau. 1 t was moved b;/ Commis ai. oner Busch, seconded by Commis s loner SOl' ens on tha t the appliea tion be approved and the license issued and the motion was carrled by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Co:mmis~;ioncr Busch and COY:111:.1ssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Sewer Connections The Manager presented a list of persons who have not made connection to t..~e sani tary sewer and the time limi t v.hich was so t for the connec t10n to be made. 'The Manager s ta ted tl12. t the time had ex pi red fo r all thos e 11s ted. After discuss ion, by tIle COTI1.'11is s ion, 1 t was decided to wri te each one lis tad to fj.nd out why tho;T have no t made this connec tion. Montana :.':.:nIcipal League :~;xoc'.Jtive r.:ootinz; The Manclger stated there is to be a meetine; of the Executive and Legislative Com- mi ttees of the l::ontana Municipal League to beheld in Helena, Novembor 13 t and 2nd, 1940; the t the Ci ty A ttorney is a member of bo th of these commi tte8s . It was moved b~' Co:mmiss ioner Busch, seconded b;i Commisslonor Sorenson tha t, it being in the public interest, the City Attorney be aut:lOrized to attend these meetings "J ... . anQ ras expenses be ];Xl.id from the General Fund and the motion was carried b;,' the following Aye ,and }To vot~); those votine; Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Ad journmen t There being no further buslness to come before the Conrrnission at this time, it was moved by Cornmissioner Busch, seconded by Conrrnism onor Sorenson tl1a t the mee ting adjourn, anJ the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; th:Jse vo ting k.{e being l'\~ny-or Hoe:r, Commissioner Thlsch and Commissioner 30ren~.on; those voting No, none. Attest: ~~ c~ ()f the vomm~~n ~""" 4~~~- JiLt }"ayor