HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-12-06 260 Bozeman, Montana December 6, 1940 rl'he Commission of The Cit;y of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, December 6, 1940, at 7:3] o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Hoey, CommLssioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken, City Manager' Lake, Director ofPinance Walter Davis an~i the Clerk, WIlen the following ProceedIngs were had to-wi t: 'llhe minutes of tbe laB t regular session were reael and it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be approved as read and the mo tion was ca rried by the following Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye be.in g Ma:ror Roev, , ~ Commlsf'ioner Sorenson and Commi8sioner Busch; those voting No, none. Bids for Vault Doors The Manager stated that this was the time and place set for the opening of bids for two vauI t doors to be us ed in the cons true tion of a vaul t for the t:ngineer' s Office. He presented affidavit of publication of the Notice to Bioders, wbereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the bids be opened and. the 'notion was carried by the following Aye ani No vote; those voting Aye being 1iLayor 11oey, Commi.ssloner Sorenson and Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none. The l' ollowing bids -,v'ere opened an:} read: RaJ~ond C. Grant $ Pacific Stationery & Printing vo. Delbold Safe & Lock Co. York Safe & Lock Co. ArcJ:l ie Vi. Adams Northern School Supply Co. 4HS.OO 554.00 518.00 479.00 585.00 477.00 After exam:nation of the specifications subml tted by the bidders, it was moved 1')y Comn-dssloner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the bid be awar:J.ed to the Nortbern School Supply Compan y and the motion was carried by the follow ing Aye and No vo te; those vo ting Aye being Mayor Eeo;;, COY.:lmis sioner Busch an d Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Iurchases Oruered The Manager stated that he would like authority to make the following purchases: Approxima tely 50 tor~s of coal for the Ci ty Hall 204v feet of copper pipe 25 water meters It was moved by Commiss lonc~r Busch, seconded by Comro.issioner Sorenson that the C:. ty Manager be authori zed to make tte. above named purchases anJ the motion was carried by the followinC Aye and No vot~.; trlOse voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, and Commiss':oncr iJorenson; t:loce voting No, none. Bills for the ~onth. The"claims .01' Joseph Zinner, Lottie D. Philllps an::! Clara Crouse for a refund on garbage assessment for 1940 were presented without recommendation for payment. Clai'i'ls Nos. 9753 to 9D55B inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Airport Ceme te ry Cemetery Ferm. Care Cemetery Suspense Fire Garbage Gen era 1 ~ 669.09 1'1" 242.50 1,70;,).00 l65.00 1,136.54 759 . 4l 3,608.54 Library Park Streo t Water SID 334 Bds. SID 333 Bds. Total ;~ 567.40 431.76 5,486.14 3,545.77 260.70 4,500.00 $ 23,072.85 The Manager s ta ted tha t he has examined ami audi ted these cIa irr,s and finds them to be true and lawful clai'c's against The City of Bozerr.an and recommends tha t warrants I .1 ... I I I I 261 be drawn for their payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved by Commisl"ioner Sorenson, seconded by Com7nissioncr Busch that the clai~ns be allowed and warrants be drawn for their paymen t wi th the exception of the claims of . Joseph Zinner, Lottie D. Phillips and Clara Crouse, and the motlon was carried by the fo llowing Aye and No vo te; tho se Vo ting Aye being Mayor Eoey, Commiss loner Bus cll and Commissioner .sorenson; those voting No, none. Church of God l'i~r. and ~(rs. John Huff, Mr. & Mrs. J. Pardew, W. .t~. Hedges and 0 thers appeared be- forB the Commission to as I{ wha t ac tion has been taken regarding the petition presen ted about five weeks ago asking that the Church of God on North Rouse be closed. 'l'he Ci ty Attorney stated that he was still working on the case and asked those present to be patient that this was a difficult matter. Reports The following reports for .the month were presented: Cashier Eng ineer Librarian Fire Chier Police ,Judrre Ceme tery Board Heal th Offi cer Water Collector Chief of Police Building Inspec tor Plumbing Inspector It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tile reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and rYo vote; those voting Aye being Ma~;or Hoe:;, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Applications for State License The following applica tions for Sta te Liquor License were presen ted: The Oake s ~!.inog Dagneau It was moved by Comrnissioner Sorenson, seconded by Cmmnis:3ioner Busch that the applications be approved. and the motion was carried by the following Aye arid No vote; . those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Com.T.issioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Application for City License 'I'he application of the Lovelace Studio for one-half year ci ty license was presented and read. It was moved by Com:r..issioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the application be approved and the license issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being :Mayor Hoe" Com:nissioner Busch and Comrni ss ioner Sorenro n; thos e vo ting No, none. Resolution No. 489 -- Certification of Delinquent Taxes The Mana'3er stated that the list of delinquent special assessments for the year 1940 and the Resolu tion making the certifica tion to the Coun ty Treasurer and the Cl ark and Recorder had been prepared. He presented the list of delinquencies and Resolution No. 489, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMinSSION OF THE CITY Of' BOZE:;.fAN DECLARUm CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSNl~::NTS AND INSTALLMENTS OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, DUE AND PAYABLE: NOVEN'J3~jR3uth, 1940, AND UUPAID AS OF 'l'HArr DATE, AND CERTAIN OTHER SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND INS'1'ALLMEN'l'S OF SPECIAL ASSSS81L:NTS, l:>UE AND PAYABLE NOVEMBER 30th, 1940, AN.J UNPAIJ, DELINQUE:NT, AS PROVI:~:)E::J BY ORDINA1:CE NO. 594, ENTITLED: II AN ORDINA NCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTIOJl~ OB' rrAXES xxx xx xx AND THE COLLECTION OF' SPECIAL ASSESS!{~N'1'S xx xx xx" , AND SECTION 5251, POLITIC;\L CODE, R.C.!L 1935. I 262 It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded b\ Commissioner Sorenson that the Resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor IIoey, Comn1is;:'ioner Bus 01'1 and Com'11is s ioner Sor- enson; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commlf;, sion a t this time, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the meeting I ad .journ and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch anciCommissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. A t tea t : oI~~ Clerk of the oIl1!!liss10n I