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Bozeman, Montana
IJovembor 6, 1940
The City Commission met in special session pursuant to call by the City 1.1anager,
which was read, as follows:
~,1r. l<'rank Eoey
!lr. A. G. BlISC1--
Mr. C. W. Sorenson
Ci t~, COnL'Tlis.sioners of \-
Tho CitJ of BozBman, Eontana
You and each of you, are hereby notified tha t a special moeting of the Ci t:y Com.rr.is-
sion of The City of Bozeman, Montana, is hereby called and will be held atthe usual
r.:eetinz place of said Ci ty Commission in the ci t~T hall building of 'rhe 01 ty of Dozeman,
on the 6th day of November, 1940, at tho hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day.
The business to be considered and transacted at said special meetinG Is the matter
of the purchase of additional land for airport purposes; s:d.d land being adjacent to tho
land already owned by The City of Bozeman and known as the iondera Tract, near Bolsrade,
Gallatin Count;r, Montana.
Dated this 4th day of November, 1940.
AUG. I}. LA~E." (Signo~L
C i t~T I'.:anagor
Service of the above and foregoing call for and notice of' special mooting is
aC'mow1ed,,!od, and cory received, this 4tlJ da:) of November, 1940.
FR.HrK nOEY (Si~ned)
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;3Crtm\;SOl~ (Signed)
'--'-'-'---'--~CTty'-Co-ffimisi;To~n e-r'--
A,', 13r.r" "1. ( '" d' )
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Those present were ;/~ayor Hooy, Commis2ioner 13usc):, Commissioner SOl'en:;on, CitS
Manager Lake, ::lIty Attornoy Ait:Hm, Jirector of ::i'innnce "::alter Javis and the Glerk of
the Commis~) ion, when th0 followinR: proceedings were hnd:
i'/r. G. C. ~[{ai to reported tha t he had sec1Jred optIons for six ty days from N:J vember,
2, 1940, for the purchase of certain land adjoining the fondera Tract near Belgrade,
Mon tana, owned b:r the Ci ty and acquired for airport purposes. He presen ted the options,
from George Van Eoorn for 369.41 acres, mor::~ or les8, vvithout wator rishts or buildings;
and for 319.88 acres, :more or less fror:1 C. i-<'. Jump and'i'lif'e and C. Vi'. Jump and ilife, and
to Include 250 shares of stoc:{ in Spain-Perris Ditch Company as a water rizht. 'rhe price
of the VanHoorn land to be $5,000 and the Jump land to bo ,.;;;4,320.00.
'rrlO ;;;;5J. JJ paid
to eacrl Van Hoam and the Jumps for the options, to apply on ti.'.c plJ.rchase l)rice if tIle
options were exercised. Mr. Waite stated he was propared to assign these options to The
City of Bozeman upon being reimbursed for the $100.00 he lIed paid for them and his actual
and necessary exponse in abta:ninu tile same.
After extended disc1)ssiOl~, it was :roved by:'::or.1lnlssioner Dusch, sec~mded b:: Comn;i3~~ioner
~orenson that The City of Bozeman take over said options by assignment from Mr. Waite
and on the terms stated; that the City Attorney be in::'t:r'lJcted to prepare a Reso1~ltion
accord:1.np;ly and declaring the in ten tion of the Ci ty to exercl se sald options and purchase
said property for airport purposes, as authorized by law. A detailed description of the
property covered by said options to be set out in saicl resolution, together wi th pri ce
to be paid and terms of papent; and said Resolution to be ready for action by the Com-
mission at l ts reglllar moeting on Ii'riday, NoveTI".ber 8th, 1940, and the motion was carried
by the follovvinQ' A~Te and No vote; those voting Aye; beinG Mayor Eoey, Cornmis,~ioner 5118Gh,
and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Ad ,journmen t
rfhere being no further business to come before the special meeting under the call,
there for, it was moved by Comml S 2,1 onCJr Bu:::cli, scc::mded by Commis sioner Soran.') on tha t
the meeting ad50urn and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote; those
voting Ayc being T.:a;:ror Eoey, C01mnis3ioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tilDee voting
No, none.
At te s t :