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Bozeman, Montana
February 16, 1940
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, B'ebruary 16, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those
beIng pre-sent were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, City Attorney Aitken, City Manager
Henderson, Director of Finance Vialter Davis and the Clerk when the following proceedings
were had to -wi t:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
Busch, seconded by Ma'J70r Rosy that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was
carried by the follow iDg Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Eoey and Com-
missioner Busch; those voting No, none.
Conmnmica tion
Street Lighting
The Manager read a communication from the Bozeman Association of Universit'JI Women
requesting tba t the Oi ty Commission take under advisemen t the inadequa te street light-
in~ system in the City.
After discussion, it was decided that the street lights would be rechecked and a
survey made to determine the possibility of installation of additional street liGhts.
Mr. L. V'l. Plummer appeared before the Oorrnnission to ask questions concerning the
operation of the Garbage Ordinance. The questions were answered and explained to Mr.
Plummer by the Commission and the Manager.
Application for City License
The following applications for City License were presented and read:
Dokken Funeral Home
Alexander Art Company
Park Ice & Cold Storage
Super Creamed Ice Cream
Chgo.,Mil., St.P. & Pac. Ry.
Dr. H. J. Riesland
Dr. J. H. Phillips
Chamber-Fisher Co.
Fift~ Ave. Grocery
Dr. Sam I. Bor~er
Egbert t S
Joyce Thea tre
Dr. Vi. E. De an
Ellen-Rialto Theatre~
It was moved b:' Connnissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey tha t the applica tions
be a pproved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye
and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey and Commissioner Busch; those voting
No, non e .
Pinal Adoption -- Ordinance :Ko. 697
The !(;anai:~er stated th,;,t this was tl,"8 time and place set for tile final adoption of
the Appropria tion Ordinance No. 69'1. He presen ted aff'idavi t of publica tion of the
Ordinance as reqllired by law. He stated that no protests had been filed and no one was
present to protest. He presented Ordinance No. 697, entitled:
It was moved by Commissioner Busch., seconded by Mayor Hoey that the Ordinance be
finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried 'by the following Aye and No vote;
those votinc Aye being Mayor Hoey; and Comm:l.s~>ioner Busch; those voting No, none.
The following reports were presented:
Director of Finance &, Health Officer for the month of January
City Eneineer's annual report for the year 1939.
It was moved b~" Connnissioner Busch, seconded b:>: Mayor 1...oey that the reports be
accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried b:l the following Aye and No
vote; those voting Aye being N:ayor Boey and Cornmis~o.ioncr Busch; those vot.ing No, none.
Furniture for Office
The Manager presented prices submi tted by local firms for furnlshlEg the City
three steel desks and ten steel chairs for Ci ty Offices. He s tn ted further tha t, the
price being more than $250.00 purchase of this equipnlent could not be made unless approved
and authorized by the City Commission.
I t was moved by Commis sioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Racy tha t the City Manager be
au thorized to purchase three desks and ten chairs froM IIauseman' s & MCCalla a t a price
of $367.39, and that he may use his discret10n regardine; the turnine in of trll'ee tables
and three chairs at a total allowance of $17.39 to apply on this price and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and 1~0 vo te; tho::oe vo tine; Aye being :1\Ca:70r Hoey and Com-
mis si oner Busch; those va tin!!, No, none.
'I'ruck for Cemetery
The matter of need for replacement of the truck now being used at the Cemetery was
discvssed. The MansseI' explained tha t tho truck now being used is a 1932 'Nillys-Overlandj
that the cost of up-keep on it has become prohIbitive; and that the amount of use for a
truck at the Cemeter:r does not warrant an investment as large as the cost of a new truck.
He explained further that he had looked over used trucks for sale in the cl ty and tho. t
the Owenhouse Hardware Company had offered a 1939 l1,..,dcl, f;-ton International for sale at
a price of $495.00 with a trade-in allowance on the old truck of i;~20.00, which appeared
to be the bes t available buy in a used truck.
After considera tion of the fea tures of this truck, the use which it has had, the
equipment on it, and the immediate need for the truck, it was moved by Commissioner
Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey tha t the 1':a.n ager be au thorized to purchase t:bis truck,
its purc,hase price to be paid from the Cemetery Bund, and the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Roey and Comrnissloner Busch; those
voting No, none.
Ad,journmen t
There being no r-urther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved b:{ Co,n:nlssionnr Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoey tlw,t the meeting adjourn and. the mo-
tion wa~3 carried by the follow:1ng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey
and Commissioner Busch; thos e votine: No, none.
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