HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-05-03 1 I -I t7~) Bozeman, ~ontana May 3, 1940 The Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commis sion Room, City Hall Building, Ii'rida:'l~ evening, May 3, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P.r'/~. 'l'llose being present were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Lake, City Attorney Aitken, City NranaGer Henderson, Director of }<'inance Wal ter Davis and the Clerk, when the fo llowing proceed~.ngs were had to-wit: 'Phe minu tes of the last reg111ar session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Lake, ".seconded by Corrrrnissioner Buscl1 that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor noey, Commis- si one r Busch and Commiss ioner Lake; tl:ose vo tine: No, none. Law Sui t TIe: Test Case - State Armory Board Law The Manager read correspondence from Jo1m W. Mahan, the Adjutant General, rela ti Ve to a 3lli t which he proposed to have filed before the SllpreMe Court to tes t the validi ty of the Sta te Armory BOGrd Law. He proposed to name The Ci t~rof Bozeman in the suit so that the validity of the law would be established as pertaining to cities of the second class as well as to citites of the first class1n the State of Montana. After discus 8ion, the Commission expres sed the ir approval 0 f the ac tion anu ins truc- ted the Ci ty Attorney to appear and act for this Ci ty in the case. Petition -- SID on Arthur Street A petition of property OWDers requesting that Arth:ur Street be paved from Ttliru to Fourtb Avenue, was presented and read. After discussion, the petition was tabled until a later meeting. Purchase of Four f'lre Hydrants The Manager stated that the extension of water mains this S1..HYJ111er would necessitate the addi tion of .four fire hydran ts; tha t this purcL.ase w01:1d reqt1ire the approval of the Ci ty Commission. It was moved by Cormnissioner Lake, seconded bJ' Commissioner Busch thu t the Ci ty Manager be au thorized to purchase four fire hycJ.rants and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votinc A;,TO being Mayor Hoe;,', Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those votinfo No, none. Purchase of Via ter I.Ie ters The Manager s ta ted tha t the Via ter Department needed addi ti onal wa ter me ters; tha t he reconm1ended the purchase of twenty-five Empiro J.".eters @ ~~10.80 each, and the amount of this purchase would require the approval of the City Cornmi S3 ion. I t was moved by Commissioner Dusch, seconded b'JT Commissioner Lalce that the Ci ty M.ana~er be authroized to purchase twenty -f1 ve me ters and the mo tion was carrie d by the fOllowIng Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Lal<:e and Commissioner Busch; thoc'e votine No, none. Reports The following reports for the month of April were presented: Cashier Librarian Fire Chi ef Heal th Offi cer I'olic e Judge City Engineer Ceme tory Board Chief of Police Duilding Inspector Plumbing Inspector Director of Pinance It was moved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by 0ommissioner Busch that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was curried by the following Aye and No vo te; 180 those voting Aye be ~ng Mayor Hoe;T, Commie s ioner Busch and Commis.'i loner Lake; thos e voting No, none. Applications for City Licenses The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read: H. L. Casey W. V. Hicks Gallo tin Hotel M. M. r,/IcCulloch Dr. H..C. Purdum Ed McGinn Dairy Dr. E. B. Keller Shaw's Shoe Service Vince's Hair Shop Hil ton's Cafeteria Fashion Barber Shop Dr. E. L. Maurer Jane's Beauty Shop Nelson Shell Service Galla tin Chi cle Ha tchery Shcraeder Refrigeration Servo It was moved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by Commis sioner Busch that the appli- ca tions be approved and the lie eDses issued and the motion was carr:le d b~: the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor lIoe~r, Commissioner Lake and Commissioner Busch; those vo ting No, nODe. Bond -- L. Krueger '1'he continua tion certlfica te of the bond of Louis Krueger as a Mas ter Plumber was presented. The certificate was approved as to form b:: the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved b:, Commlss ioncr Lake, seconded by Com..'"?1:L ssfoner Bus ch tha t the certific ate be accepted and approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No m te; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Comr!1issioner Busch, and Commlssloner Lake; those voting No, none. Delegate to Library Meeting 'l'he Mana ger s ta ted tha t the Sta te Librarian t s Convention was to be held in Billings May 20 and 21; tha t Mis s Cook would like to attend this meeting. I t was moved by Com- missioner BUSCh, seconded by Conunissioner La1m tha tit being in the public interes t that Miss Coole be authorized to attend the convention and her expenses be paid from the Library Fund and the motion was carried b;,' the following Aye and No vote; those votl.ng Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Dusch and Corrnnissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Delega te to Municipal League Mee ting Attention of the Commission was called to tl:e Montana Municipal League meeting to be held in Great B'alls, May 10 and 11. After discussion, it was moved by Conrrnissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that it being in the publiC interest the 8it~r Attorney and the IJity Manager be authorized to attend the meeting and their expenses be paid from the General Fund and the motion was carried by the following Aye and ~;o vo te; those vo ting Aye being Ma ',vor lIoey, Commis sloner La~ce and COIIID1iss ioner Buscl1; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 8453 to 8620 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: I I Cemetery "I. 708.50 I 'if> Cemetery f:JuspeDse 15.00 Fire 1,175.09 General 4,087.53 Library 475.78 Park 832.96 Plumbing Examiner's 24.85 S tre e t 1,233.35 Water 2,173.26 Garbage 675.00 Total 41' 11,401.32 ow I I I :181 The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and fInds them to be true and lnwfl~l claims agains t The Ci ty of Bozeman and recommencls that warrants be drawn for their payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by Commis~doner Busch tha t warrants be drawn for their pa-yment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and Ko vote; those voting Aye being Tvlayor Boey,. Comr.Jissloner BuseL. and Commissioner Lake; those vo ting No, none. Communication -- Bozeman Taxpayer's League A communication from the Bozeman Taxpayer's League was presented anu read, stating that, nIt Is the recommendation of the .0ozeman Taxpayer's League that the Garbage Or- dinance be brought to a vote of the people of Boz0:r.1an as soon as legally possible." TI-le matter was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion as to the mettlOd of bringing such 8. ma tter to a vo te, and the C1 ty Manager was ins true.ted to reply to the comrm.mica tion to inform this League as to the procech)re required for submi tting this matter to a vote. Ad j ournmen t There being no further business to come before the Corunis E~ion a t this time, it was moved by Commissioner BuSCh, seconded by COmr.1issioner Lake that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma~lor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and 00mmissioner LaIrs; those votine; No, none. At tes t: ~iz.~~. Clerk of the Commission