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Bo zeman, I/Ion tana
April 12, 1940
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in reLl'1J.lar session in tile Commission
Room, Oi ty Hall Bu~ldin[i, Friday even ing, April 12, 1940, at 7: 30 0' cloc~ P .I'I1'. Those
beIng present were Mayor Raey, Commissionor Busch and Comm::'sf:ioner Lake; City Attorne:r
Aitken, C1 ty Manager Henderson, iJirector of Finance Wal ter Davis and t11e Clerk, when
the following proceedl!1gs were had to-wi t:
The minu tes of the last regular session were read, and 1 t was moved b::'
sioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner La~{e th'3.t the minutes be approved as read and
the motion was carried bS the f'ollowine Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being l\iayor
Hoey, Conunissioner Busch. and COTrxlissioner Lake; those voting No, r'one.
Paving -- SOUUi Gth - Ab1Jtting Eontana State College Carnpus
Professor W. R. Plew appeared before the Commission to discus~: the possibility of
pavin.g being installed on South Sixth Avenue and on Harrison Street, all adjacent to
the ~,~:ontana Sta te College campus. Professor Plew s to ted tba t I.,e was authorized to
represent Montana State 8011e,.,'e in this matter and thn t the college is anxious to have
paving installed, partimllBrly on South Sixth Avenue.
lIe stated furtL.er that, if
Special Improvement District is proposed for the ins tallation of paving this year in the
vicl ni ty of the ColleQ'e campus, the particular purpose of his appe.'1rance before the
COm'1"1ission at this time was to request that the p\)vlng of Sixth Avenue from Garfield
Street to Lincoln Street, and, if pOSSible, on Barrlscolfl Street from Seventh Avenue to
:Si<e;hth Avenue, be included :;n such special improvement dli:,trict.
Petitions -- ~)rote8ti.nc.. Paving on Art'"'..-:.r, Earris,)D t: Gtlrfleld Streets.
Peti t10ns signed by owners of proporty wL:l.cL lI>1Ould be assei",sed in Ute area aclja-
cent to Arthur, Harrison and Garfield Streets, were presented to protest agaInst pro-
posed pavIng of these streets. Since no petitions for pavin~ these stl'eets have been
presented to t11e Cor.lmis~)1on and no proposal for such paving has been considered by the
Comnission, no action could be taken on these protest peti tions, and they' were ordered
filed for reference.
Junl: Yard -- North Rouse
The City Attorney having been instructed at the last Cor:l::-:lission mcetine; to tal-:e
necessary action for the abatement of a junk yard at 50l lJortL House, tl:e City l'iianager
read a COP"JT of a Ie t tor whicL the Ci t~T Attorney had wri t ten to George Kirk, the oper-
a tor of Uds ,junk yard, ordering him to ei t~'lCr move sucrl yard ou t of a res1.den tial
district or to inL11lediately cease such operation, or that action would be taken aga:l.nst
him under tr,e provisions of Ordinance 170. 682, The Zoning Or<linance.
Applica ti.ons for 01 ty Licenses
The .follow:'~np: applica t:'ons for Ci ty Licenses v,ere preseI1 ted and read:
Anderson Beauty School
J. J. ;,icCay
!,:rs. V. Tallman
I t was :-roved by Cor1J111s 3 lonor La'{Q,
seconcled b;t Commis s loner ::3U8 ell th~'l t the applica-
tions be accepted and approved and the licenses issued and the mo tion was carried by
the follovring A7-e and 1~0 vote; those votinp: Aye being Mayor Eocy, Cor:nnissioncr Lake
and Com.,'nissloner Busch; those voting Ko, none.
The following reports for the mon th of ~{arcl1 were presen ted:
Health Officer
C:Lty Hall Irr:provement (VH'A Project)
I t was moved by COnL"!1is s loner Lal{G, seconded by Cor.I.."!1is s ianer 3usch thh t the re-
ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye
and IJo vo te; those vo tinG Aye beIng r,:a~Tor Hoey, COJ'1mis [] ':'un~;r 3usch and Co:r;n:-1in 3 im :.:r
Lake; thos e vo tine; No, none.
Ad j ournmen t
There being no further business to come before the CO!U..'11isslon at this time, it
was moved b:r Commissioner 13uSCIJ, seconded by Comnissioner Lake that the meet.lng ad-
journ and the motion was carried by the followinc: Aye and r:io vote; th03e votinr~ Aye
be::Lng Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Cor:mlssioner La\e; those voting lIo, none.
IiI yor 0-