HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-11-22 25(i BOZHman, Ii~on tana November 22, 1940 The Commi8si on of 'rho Gi ty 0 f Boz eman rne t in rOGular 8es s ion in the Commis ,;,ion Room, City F[all,Bul1ding, F:ricia:y evening llovember 22,19'1:0, at 7:3) o'clock p.r,)' 'Those beJng present ,yere l.jayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commls~;ioneI' Sorenson, City At- torney Aitlcen, Clt:, l,'anager Lake, ,)irector of Finance Walter Davis & the Clerk when the follow:1ng proceedings were hnd to"w'i t: The minutes of thc') lastreg"ll.lar ses:::ion wore read, and it was roved by Comrr'issioner Busch, seconded by COmmiSfJioncr Sorenson that the minutes bo approved as read and the motion was c::lrried by the following Aye and 1::0 vo tc; those vo ting Aye being FayoI' IT n . i ',oo:r, vommlSS. onor ]3u3ch and Commi s:::d elDor SorenE! on; those vo ting lIo, none. Garbage Assesspcnts & Sewer Connoction },:rs. Alice ,Johnson, 5\,)6 Nortb Bozeman and. C. II;. 1'res ton, 520 North Bozem8n a;Jpeared before tho Comrnlstlion in regArd to their nsscsmrJmt for Garba,!7e for 1940. 'rl1O metLod of asseSftLnrr was explained, t:te Ma;uor statinr:; th8t the COll1Jl1lssion felt this cnetLocl of assessir:g was the faires-t for all, unGer tbe present metho~l of collectin~. l;Ir. Preston stated further tJ:-,nt he bad written notice to connect to UJC sanitar:r s ewer, b1J t wasfjn8.nc iall:y una blo at present to mq 1((; the connoc tion . Ii,r. .!-"res t'JD Vias asked to make tLI8 connection as soon as possible. Airport :Flans 1',:1'. Eric T'cerkelson, G. Waite, and ..)e8.n Chafflj~ Ylere present and hir. TherkolsGn prasen ted maps of the proposed developmen t for the Dozer.-w.n Airport wr.cich wero prepared b: the .Army i~nc-.1n()ers at Fort FecI.;:. 'rhe maps Vlore exam.:'nod by tL.e Corr"n:.ssion. Tho U:annger stated thclt the Civil Aeronautics Authority requested a Resolution 8\Jthorizing tho C.tty !',lanager to co-operate with the Department of Commerce in ob- talnin IS feder81 a iel for t~;e financln r: of the cleve lopmon t of an Airport for The' Ci ty of BOZemal". TTe 3tated that the Resolution Lad been prepared and presented Resolution No. 488, entitled: A HESOLU'I'ION AUTHOrnZING TEE CITY IO\r:-AGER '::~.;' THC8ITY OF DOZ:-~?U\I;, IWKTAT'JA 1'0 COOi'SHATE Vi IT': THE ;J;,n"EI S'l'RNrOH OF CIVIL A,:nONAU'nCS OF' 'IT:': UKITE_; S'Ei\.'I'ES D';~l)jH{TT.~I'~Nrr OF C lIn.:ERCE ',;I'1'E /1, VIE',." TO OBTAIN- HTG B'l!::JEHAL !l.1:) D' PIE/dICING TIC J::'::V=LOI~C;~Nrr OF lUGLIC !;IR1'OHT PACILI'T'Il,;0 IN OR N!:,~,';R 30Z.'T:AIT, MOr.;'l'AI\}\. It was moved by Com'11-lssion'c;r Siremwn, seconded. by GonunisE.;ioncr Busch that the Resohl tion be passed anc adorted and th,~ motim v:as carried by' the J'ollowinr:: A~7e and Fo vote; tLose votincr Aye being :,iayor i::)e:,', Cormcls"ioncr BUBeL, and Com,,:isoioner ~or- orson; those votine; Ho, none. C 1 ai Tn "'1' i ~J c7"0A "" t' '"'t " c'" t . '" v a m lO. ,i ;J",. O,L 'DC,.;) anc.ara vOLS l'uct:~on.)O:r'1pany, lr tho m'ount of :,p5,OJO.JO to be paid in ~pecJal Ip'provemcnt jJl:,trlet l.;"). 334 Bonds, for the construction of sa.iu cHstrict, was presented. It was ;;-:ovod by COlmnlssloner Sorenson, seconded b:r Comr;jlssi,oner Bllscl'.1 tL.st the claim be allowed and the motion was carried b:1' the foll::nving "'lye and No V':l to; th ose vn tInCT A;re be in:; i\.Ta;:or fToey, Comm is :11 onor 13us C{i and Commis sionor Sorenson; those votlng No, none. PUrchase of c.i.'ires for Ttotor Grauer The l\1anac:er stated that tho r'.otor Grader wO'1ld need new tires by spring; that he Lad Informntlon from ti.re dealers Ur','it an aclvanco:n price could be expected and I I I I I I he V'lOllld like authori ty to purchase the tires. 257 It was moved by Commis:.:;ionor Busclo., seconded by Co:mmissionor Sorenson that the Ci ty I,ianac;er be au thorized to purclmse tires for tho motor grader and the motion was Busch and Cor.r~:l.s sioner .sorens on; those voting Ko, none. carried by tl":c following Aye Gnd No vote; those votinG Aye bolng l\"ayor Eoe y, CODU11is s ioner Hel;ort Montana Municipal Lea.o:ue helcl L'. Helena, which he attended. The CIty Attorne;T reported on the meeting of the Legislative Committee of the Ad journm'::~n t There being no further business to come before the CommisE1ion at this time, it WMS moved by Corrunis s ion er Buseb, seconded by Commis sioner Sorenson tL.a t tLe mee t.ing ad jonI'n .' . i tJ l ..,-, . i JI1ayor liOe\r, vomrruss oner UUSC.L~. ~.!.rd vOYP.;:'.L3:' mer and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot ing Aye being Sorenson; those v11ing No, none. :a~._ CIer 1( of the vornmis s ion 5?J4ML r,Ta:~ or