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Bozoman, IrIon tana
Januar~r 3, 1941
The Commission of 'I'he City of Bozeman met .1.n regular session in the Commlscion Room,
City 1-'.:.0.11 Building, Friday evening, Januar:.' 3, 1941, at 7:30 0 'cloek P.r,:. Those being
present were Mayor Hoo~r, Commissioner Busch, Commis[~ioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken,
City l\~anager Lake, Director of l:i'inance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the following
proceedinr;s were had to-wi t:
The minutes of the last regularsesslon were read, anCi it was moved by Commh'sicmer
Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner B1JSch that the minutes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the followinC: Aye and No vote; tbose votinfj Aye belng Mayor Hoey,
CommIssioner Buscb and Commissioner Sorenson; those votin[I }~o, none.
Salory -- Fire Chief and Assistant
o Frio Chief Matthews and Assistant Chief McCro8son appeared before the Commission
and presented a written request asking that their salaries be raised at the Sarno rate
as the other firemon in tbe Department.
The Comm:s~i(m stated thnt t::1ey would check on the rate of payor other I"ire Cbiefs
and Assistants in ci ties of the size of Bozeman before any decision is reached.
Airport -- Vacatinc of 'l'enant on ,Jump Ranch.
The City Mana\1"er explained to the Commission that ~rr. Charles Ballard, tenant on
the .Jump Ranch, which was purchased for I'irport purposes, had a lease witt Mr. Jump until
J.1arch 1, 1942; that in purchasing the ranch Mr. Jump had not mentioned the existence of
this lease and Mr. Ballard is not wIlling to vaca te the farm unlesshe is paid '#'3000 for
crops that are planted ani' for work tha t has been done. The Iifanager stated furthertha t
he had asked Mr. Balla rd to come in and talk to trle Commission, but that he is not present.
r,:r. Dean Ci-:affin and Gardiner Waite, members of the Airport Board, were present and
stated that it was the recommemllltion of the Airport Board that The CIty of Bozeman start
condemna tion proceedings to ge t irr.media te possession of the Jllmp ranch.
After 'further dIscussion of possible solutions, it VJaS moved ~)y CommisslonerBuscl~~,
seconded by COmr.1is s ioner Sorenson tha t the Cl ty Attorney be ins true tad to s tart/pro-
ceedlngs to accplra the lease of Mr. Ballard with i'[r. Jurnp and the motion was carried by
tbe followIng A'j!O and No vote; those votIng Aye being !i:ayor Lake, Cormnissioner Busch and
l.Jommlsai oner Sorens;:m; thO?8 votir..g Eo, none.
Resolution No. 491 -- Accepting Govern'11ont Ai-; for Airport
The :Manager stated that a resolution accepting the offer of aid by the r'ederal
Govermnen t in the developmon t of the Bozeman Airport had been prepareu. He presented.
Resolution No. 401, which was read in full, entitled:
RESOLU'I'ION ACCEP'I'DW AN OF'FEH 01:<' AID IN THE DEV:.;~LOpr.:~CN T OF' 'l'lIl-!: 130Z:~jo;'AN
It was moveq. by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by CommIssioner Busch that the
Resolu tion No. 491, be passed and adopted ani the motion was carried by the followIng
Aye and No 'tote; those voting Aye being r.:ayor Hoey, COITI..'i1issioner Busch and Commlss loner
Sorenson; tho se 'votin.,,: No, none.
Petition -- Request to CondeMn Darn as Fire Hazard
Dr. L. A. Petrausch, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition request-
inD' tha t the barn loca ted at 322 Sou th Black be c<)ndemned as a fire hazard.
She stated
the t the builLii:':g was be inc; used as a wood planing shop and the shavings made the barn a
decided fire hazard.
Dr. Petrausch was informed that the Fire ChIef' would inspect the premlses and. make
recommendatlons to the State Fire Marshall.
'1'he follow ing annual repor ts were presen ted:
Fire Chief
Wa ter Colle~ tor
Chief of foli ce
The following reports for the month of December, 1940 were presented:
Police Judc:e
Cern etery Board
Employm~nt Officer
Building Inspec tor
Plunbing Inspector
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner L:\usch that the re-
ports be accepted and ordered. filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote; those vo ting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commiss loner Sorenson and Com~nis s loner Bus ch;
tilose voting No, none.
AppliclJ. tioD for Sta te Liquor License
The application of Joe Toohey for a state liquor license was presented. It was moved
b'T Commissioner Bllsch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the application be approved
and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be~~ng ~,:ayor
lIoey, COmInts sioner Busch andConnnlssioner ;:)orens on; tllOiJe voting No, none.
Applications for City Liquor and Boer License
The following applicH tions for C1 ty Liquor License and Retail Boer License .."ere
presented and read:
'1'he Oakes
~'T. H. Lee
Joe Toohey
The Stockman
Boze~an Hot.gl
Harrison &; Apgar
It was moved by Commissioner ;;>orenson, seconded by COlllil1issloner Busch that the aypli-
cations be approved and the licenses issl1ed and the motion was carried by :,he follow':ng
Aye and )To vote; those voting voting Aye oeing :Mayor IIoey, COr.1l11issloner Busch and Com-
missioner ~orenson; those votIng No, none.
Applications for City Licenses
The followin7 applications for Cit;r Licenses were presented and read:
Pott's Cafe
Gas Co-op
Bill's Grill
'lho Swee t Co.
The Stockman
IT. Vi. Stoudt
Ohlson Studio
Fred B. Williams
"Ves t Lamme Grocery
Montgomery-Ward Co.
Feminis Shoe Shop
M:~.dwest Welding Works
Dr. R. E. Seitz
SunDown Auto Camp
Chronic Ie P" bIi shin,,, Co.
Secnri ty Bank {I- Trust Co.
r.':ontgomery-'~-Jard Plunbing Shop
E. J. Foetter Drug Company
W. V. Hogg Transfer
Kilbride's Conoco Service
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the appli.-
ca tions be approve d and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following
Aye and No vote; 'those voting Aye bein(~ Mayor Hoe~r, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Claims for month of December, 1940
, !
Claims Nos. 9956 to 10,000 inclusive and Nos. 1 to 107 inclusive were presented on
the various funds as follows:
Air pJt't
Ceme tory
Wa ter
SID Revolving
W & C 1940 Bds.
~~ 21.65
En . 02
{I; 10,996.28
The Manager stated th<) t he has audi ted these claims and finds them to be true and
lawful claims against The Cit:r of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for
their payment. After examination of the claIms in detail by the CommiSSion, it was
moved by commissioner Buser:, seconded by Comr.J.issi oner Sorenson that the claims be
allowed and warrants be drawn for thetr payment an::1 the motion was carried b~T the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being j,;ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch
and Commis sioner Sorenson; those vo ting No, none.
Parking of Cars of M.D. 's
The matter of al10wincr the ~~.D. 's parking privilege on side streets was d.:scussed,
and the City Attorney stated thHt t1:10 Commission did not have any authority to grant
them special parkIng permission.
Communication -- Re; Acc.:.dent of Lee Chadwick
The Mana::~er read a communica tion from Mr. Fred Lay as A ttornoy for Lee Chadwlck
stating that due to negligence on the part of the Ci ty, sald Lee Chadwick was injured
in an accident at the corner of Clevelan,.l and Third Avenue, on Novenber 1, 1940.
After dis cus s ion, tJ]e communica tion was referred to the 8i ty Attorney.
Hequest for Garbage adjus tment
The Manager stated thr::.t lvtr. John Aak.jer, 504 West Main, had made a request for an
adjustment on his Garbage assessment for 1941; that he was to be out of the City for
three months. After discussion, it was decided that if Mr. Aakjer has a reque"st for
an ad5us tment on the garbage ass essmen t the. t a c In im should. be fi led.
l\d journroen t
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this tlr,e, it was
moved b~T Commis s ion er i::>orenscm, seconded by Comrds sioner Buscb thn t the mee tine; ad .journ
and t.'1e motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be~ng
Mayor Hoey, ~ommiss:oner Busch and Commls31oneI' o.>orenson; those vot.ing No, none.
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