HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-06-07 lB2 Bozeman, ?Jontana June 7, 1940 The Comrnis s ion of rl'he vi ty of Bozeman met in re[!Ular sese ion in the Commission Hoom, City Hall Building, F'riday evening June 7, 1940, at 7:30 O'clocl: P.M. Those being pre's- ent were Mayor Boey, Commissioner Busch, Cor:1missioner Lake, Cit:T Attorney Aitken, City I,'iannger Henderson, City Engineer Thorpe, Dlrec tor of Ii'inance V'ial tor Davis and the Clerlc when the followIng proceedjngs were had to-wit: 'l'he minu teB of the last reID-llar session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Lake, Seconded by Commis sioner Bus ch thn t the minutes be approved as read' and the mo tion was ca.rried b;l the followinc: Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor IIoey, Cora- missi.oner Busch and COmr.:lissioner Lake; those voting No, none. B.:.us f or SID No. 3~33 30nds The ~,~ar.a C7er s ta ted thn t this was the time and place set for recei vine: bids for ap- proxima tely ;~85, 000.00 Special Improvement Dis tric t No. 333 Bonds. lIe presen ted af'fi- davit of publication of the Notice to THdder, and stated that no bids had been f'iled~ 'i'he lts;Tor asked if anyone present would 111re to bid on the bonds. 'rhere were no bids submitted. '0. .,1 ("t ,LJll.4.a.,) for Sr) jjo. 3~:>3 'rhe Manarrer stated that this was the time and place set for the opening of bids for the material and construction in Special Improvement District No. 333, paving in the sou th par t 0 f the City. lIe presen ted affida vi t of publ ica tion of the l~oti ce to Bidders, whereupon it was moved by COlr..mi se1 oner Lalcc, seconded b:r Conlmis sioner Busch thE. t the bids be opened and the mot1cm was carried by the followine: Aye and No vote; those voting Aye bein,g Iv:ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. TrIe following bids were opened and read: -9-~~0E_~en t. Bon~_E.?-.Y men.1..... Standard Construction Company Inland Cons truction Company J. L. McLal.lghlin Company Clifton & AppleGate S. J. Groves & Sons \rVooclwnrd Construction Company... IIerricl: t.c Yancey Chas. Shannon ~~i 81, l46 .23 88,344.32 85,502.52 86,436.47 91,285.40 89,703.55 136,092.55 fl'7 ,352.58 ;i~ 81,146.23 92,135.80 91,003.48 95,76'7.14 94,769.24 90,221.87 91,000.07 It was moved b7\' Cornr;tissioner Lake, seconded by VOm:r.1issioner Busch that t:le contract for the constructlc)TJ of Special Improvement JJi2,trict No. 333 be awarded to the Standard Construction Company, as the lowest bidder, and the certified checks be rcturneu to the unsuccessful bidders and the motion was carried by the followlnr; Aye and l\jo vote; those votinr: Aye beln~ Mayor noey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those vot:~.n!"r No, none. Claims for the Month Claims No. 8622 to 8829 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Band Cemetery Ceme tory Suspense PirE'l Garba.0'o General Library Park :;~ 250.00 l,2D7.07 65.00 1,133.11 735.86 4,658.73 455.66 932.67 G.76 2, 1~')5 .06 13,546.79 140.95 __l, 2.9_0_.00 __ ~26,5b7.66 (Total) P.L. 8: P. Stree t Water SID SID II 331 (Bds) r 1 .., I '0< ..... .1 I 'I " ' ..' .' I 1~)8 The IvIana7er s ta ted the. t he has aucii ted these claims and fInds them to be true and lawful claims &.::J'ains t rrhe C1 toy of Bozeman and recommends tlm t warrants be drawn for their payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved b:,' Com!:'1issioner Dusch, s cconded b;r Conmlis sionor Lake tlXl t warrants be drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the f'ollowing Aye and No vote; those votinrr Aye' being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, nOLe. Repo~ts The folloVlinp: reports for the mon th of 1,:ay were pre sen ted: Cashier Librarian Fire Chief Police .Tudrl'e Come tery Board Health Officer 'iJa ter Collec tor Ci ty Enp'ineer Plumbing Inspector Buildin[" Inspector Director of Finance It ,was moved b7.' Commis sioner Lake, seconded by Cammi::: sioner Bus cll the t t~~e report3 be ~ccepted anci ordered filed and the motion was carried b:r the follOWinG Aye and No vote; those votinc Aye berne Mayor Hoey, CommissIoner Busch and 'Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. t l~lans for [,[edicul Clinic rrhe Manager presented plans for an improvement to the building located at 28 North Black, for a !Ceclical Clinic. After examination of the plans by the Com.rnission, it was moved by Commissioner Dusch, seconded by Commlf.1sioner Lake that the Du:ilding Inspector issue a permit for the improvement and the motion was carried by the followin; Aye and No vote; those votlng Aye berng Mayor Eoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those vot1ng No, .none. Reward for Chief of Police '1'he Manager stated that the rules and regulations of the Police Department do not permi t the policemen to accept rewards for duties performed wi t.hout the consent of the 01 ty Commis ~)ion. He stated further thrl t durlng the) pas t weeK Chief of' Police Embry had rlelped captilre an excaped convict for which there vms a ;;:;50.00 reward. It was moved by CommissIoner BUflCh, seconded b:r vommlss.Loner Lalre that the Chiof of PolIce be allowed to accept tho reward and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No va to; those votlns Aye being I{ayor Hoey, CorJnissi~ner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those voting no, none. Renewal of Co-operative A~reernent Guaginrr Sta tion The I.iansn:er s ta tad thn t the Co -oporfl ti ve Ar:reement for the Inves tiga t1 on of surface water reS01.lrceS of the East Gallatin River, betweerl 'The Cit~,.:: of Bozeman and the U. S. Geoloc:ical Survey had expired. He presented a renewal of' this aro;reement, upon the same basis as the previous a.9:reement. It was moved by Commiss ioner Lalce, seconded COlmnis sior'er Busch tha t the City Manager be authorized to sign the a[7reement for the Oi t::, of Soz eman and tile motion was carried by the follOWinG t_ye and 1lo vote; those votinp: Aye being Ma;ror Eooy, Commis ::Jioner Busch and Commiss ion,:;r Lake; thos e vo ting N::J, none. Applications for City Licenses The follol'linC appllc a tiona f'or City Licons es were pres en ted and re ad: G. "N. Harker A. A. Klemme V{ . J. Sullivan Star Hamburger Shop A. II. . 2;vers Cen tral Service ,T. A. Bridges and the application of the Park Ice and Cold Storage for a wholesah, beer license. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissionor La;w that the applicatiDns be 194 approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor noey, Conunissioner Busch and Commissioner Lake; those votinG No, none.. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance rl'he Mana<jer stated that the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance extending the "A- Residence Zone and clarifyin,g defini tions of Apart:nen t Houses and Eul tiple Family Dwel- 1 ings had been prepared. He presen teQ Ordinance No. 699, en ti tIed: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZ[%tUJ AMENDING SECTIONS I AlTD V OF ORDINANCE NO. 682 OF' THE C I'l'":r 01" BOZEI,/=AN EWrI TLED: II AN On:JIlJANCE CLASSIFYING, REGULA'I'ING AND nES'rRIC'I'IlW THE LOCATIONS 01:" TRADES AN:) nrDUSTRIl~S AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS DESIGNED 1"011 SPECIFIED USES; 11EGULATING Atm LIMITIl\G 'l'IIE HElGET AND BULK 0.1:" BUILD- INGS 1illR;;;AFTEH ERE <:TEi) OR ALTI.mC~D; REGULATING AND LIMITING 'I'HE IN'1'EN- S ITY OF '1JJIE; USE OF LO'l' AREAS, AND REG"CL.ll, 'I'ING AN;) DI~'rSm.IINING THE AREA OP YARDS, COURTS AND OTITlm OPEN SPAC"2S WITHn; ..:^:..ND S URnOrJNlJn~G SUCH BUILDINGS; ESTABLISHIKG 'I'1m BOTJND.'\RIES OR DISTRICTS POR THE SAID PllRPOSES; AND PHESCHIBING I'El;AVrIES 1,10R TIill VIOLATING OF ITS PROVI- SIONS; AND REPEALING OHUINAl\jCE NUMB~RED 664 OF ThE CITY' OF BOZEIr.AN"; THE AM!~Nm'I~':NT OF SECTION I CONTAINING DI~FINITIONS SO AS TO CLARIFY AND DISTIN- G'.JISI.l" D,1.,-' T\"/P 'i'1\1 "AP ^R'l'"\,':FITT HOT.rSE:i'S" ,~~'T) tlI'"'JLrnr"L.t,' I"A.'''II Y D. ~"jL. L. I~.J (.'8'" ml.L." ^ -.",.,"TD_ \ .J. .~,.., I -,-,Ie.d., -'"\. L., ~ .. .nl~.. III 1 r .[" 1".J.. .V[, 1 J ,J. u .'"1.II"..;J!~ r,L~NT OF SECrrION V SO AS TO CHAlIGE THTG B01J1:Wl\RIES 01" II An Rl-i:SIDENCE DISTRIC'l' AND TO MAKE 'TEE BOmmARIES OF tlB" RE:STDENCE DIS'rRICT CONFOIIM TO THE CHANGES II'IMB IN rrHE BOUJlWARIES OF' It A" HESIDENCE DISTRICT. It was moved b;<T Commissioner Lal-;:e, seconded by Com:r.liE:sLmer Busch that the ordi- nance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by tile following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Cornnissioner Buscl~ an:l Commissioner Lal{e; those voting No, none. Peti tion for Paving A petition of propert:,' owners requesting that a Special Improvement District be created to pave Babcock from Bozeman to Wallace; Wallace from Main to Babcock and Rouse from Main to Babcock, was presented and read. The petltion requested further that The Ci ty of Bozeman acquire the necessary ground for a 60-foot street betweon Bozeman and House on Babcock; pay for the i)8Vine; of the intersections and replace sidewalks. After discussion by the Commisslon, it was decided tru:tt the acquiring of additional ground, etc was part of the cos t of the dis tr lct and it was moved by COn1.'Tlis s1 oner Lake, seconded by Commissioner Busch tha t the peti tion be referred back to the pe tl tioners for addi tional information and for securing options for the wideninc; of the street, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votlng Aye being I':;ayor Hoe~T, COT.nnissioner Busch and G:jmmlssioner Lal{8; those voting No, none. 1'::18 c. ~\'ial1( :?: Curb 1940. rrhe C1 ty Enginoer acting under the provislons of Section 5244 RCtT and the provi- sions of Ordinance No. 561 of 'l'he Ci t'T of Bozeman rela tlnn: to the construction of Walks _J ~~ and Curbs wi thou t the forma tion of a special improvement dis tric t, submi tted his re- port for the 1940 inspection of walks and curbs in the ci t:r and his recommendations in detail wi th reference to needed repairs and new in s ta 110 tions. The:':i ty hlanac;er stated that he h;:os checked the sidewalks listed in the report and recommends the adop- tion of the report as made. It was moved by Commissioner 13l.1sCh, seconded by Commis sioner J:"al{e tha t Ute report of the Ci ty En(,:ineer as presented be accepted, approved and ado pted and the repairs and installations be ordered made before July 15, 1940; and made a part of this minute entry by its adoption and the City l.~anacer is hereby instructed to give written notice I I I I I I - to each owner of SUC~} property and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Cor:unissioner Dusc~'j and Commissioner Lake; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further bttslness to come before the Conunission at this time, it ',vas moved by Commis s lone!' Lake, seconded by ComJnis sioner Busch tha t the mee tin?' ad- journ and. the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1io vate; tL.ose vo ting Aye be:i.ng Mayor Hoey, COlTl!l1issioner Lake and Corrunissioner Busch; those voting No, Lone. Attest: ~-~- Clerk of the Com~ission -Int- .. ....,a