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Eo z erlan , !\~on tan a
February 9, 1940
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Connnission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, February 9, 1940 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those
being presen t were Mayor Hoey, COTInuis s ioner Busch, City Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty Manager
Henderson and the Clerk when the fol1awing proceedings were had to-wi t:
The minutes of the last regular session were read and. it was moved by Commissioner
Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey tha t the minu tea be approved as read and the motion was
carried by the follDwing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commission-er
Busch; those vo ting No, none.
Specifications for Garbage Hauling
The Manager presented specifica tions for the furnishing of trucks and men for the
hauling of garbac;e as provided in Ordinance No. 696. The specifications were exam':'ned
by the CommIssion and after discussion, it was moved by Cormnissioner Busch, seconded by
Mayor FIoey that the specifica tions be approved and that the Clerl.;: be authorized to ad-
vertise for bids for the garbage hauling and the motion was carried by the following
Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey and Commissioner Busch; thone voting
No, none.
Airpor t
Mr. Martin Railey, caretaker of the Belgrade Airport and Doug. Perguson appeared
before the Commission to discuss the Airport situation. Mr. Railey presented a posted
of the Civil Aeronautics Au thori t:t regarding their policy on the use of in termedia te
landing fields. The Ci ty Manager explained tha.t maps and wind information are being
subm;tted to the Civil Aerona'u tics Au t:l:lori ty for their recommenda tions before any ac-
tion is taken on airport development.
Mr. Dave Robinson appeared before the COInrnission to protest against dogs running
a t large in the Ci ty. He proposed the t dogs should be l<:ept on owner's premises or on
a leash. l'11e matter was discussed at some length but no aGtion was taken.
Release of Bond -- H. D. Moore
The Manager presen ted a request from ~he McMallon Agency .for a release of the bond
of H. D. Inoore as a Gas Fitter; Mr. :Moore having discontinued b'l"siness In thls City.
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey tha t the bond be re-
leased and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thoee voting Aye
beIng Mayor Roey and C0ll4'11issioner BUSCh; those voting No, none. '
Applications Eor City License
The following applications for city license were presented and read:
Joe Bosma
Jersey Dairy
Hotel Cosner
Star Cleaners
,Jack's Market
Sta te Auto Co.
Galla tin Courts
Dr. R. R. Si[':ler
Safeway's Stores
Bozeman Feed &. Grain
Pease's Jewelry Store
It was moved by Connnis310ner Busch, seconded by Mayor Iioe:r that the applications
be approved anJ the licenses issued and the motion was carried b;- the following Aye
and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey and Commissioner Busch; those votIng
L~O ,
no n e .
Renewal of U. S. Government Lease
Pandera Tract
A tten tion of the Cor.nnis s ion was called to the expira tlon of the U. S. Government
lease on the Radio Statton site at the Pondera Tract, wIdch expires in June. After dis-
cusslon, tb.e Manager was instructed to write to the Civil Aeronautics Authority to in-
form them that The City of Bozeman is not ready to renmv thls lease nntil further lnves-
tigatIon has been made regarding the development of this si te as an Airport.
Ordinance No. 69? -- ApproprIation Ordinance
'rhe Manager stated that this was the time and place set for the final passage and
adoption of Ordinance No. 697, the Appropriation Ordinance for 1940; but thc:lt this date
was less than ten days from the la8 t publica tion of the Ordinance. Final passage was
deferred until the next regular meeting.
Ad j ournmen t
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commls s loner Busch, s eco nded by Mayor Hoey that the mee ting adj ourn and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and Ro vote; thane votJ.nr.; Aye being Mayor Eoey
and Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none.
Clerk 0 f the Commis s ion
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