HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-06-14 tBfi Bozeman, Montana June l4, 1940 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, June l4, 1940, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Those being present were Mayor IIoey, Comnissioner Lal{e, Commissioner Busch, City Engineer Thorpe, City Attorney Aitken, Director of Finance Walter Davis, amI the Clerk when the followinf, proceedinqs were had to-wit: The minutes of the last reo:ular session were read, and it was moved by COffi"'r1issioner Busch, seconded by COnlmlssioner Lake that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried b;! the following Aye and No vote; triose voting Aye being Hayor Hoey, Com- missioner Busch and Commissioner Lake, those voting N'o, none. Hcarinr Special Improvenlcn tjJ~..s trie t No. 334 ~Jf As this was the time and place se t .for the 118ar inz! pro tes ts to t:be crea t;_ng of Spec lal Improv~)mont Dlstrict l~o. 3~)4, sanitary sower on Rouse Avenue from Larrune to Aspen StFeet, the affidavi t of publication of tho Notice and the Clerk's mailing certifies te were pre- sented. The written protests of 59.6)~ of the property owners vwre presented. and read. It was moved by Commissioner Lal{e, seconded by Corr.misioner Elusch that the protests be ovorruled as insufficien t and the Ci ty Attorney be in druc ted to prepare a resolution to create the district and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be.i.ng Mayor Hoey, COnL1'!1issioner :3u8ch and Commisloner Lake, those voting No, none. Resolution No. 469. Creat:np Special Improvement ~istrlct No. 334. The Ci ty Attorney sta ted tha t as ins truc ted he had prepared the resolu tion crea tine Special Improvement District No. 334, sanitary sewer on North H.ouse between Lannne and Aspen Sf:.reets. He presented Resolution No. 469, entitled: A RESOLTTTIOH OP TIm c:rlY COMI.1ISSION 01<' '1'1m CI'lY OF i30ZST.IAN, S".cATE OF MONTANA, cm,;[I.'J'I:NG A SPECIAL n.:PHo',/;;rr,;r:T DIS'I'RIC;rr TO Eli.; IC,OVI}~ Al:D DESIGlTAT1';J AS 11 SPECIAL nTrwV:,:li:~NT DISTRICT NUFIJER 334" OF SAID CJI'l'Y J?OH. 'I'HE Pl:ffil)QSE OP IHSrl'ALLIY;C A SAKITARY S~':\./ER 01; ROUSE AV~ITUE l~OHTH FIlOr,.:: TI-ill CEIITEH 01<' ASFEN S'TRE~~'I' SmyrH '1'0 THE ':JENTlm OF'EAST LA!{ME srrfE;l-;~, n; SAID CI'lY, AND TO SPECIi\LL.lY 1\88;';88 TIm; ErrI'IHE eOSrI' 1\1:D EXPENSE OF IFS'J.'ALLIlTG SAID SE':,':;:;:n AGAINST TE;~ pnOl'rmrr::~ 'iiITIUN SAID DIsrl'RICrr tn~:'Jgn ANJ BY VIHTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF STj;CTIOl~S 5225 TO 5277, n.rcLUSIV2:, RSVISSJ SO:JI!:S OF' T:Or'rjm A, 1935, AND A'i.;Y AI;]~NDT,:El< rrs TlEH2'rO. It was moved by Connnissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lal{e that the nesolution be passed and adoptod and July 12, 1940 be set as the date for opening bids and the motion was carried b:r the follow:"Lng Aye and No vo te; thoso vo tir:,! Aye belnp }fa yor Hoey, Corr.miss ion- er Busch and Commissioner Lake, those votl.n<:: No, none. Bond and Contract -- S.l.D. No. 333 The bond and contract of the Standard Construction Company for furnishing the materials and the construction of Speei.al Improvcr~ent District };o. 333, pavi.ng in t.he south part of the City, was presented. The bond ~d contract were approved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lake, seconded by COr.J::lissioner Busch that the bond and contract be accepted and approved; that the 11:1ayor and Clerk be authorized to s irm for the City and the certified check be returned to the bidder and the motion was carried b:r the following Aye and No vo te; those vo tin!! A~Te be 1ng !\':a:Ior Hoey, C:or:uniss loner Busch, and 8ommisslonor Lake; tlwse votin~ No, none. I I I I I I 19'7 Applications for City Licenses The application of the Eagle Cleaners for a City License and the ap~licatlon of S. L. Stansbery for a Wholesale Becr License were presented and read. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Com'11issioner Lake the t the applica tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the followinc Aye and Ko vote; those voting A;~e being Mayor Eosy, ComrnissionBr Busch and COrrL,:llssioner Lake, those voting No, none. Conu~lUnica tion -- Bozerlan Tax Payers Leag:ue. A communication from the Bozeman Tax Payers Leap'ue \"Jas presented and read requesting that the City Commission repeal Ordinance No. 696, the Garbage Ordlnance. Discussion by the Commission was to the effect that the ordj.nance, as passed and adopted, was for the best interests of the citizens of Bozeman at the time of its passage and condi tions have not chant:;:ed since tha t time. It was moved by Comrniss~oner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Lake that the Commission fO on record as f'avorinr:" the oruinance as it now stands, that they do not favor repeal or chance in the ordinance at this time, and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the TJoze~;^lan Tax Payers' Lea7ue of' this action and the mo tion vms carried by the following Aye and no vo to; tL.os e vo tirw Aye being Mayor Hoe:r, Commlsslnner 2118Ch and Commissioner Lake, those vot;nr: Eo, none. Eeports The reports of the :::::mployment Officer for April and Ma:r were prescnted. It was moved b:r Commissioner Lake, seconded by Commissioner?usch that the repoI'ts be accepted and ordered filed and the ~oti'n was carried by the follow~n? Aye and No vote; those votin,r l\~'ebe'n{' }'ayor IToey, COl'1"Ylies'oner ~usch and Comm:tssioner Lalc,;;, those votinG 1;0, none. Pa v:.n r- Pc tl U eJr., TIo con sL..lerc:l Hr. R. E. :Malsor appeared before the Commission in reE"ard to a pet! tion previously filed to crca te a Special Improver-:cn t Dis trio t to pave Arthur Stree t from rrhi.rd to Fourth and the s tree t in tersec tion a t Arthur and Four tho He s ta tad that he had con tac ted mos t of t.be property owners effected and kiat the:? would not protest, and he sta ted furtIier tha t if the (lis tr:tc t was pro tes ted ou t tha t he would ,pe:r the COB t of ad vort.:.s ine: the Notice of Inte~tion to create the district. It 'Nas rroved '07 COr.'.11l1ssioner Lake, seconded by COli1m.issioner Busch that the City /Ittorney be instructed to prepare a resohltion of intention to create the district and the motion was carried by the followin:~ A;re and no vote; those votins" Aye be.:.nc l\~ayor Hoey, Conu-nissioner Busch and Corr.missioner Lake, those votin",: 1'To, non. Ad jovrn:1cn t 'rhere bein,,," no flJrther t:.1Jsl ness to come before the ComJ'1ission at tilis tIme, it was moved by Cornmiss loner Lake, 8cconded b~T Commiss .I.oner Eusch tha t the rneetinc," adjourn, and the mo tion was carried Ly the following Aye and Ho vote; those \'0 tine f\.ye be :tnc; l.Ta yor Boey, Co~mlssioner Busch and CommissIoner Lake, tbose vot:.ns- No, none. ~~;~ ,/.' . ;/ .,> /'<.-, ~~~. Cl,rc of the Commission.