HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-11-29 258 50 zeman, Montana November 29, H)4J The Cormnission of fI'he City of Bozeman met in reD.'Ular session in the Commlsnion ~ .~ Room, City Eall I3uildinr:;, !"rida~T evenlDC;, November 29, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock F.IL Those being present were I-.layor Hoe~T, Comrrlssioner :lusch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken, City :,Tnn8fTer Lake,'Jirector of Finance Walter D';1.vis and the Clerk: when the follovilng proceediY1[':8 were had to-wi t: 1'110 Yr'.Jnu tos of tile las t regular session were read anCl it was Tovcd by Commissioner Sorenson, sec'md.ed b7~r Cor'll'1:ls sioner 13-1.13 CJ: tha t the minu tes be appro ved as read and the motion vias curried b;( the f'ollowlnp; A~~c and No vote; those voting Aye beIng iViayor ., C" Loey, O~~LSSloncr Bm,ch and Commission,::;r j,;)orcnson; those voting No, none. Or~lnance Ko. 703 -- gO-MInute Parking 'TIle Manager stated that the CIty i"ttorney had prepared an emergency ordinance ex- tending the parkin::; restrictions on South Willson, South 'l'racy and SOUtll 13lack between I\caln S tree t and Ba bco ,~"?'k, and au thorlzin,S the Ci t;t !,/:anager to make such rq:;ula tlons, wr:en necessary, s:Jbjcct to the apfJrovnl of the Cit;~ COTl1T::is~;ion. He presented Ordinance No. 703, entitled: AI'; ORUn~1\I\~Cl~ Al.'JJ:1':DHJG S:~CTIOE 29 OF ORDIEM:GE NUI\JBI:i;R 672 OF' TIill CITY CF B02EI'.'AN E1i:L!\'I'IFG TO 'I'HAF'FICUIOl: 'rIlE S'I'EImTS, AVr';lfUJi:S Al;D Ai,Lt":Y:S OF' TEE crrry 0l~30Z:-:T\~Aj;, so AS '1'0 EX'l'END F:\RKnG REsrrRI':~'l'IOlJS,ENLA~.G= 1'EE AU- TEORITY OF TPE CI'I''{ ~,'IANAGFR 'i!IrI':~ REI4'ERElJCE TO SUCH RES'l'RICTIONS, AKD ~)"SCL/\\r\nTG AI' >:!(;.mGEFCY SO AS 'rJ ~/.j\.KE THIS ORDUI.PJ.!T'':;'S r';l,':::JL\'I'!!:LY 1.:FFEC'l'IVE. It was moved b;: Commi SD ione r Duscrl, seconded b; COTIm::'s 8 ioner Sorcns on tho t :\:JlO OrdInance be passed anc~ adopted an,l the motion was carried by the followin0' Aye and No vote; tIose vot:1nn: Aye being Itayor TToey, Commis,~ionor Busch and Com:ris[\ion,c,r Sorenson; those votinl'" No, none. Appl::'cntlon for State Liquor License }'11o applica tion of the Toohey BrotLers (Arcade) for a 3 to. te liquor license was presented. It was moved by ComJ!1is~donor Sorenson, seconded by ""orrrrnissioncr Buserc th8 t the np.[)lication be apl)roved an.. tIlE) IT'.otion vms carried bJ~ U:orollowing Aye and No vote; those votine; Aye being r',;ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and vommlssionor Sorenson; those vatlng Ko, none. Aba temen t of Taxes fo r 19 (to. The followin~ applications for abatement of taxes for 1940 were presented: }J ayre Amount Eo tice N.). 'co II. ~.'e lIen E. J. Butler '.7. C. dJf1lps D. r. Cloninger jJ. Ray Cay Cb08. ::;'oodrich :J. A. Dar tho 1 ,'.mew J. A. Bartholemew 2.70 28. ~)5 3.00 3.00 1.G2 1402 2332 lG?4 ,121 ?DO 820 118 108 ~} 3.C<) 7.. .""...-, v.Uv 5.67 The apI;lica tions for a ba temen t of the taxes were road and exam:"ned b;' the COJ:l- mission, whereupon it WU:'3 T'loved by Co~isslon;r Sorenson, seconded by Cormnis~:lionor Dusch t:hat U:o aba tem8nts be allowe(l and the Director 0 f B'inance be instrlJcted to mal-::e t' ,,!18 proper corrections upon the tax records, and the motion was carried by the follow- Ine: Aye and l\io vote; those vot.1.ng Aye being ;,;a:ror Ilooy, Co;,"mis:~loner 311sch and Commissionc)r ....orensoY1j those votIng No, non~:J. I I I I I I 9-9 ~"/a.. Police Court Fines ReFitted The J'.;ayoI' repor tell to the Comml s c': ion tha t he had remi tted the fine s in Polic e Court Docket lJo. 6621, Ci ty 0 f Doz e:TBn v. <Tolm J. Sweeney and lilrs. John J. Sweene:;, and ~~50.00 of the fine of $100.UO in Folice Court Docket No. 6767, City Jf Boze~an v. lIarland :r ing. Ire s ta teet 110 had donc tl-_is upon the reco~enda tion of tho CIty A tt.orney, and becall se he was himself of the opinion the,t public jus tice and the bes t :J.nteres ts of the City would be served by such action. ML j O'J Y'DL'.en t There being no furt.ber business to come before the Com...'1l':ssion at ti.-lis tin:c::, it was moved. by COYl1nisi.:ioner Dusc1:l, seconded by Comrr'ission".;r Sorenson that the meetinG o.djourn anj the motion was. carried b':, tr.e following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being t'a:~or Eoey, Cor.m1iudonor Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. J\. ttes t: ~~ a :ll.. _..k-~- ka:~or .v. Commls s lon--