HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-04-05 1'"""0 ... .'( Bozeman. lIon tana Apri 15th, 1940 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in ref,ulnr session in the Cor.:rrnis:don Room, City Hall .building, Priday evening, April 5th, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.!,;I. 'l'h038 being present were ~[ayor Hoey, Commissionor J3usch, Commis,sioner Lal'::e, Cit:r Manager IIonders on, .lJirec tor of l"inanco V/al ter Davis and the Clerk when the 1'0110\vin[-'; proceecl- in,g8 were had to -wi t: The minutes of' the last regular sessIon wore read and it was r.10ved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by Com.'1li ssioner Dusch tha t the mlnu tes be a;>proved as read and the motion vms carried by tho folloWing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being V::ayor Ilocy, Cor.nnis- sloner Laic<:e, and Commissioner Busc!:t; tho;~e voting No, none. .Junk Yard at 501 Nort}l House I'f:rs. L. :3elshaw apl)eared :::,eforo the Co:r."l'TIs.sion to reques t tho. t action be tak:;n to stop the operation of a Junk Y8rcl which is being conchlc:ted on the property adjacent to her residence property on North ltouse. She stated that, due to the operatIon of this ,Junk Yard, she 1s unable to rent her residence propert:r. The Commission informed Mrs. Belshaw that the City Attorney would be instructed to take necessary steps immediately to stop the operatIon of' tJ:1is Junk Yard in a residcn- tial district. PUblic Hear:ng -- SID No. 332 'rhe ~Janager stated thrlt; this was the time and :place set for the hearing of protests to the creation of a Special Improvemont District to install a sanitar:r sewor from Story Street south on :Jell Place. lIe presented affidavit of 'publication of the Notice and the Clerk I s MailinG Certifica te tha tall property owners had been no tifiod. 'l'he wri tten protests of 32.5% of the propert;T owners were presented and r'end. Mr. George 'Narner was present but stated that he did not wish to protest. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Comrr.issioner Lake that 1:11e protests be overruled as insufficient and that the City Attorney be instrliC- ted to prepare the resolution to create the district, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho1oe voting Aye bei.ng Ii:ayor Eoey, Commis~j. oner Busch and Commissioner La1re; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 464 -- Creating SID };o. 332 The I.~anaco:er s ta ted tha t the resolution c rea tine Spec ial Improvement Dis tric t 1\0. ~:532, sani tary sewer on 'Jell Place had been prepared. Ee presen ted Ilesolu tion No. 464, on ti tled: A RESOLU'l'IOlJ OIi' rrn.; COr.:li.IS;HOli 01" THE CITY OF DOL.:.';LiA:N, STA T2; OP T"lOltirTANA CR.;;A1~nTG A SPECIAL n.:PROVr';;';:ENT DIS'l'RICT TO BE t]JomJ AIm .:JESIGNATED AS 11 SPF';CIAL n.CPROVi~l'Ji';li:T DIS'l'fGCT Tnn::I3ER 332" OP SAI:J CITY .l,'on 'r'ES PUF:l'OSE OF' n;STALL1NG A SAHI'l'AHY s:;::;~aSR IN DELL PLACE IN 8A10 CITY, ^-lW TO SPSCIALLY ASS';SS THE E:K'1'IEE COST 1\KD Expr:::nSE OF COESTHUCTING SAID SAN- ITAHY SEVIER AGAn:ST THE PROPERTY ',,'prnDr SAID DISTIRc'r UNDEE AnD BY VrHT1.J2. OF TEE PROVISIOl~S OF SECl'IONS 5225 TO 527?, INCLUSIVE, REVISED CODES OF KcrTM:.A, 1935, A!:D 1:..]':;Y iu,;.mTDi',mHTS rl'II2~RE'I'O It was movod by Connniss ioner Lake, seconded by COrrL'l1is flionor :Juscl1 tha t the Eeso- lution be passed and adopted and the date for opening bids be set as of May 10th, 1940, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being l;Ta;,Tor Hoey, Comm::.ssioner BUSCI) and Commissioner Lake; those votinG No, none. I I I I I I 171. Helcase of Bond The y,j1"anacor read a reql:wst from the McI,Tabon AGency, agents for the U. S. FidelIty and Guaran ty Cor.tpany, for a release on a c ontrac t perform:-mce bond whIch was wr:i tten in 1938 for Olaf Ho1mquis t covering the cons true ti on of the C1 ty Shop Bu:ilding. He stated that the contract of Hr. Holmquist had been entirely completed. It was moved by Corrn1i.1ssioner Busch, seconded by C01:ll'1iss1oner Lake that the City Manager be authorized to write a letter to the IvTcr.1ahon 1\.:'2;ency releasing this bond and the motion was carried by the following Aye and l~o vote; thos e vot:nc Aye beIng 1,)a;/o1' Boey; Comm:~ssioner Busch and Commissioner Lakc; thoo e votinc; IIo, none. Connnunication -- WPA ProJect The Manager read a letter from the state office of V!PA aclvis:ing thEi.t, due to cut in WPA allotments, work on the Park and Playgrounds project vmulel be sus.lJended effective as of Apr:l.1 8 th, 1940. Reports The following ro:.)orts for the month of Mfl.rch were presented; Cashier Fire Chief Police Judf:e City Bn;?:ineer Come ter:" BoaI'll Chief of Police Employment Office Director of Finance '\7a terColl oc tor Dui1dinp: Inspyctor Plumoins Inspector It was moved by Commissioner Lake, ser-onded by COITll"'lissioncr 2:3usch that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the r.10tion was carried by the J'ollowln,c:: Aye and l~o vote; those voting Aye beinG r',~ayor Hoey, Commissioner Lake, and Commissioner Busch; tIlose voting No, none. Clai~s for the Month Cla 1m3 Nos. E3286 to 8452 inclus i ve wero presen tad on the various f\wc;.s as follows: Airport Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Pire Garbage General Library Park S tr 0 e t 'aa tor ,:j. 'Itl 15.00 736.65 205.00 1,170. 3~3 12 . ~3 5 3,G();~.82 451. ~34 3J5.~34 1,7,)8.19 9 ,983. '.)3 18280. 75 '1'0 ta 1 ,tj: 'W The I;l[lnagcr stated that he has aucli ted "ihese cla:l.m.s and finds thOf.1 to be true ar:d 1..'3. \'1ful claims a~."[lins t the C1 tv of Boz effiaD and reconmends ttw t warran ts be drawn .for the ir 0,,,,1 .... payment. After examination of tbe claims in detail "!:)y tb.e CommiSSion, it was moved b-;r Commissioner La1{e, seconded by Commissioner Duscb that warrants be drm,n for their payment and the mot~on was carried by the followingliye and 1;0 vote; those vc)t.i.ng Aye being T,:ayor Eocy, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner .!.Jake; thooe votIng no, none. Ad jourmnent 'l'he Ie be~np; no further business to come before the ConnniD;::ion at tLls time, it was :rlOved by Gorlm.ts 21 onor Dusch, sccmded by Commi ssicmer Lal{e tho. t the meetinr: ad journ and tll(Cl mo tion was carr led b: the f ollowJ.ng Aye and ho vo te; thon e vo tine; tJ.ye be tng 1,~ayor IIosy, C:ommissioner Busch and Commisslimer Lake;' those votinc 1';0, none. Attest.b~ C/~Af: the Commis sian IJJ8. or