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Bozeman, Montana
December 20, 1940
The COYn."llts,"don of The City of Boze!l1an met in regular session in trle Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, December 20tj:l, 1940, at 7:30 o'cloCk P.M.
Those being present were Ma::or FIoey, Commissloner Bu.sch, Conmissloner Sorenson, City
Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty Manager Lake.. Director of l"lnance Wal ter Davis and the Clerk
when the following proceedings were had to-wit:
The minu tes of the las t regular session were read and it was moved by Commis d oner
SOrenf!On, seconded by CommisEJioner Busch that the minutes be approved as rend anu. the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votIng Aye belng Mayor Hoey,
Commis s loner Duscb and Commis s ior er Sorenson; those voting No, non e.
Repor ts
The following reports for the month of November wore presented:
E"~ployment Officer
State Board of Health Water Report
It was moved .by Commissioner BUSCh, seconded by COTIL'11issioner Sorenson that the liP-
plications be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by tile following
Aye and No vote; those vot~ng Aye being Ma:ror Boey, Commiss iorlor uorenson, and Commis-
s loner Bu soh; thos e vo ting No, none.
Applications for Stats Liquor License
The following applications for state liquor license were presented:
I.I. H. Lee
Bozeman Hotel
harrison & Apgar
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the
applications be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No voto;
those vo ting Aye bein[r Mayor Hoe y, Cornmis sioner Busch and Commiss ioner Sorenson; those
vo ting No, none.
Hids for Truck -- '~'ia tor Departmen t
The .r-.:anager presen tad specifica t:"ons for a truck to be used in the "Na ter Departmcrt.
'The speclflcatlons were examined by the Commission and it wns moved by Com.'nissioDor
Busch, seconded by CommLJsioner Sorenson that the Ci ty Manager be authorized to adver-
tise for bIds to be opened Jam.1.~:;\ry17th, 1941 for a truck to be used in trle Wa ter De-
partmen t an,--i the no tion was carried oy the following Aye and No vo te; those va ting
Aye being Mayor Boey, COffi.'11issioner Busch and COI1'L'i1issioncr .:>orenson; those voting ]lJn,
Rent of Buildings -- lhlff Ranch
Mr. F. O. Maggard appeared b:3fore the Comn:is s ion and s ta ted tha t he would like to
continue to rent the buildinc:s on the Huff Ranch; that at the present t;.me he had tem-
porarily moved to town but wO'lld like to move back in the spring.
'rhe ManaGer s ta tad tha t he had forbidden Mr. L;aggaru. the use of the building
because of' being in arrears wi th the rent and hav:ng moved .his furni ture and vaca ted the
building without the owners consent.
The matter was discussed by the Commission, and it was decided to talk the matter
over wi th the former Oi ty Manager, Ii;. E. Henderson, who will be in town next week, to
see what agreements had beeD made regardIng the payments for the rent anu. the leng~p.
of time the bu:tlling was rented to I,7r. Maggard.
Resolution No. 490
Purchase of Airport Tracts
The Manager stated that the City Attorney as instructed had prepared a Resolution
authorizing the Cl t~T Manager to notify George Van Hoorn, Charles F. Jump and Clyde 'IV.
Jump that the options to purchase their land for Airport purposes is exercised.
He presented Resolution No. 490, entitled:
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by COffi.'11issioner Busch tha t the
Resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the followln3 Aye and
No vote; those votin:! Aye being Mayor Hoey, Cornmissloner Busch and COffi.'11issioner Soren-
son; those voting No, none.
- i T- 1 L 6 1
',{ui t. ng l t e to ot 1 ; i310ck E; Origina Townsi te.
The City Attorney stated that 'Mr. B. M. Crenshaw, who is purchas':ng, on contract
one of tile lots owned by The City of Bozeman west of the Library, would like to have
trie 01 ty' s permission to qu.i~t the ti tIe to said lot in the name of The Gi ty of
Boz eman, but.wi thou t COB t to the c1 ty.
Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, it was I'oved by Commissioner Busch,
seconr.led by Comrnis s ioner Sorenson tha t B _ l{. Crenshaw be au thorL,ed to proceed in the
name of 'I'he Ci ty of Bozeman to qu~t the ti tle to Lo t 16; Block E of the Original
Towns 1 te of The Ci ty of i:.>oze~an, for which he has a con tl'ac t to purchase wi tll the C: ty,
and the motion was carired by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being
Mayor Hoe:.,-, C0l71~'!'.1ssioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
There being no further business to come before the Com:::-lisslon at this time, it
was moved by Cor.rrnissloner Busch, seconded by Commis s1 one I' .::>orenson tl:a t the meeting
adjourn and the motion was carried by the followin,g Aye and No vote; those voting Aye
being Mayor Hoey, Commiss ioner Busch and COnt"rDsS loner Sorneson; tho se vo ting No, none.
At te s t :
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