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Boz eman, Il'lon tana
November 1, 1940
The COr.'Jn':ssion of The Ci ty of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall BuildinG' F'riday evening, November 1, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those present
were lIayor Hoey, Commissioner B-llsch and Commissioner Sorenson, Cit~~ r.lanager Lake, Direc-
tor of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-wit:
The minu tesof t.he las t reGular sess ion were read and it was moved by Commie sionor
BuscL:., seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be approved as read anCl the
motion was carrIed by the following Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye being Ma;;or Hoey,
Commissioner Buscl] and COll..'11issioner dorenson; those voting No, none.
The following reports for the month of October were presented:
Police Judr:re
Wa ter Collec tor
Cemetery Board
BuildinF" Inspector
Sta te ExamIner's Report
It was moved bJ~ Commissioner I3rlsch, seconded b~T Commi3~ionc'r borenson tha t the reports
be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
thos 0 vo tin!! Aye being l',:ayor IToey, Comn~ls .',; loner Bus c:~ and Comr.;is sioner- borenson; those
voting No, none.
Petition -- He: Church of God
Mrs. John Huff, Mrs. G,sil Kinyon, Gail Kinyon, i,ll's. P. J. lv:oli tor an", others appeared
before the Commission and presented a petition stating that the undersigned residents
located in the vicini ty of House ~; }?eacn Streets hereby peti tion tha t the City Commission
do somotting about the Church of God; tha t the manner in widch the services are conduc ted
is a public nuisance and disturbs the peach and quie t of ti1e neit';hborhood; and tha t they
would appear ln court to testify to these facts.
Some of those prosent stated w:hy they felt the church sbould be closed, and why
the manner in which the services are conducted is a public nuisance.
'1'he ma tter was uis cus sed fllr ther, ani it was moved b:.c Comrnis s ioner Busch, seconded
by Commis~Jioner o:)orenson that the petition be referred to the CitJ~ Att.orney ancl that he
be ins truc ted to take wha tever ac tion 1s necessary, anci the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Comrniss1 oner Busch and
Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Extension of Time -- SID No. 334
A wri tten reques t from the Standard Cons truc tion Company asking for an meten tion of
time, until ITovember l5, 1940, for the completion of Special Improvement District No.
334, sanitary sewer on North Rouse between Lamme and Aspen Streets, was presented and
road. It was rr:oved by (:;ornmis sioner ~orenson, seconded by ComJ::'.is ::: ioner Busch tha t the
extension be grante(l until 1'Tovember 15, 1940 anJ the !'lotion was carried b7' the following
Aye and No vote; tb.ose votin(":" Aye being Yayor Foey, Comr:lssioner Busch and Commissioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Applications for ~lty Licenses
1be followinb applications for City License were presented and read:
Dusenberry 8( Gary
Weiser's Gift Shop
It was moved b' Commiss:oner Busch, seconded by Commissioner borenson that the appli-
ca tions be approved and tl:..e licenses iS~JUed 8: the motion vms c arrled by the following Aye
No vote; those voting A;Te beIng ~I:ayor H:ie;r, iJommissioner Busc.h and ComITlisf;ioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
C lalns for the Mon th
Claims Nos. D592 to 9752 inclusive were presented on the various ftmds as follows:
Amoun t
Ceme te ry
Cem8tery Suspense
S tre et
2 50 .18
2 ,8l0 ._9.,L
13, L106 .63
To ta 1
The Manc.ger stated that he has au~ited these clsir.1s an..~ finds tl:en~ to be true and
lawful clai!11s against The Cl ty of Bozeman and reconnnends tha t warrants be drawn for
their payment. After examination of tho claims in detail b;r tho Com:.ission, it was
moved by Corrmissloner Sorenson, 38condod by COlY'JTIissioner Busch tho. t warrants be drawn
for their pa:vrnent and. the motion was carried by the followinG Aye ami No vote; those
voting Aye being Mayor IIocy, Commissioner Busch and COfnmissioner ~orenson; those voting
No, none.
3uilcling 8; PlurJ in~ l<'ees '.'Jaived -- Arn;ory Building
'I'he Manaeer s to. teet tha t reque s t had been made a t the time of applica tion for a
bui lding pe rmi t that the fees for the cone tr118 tion and inspe c tion of the Arrr~ory be waived;
iIe stated that it had been '!ranted to other public buildings in the Fast. It was moved
by Comwis sioner S0renson, seconded by Comr1is s ioner 131).8c11. the t the building and inspec tion
fees be waivec5. for tho Armory Building am~ the motion was carried by the following Aye
and No vote; those votinc; Aye being Mayor lIoey, Comnlssioner Busch and COrrL.'111ssioner 00r-
cnson; those voting No, none.
Plans and Specifications for Concrete Vault
The ~anager presented plans and specifications for a concrete vault to be built
for the Enp:ineer's Office for the protection and safe-keeping of City maps and other
records. The plans and specifics tions were exam5.ncd by the 00:mr:-:ission, and 1 t was moved
b:T Com.'11issioner Busc, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the City ~[anager be auUlor-
ized to make application for a V{PA Project for the construction of the vault and tbe
motion ViaS carried by the followinz .'eye and 1\'0 vote; those voting Aye being I-Ta7:or Hocy,
Cornrniss ioner Busch and Commis si oner Sorenson; thos e \TO tinr; No, none.
Report -- Airport ~eveloprnsnts
Mr. Dean Chaffin, Eric Therkelsen, Gardiner Waite and E. R. Anderson were present
and stated thnt the fir~t three named had met witb r.f-r. Paul l'torris of the Civil ,Aeronautics
?"l:thority, at Butte, :rviontana on this afternoon, and that 1,,:1'. T/orris stated to them that
the U. S. GOYCrm:1ent has alTropriated money for airj)Ol'>t development and in order for 'I'he
Oi ty of Bozeman to share in the bene!i t from tha t npI)ropria tlon, The City of' Bozeman n:UD t
fir~t secure the needed amount of land for a Class 'Three Airport; and second that the Ci ty
must furnish plans and specifications to.e;ether with unit costs and contract prices on
propos ed runways, buildin,js, needed for tll e comple te cons true tion 0 f a Clns s 'l'hree
d...: r-
port and that these plans and estimates must be ueliv'Jred to MI'. J'''oI'ris not later than
November 20th, 1940.
They s ta te,j furth er tha t arm"Sr engineers wOlJ.ld be available for surveying and makine;
contour maps of the proposed site to be used in preparing the plans and estimating costs of
the runway cons truc tion .
Those present were questioned by the CommIssion and after further disctlssion of the
matter, Gardiner Waite was instructed to go ahead and try' to secure options for addi-
tional land. as authorized at Comm:i.ssion Nloet:i.ng of Octobor 25th, 1940.
'l'b.e ma tter of acquiring additional land was discussed further, and it was rr:oved by
Commissi oner Sorenson, seconded by Com.rnissioner Husch tho. t the C1 ty Manager be au thor-
ized to make the first payment on the quarter section of land owned b:~ Gallatin County
near the Pondera Tract, to be purchased under contract 'by the City and the motion was
carried by the followinc: Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beIng Mayor Hoay, Commis-
sion::; r Busch and Co:m.>nissloner ':>orenson; tho'se votinc; Eo, none.
A:.l;} ournrnen t
There being no fl:trther business to come before t:1C Commission at this tille, it was
moved by Comr'.issioner Sorenson, seconded b;T CoY1J11is['ioDer Busch that the meeting ao.journ
and the motion was carried by the following A:re and No vote; those voting )"ye being
Mayor Hoe:!, Commissionor Busch and COTI1~'TIissioncr lo.lorenson; those voting No, none.
At tc s t :
vlcrk of the Comr.d.sC'ion