HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-11-15 254 Boz e man, Mon tana l~ovember l5, 1940 The Comm:lssion of 'The City of Boze~nan met in rg1Jlar session in the Sommission Room, City Hall BUilding, ll'riday evening, November Ib, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those be::ne present wore Mayor Roey, Commissioner Dusch, COrnr.1isclioner :Sorenson, City Attorney AItken, Ci ty Manager Lake and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wi t: The minutes of tho last regular session were read and it wasmoved by Commissioner Sorenson, secCJnded by Comm.i.sslonEH' Busch th~lt the minutes be approved as read and tIlO motion was c:J.rried by the followinp; Aye and Xo vat ; those voting Aye being Mayor Booy, Commls:!ioner Busch and Cnmrr::.is"ioner Soren' on; those votinc: No, none. Sewer Connections Mrs. I:;aragret C. .Jones and C. C. Jones, appeared bei'ore ttle Commission in regard to connee tine: theirprope rty 10eF1 ted at 315 and 317 North Broaclwa:r to the sani tary sewer. 'I'hey stated that they had written notice that arrangements should be made for this-eon- nection or appear before the CommJ.ssion at this t:i.me. I'Irs. Jones stated that connoction 11ad been made wi tL tLe sewer but fixtures wero not insta11cdj that before any fixtures could be ins ta1lr:d, an addi tior: would 11a ve to be blli 1 t to t~l.e h.ous os which was e s tlma ted a t a cost of ,;:;600 and was more than they fe 1 t they could aLTOI'd at tL is time. They stated that tllOY were making pa:i'ments on the sewer construction and 88 soon as this was paid, it would be possible to install the fixtures. The ma tter WHS dise1Js~'ed ani the Comrr1is.';Jion expressed themselves as being ir: favor of an extension of time to Ers. Jones to connect ber property to the sanitary sewer. ]\>1r. 'N. S. Harrison,621 North bozeman, appeared before tl:e Conmlission in regard to connectiD'I to tIle sanitary sewer. Ee stated tlBt at t~Jis time he could not afford to rnat:e the connection; tha t if tiiJ1e wasP'ranted till sprinr; he wO'Jld probably be in a pos- ition to maIre t1:8 connoction at that ti~e; th3t it was his intontion to make the connection as soon as he can. 'I'he Gornmiss ion expressed themsel ves as being it: favor of ex tension of' time to r'i:r. IIarr is on. Grrnlnd for Eoc~GY .,",) .. , .':.cn~{ T,:r. rial tor Secor, of tbs J1Jnior Chamber 0 f Commerce, 8.l)l>sarcd before the Conuni S3 ion to ask permis~don to uce p8rt of tie slmting rinl'= at Dall ~ "r:.~ forhockc:'i purloses. rl'118 matter was cHscussed b~T tJle Commissi::m and they felt tInt it WOllld be to the bes t in teres ts of all 11' a separa te rink c;~iUld be used by tLe Junior Chamber of Commerce, and th.at a site may be had :i.n T3ogert's Grove; thnt I\~r. Secor should make arrane:ements with the City Manager to select a suitable location. .:."rcLo.se of Fniforn's for 1. oliecn:cm '1'he ManaGer presented the following q"ota tims for uniforms and overcoa ts for Policemen: Vv'i II son Company 'iNa,c:r:n or's City Dyeiij'iorks Ed I:oward Company Jason's Uniforms ~~ 47.25 47.89 Overcoa ts {. 41.75 ;i? 50. 5(j bO.Ov 57 . DO 4f3.30 44.25 It was moved by Commtssioner Bunch, d b ~ . . s ec)ndw ~T Olill".l.S ,~lonor Ci ty So rens on tha t the rlanager be author'ized to purchase six uniforms from .Jason's at the prtce quoted and the I I I I I I 255 motion was carried by the foll:)wing Aye and :Eo vote; tllOse votIng Aye being l,iayor lIoe~T, Comni,ssioner Busel: and COl1'1J'11ss1oner t.Jorenson; thoso voting :Ko, nono. Appointmont PlurrbiYl'r:3oa pj 11111e !.:a7'or announced the appointment of Benjamin L. Jones to fill the unox1lirod term of Goo. Ihnroo as ,JolJrncyman Plumber on the Board of .'lumbing Exam'nor's. It was r.:oved b:1" Commissioner 80rew::on, sec"mded b:! Co~",:is:'")l.onor 31,SC~" tha.t the appointment be apII' ovcu and the moti,:m was carried by the foll)wln[" Aye and No vot<';; those voting Aye be ~np: I1Ca yor IIoey, Comrnissi onor Busch 8nu Comr1ls s ion or Sorenson; tho 20 vo tins No, none. Steel ')oors tor Vaul t The 1l,Tanager s ta tad ths. t two doors 'NOlJ ld be necessary for the concre to vault to be constn:.cted for the Engineer's OffIce, and after discussion by the Com.rnisslon, it was moved b~' Commlss loner Sorenson, seconded by Co:mnls sloneI' B1J SC;', that the Gi ty .l'.an::u:r,cr be '. . an thorlzod to 8,cIvertls e for b ids for two steel doors, one of 6-hour fl.re resis tan t con- struction and tbo other of 2-hour fire resistant construc.tion, bids to be opened on December 6th, 1940, and. the motIon was carried by the followln[?; Aye and 1~0 voto; U',osc votin0' Aye beIpg 1,~ayor Hooy, COn11'1issloner BuscL 2r:;d Comn<_ssloner Sorenson; those; voting No, non c . 9J-~lnutG Parking ~Illson, Tracy & Black The matter of 90-mirmte pnrldng on Soutb Blnck, SOlJth 'I'r8c:T an(1 Soutb 'lil11son Avenues between Main and Babcoclc Str80ts \Vns discussed, ,3.nd tile Cormnlss3..on expressed themselves as favoring gO-minute parking on these streets. k', j cmrmnen t '1'here beIng no further businessto come before th8 Comni3~Jion at tj--:ds time, it was d.., . ' .. n , 1 1 C .. n 1 t > t r::.ove,",:;y vonrr:L1..3Cl.Oner t.Joronson, SeConClOC: oy OmmlSS10nOr ~llSC;.l ~H:( the moo tin'"!: n ~:.journ, and tl'.lC moti'Jn WS[l carrle:'i b;l the foll)wlnr.s .\.ye anu Eo va te; those vo tine; AY0 be':'nr ~,. F lj'" ,. n 1" C . . l,a yor ""oey, OmY:lj_S SlOner .,US C.1 an". 017L'1llS Slono r .....orenson; thoso votlncr Lo, none. A,~~~_~_ ~-~'~~bf tLie 0ity "ornmission ~~~- Kayo r t