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Bozeman, Montana
November 6th, 1946
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Wednesday, November 6th, 1946 , at 1:00 o'clock P.W. Those being present
were Mayor Healy, Commi~sioner Sorenson, Commi~sioner Lowe, City Manager Quinnell, City
Attorney Aitken, and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-wit:
I The minutes of the last regular AesflioL were read, and it was moved b~r Commiss:ioner
Lowe, seconded by Commis sioner Sorenson tha t the m:lnutes be approved as read, and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy,
Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; thos e vo Ung No, non e .
Zon ing - 302 N. Bozerran
NTr. Ole He tlanc1, 302 Nortt Bozeman, appeared before the Commission and stated that he
had made an apartment in the barn and shed a t the rear of his property, installed plumbing
fix tures and was ready to ha ve the ga s ins pe c ted, ~ut the Gas Inspector refused to have the
gas turned on.
Mr. A. W. Coleman, Gas Inspector, stated that no permit was issued to remodel this
building and that he had informed Mr. Hetland, before the building was remodeled that it
should be moved before it would comply with the Zoning Code; that he had been asked to in-
spect the gas but would not approve turning on the gas because the location of the building
on the lot does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. He said tha t the
plumbing fixtures had also been put in without his inspection.
~~r . Hetland was asked to submi t a pla t of his lot showin? the location of the buildings
I in ouestion so thAt the Ci.ty Commission would be bet.ter able to understand the matter. The
Commissioners expressed their willingness to help wi th the solu tion of this problem, but
called attentjon to the fact that their efforts must be guided by the provisions of the
Zoning and Buildings Codes.
s. T. ,~ No. ;)44
~f.r . Verne Ballantyne appeared to a sk that the call for bids for the S. I. D. No. 344
water main construction project located in the Normandy Rearrar.gement of the '}est Side Ad-
dition be for Transite pipe only as t.he City Commission might aware the contract to the
bidder for cast iron pipe at a much higher bid than that for Transite pipe, and in thn t
event the property owner would ha ve to pa y a larger cost for the improv8me n t. :'Ifr. Ballan tyne
was informed that the Resolution of Intention of Intention stated an approximate amount for
the cos t of the improvement and the contract could not cost substantially more than this
amoun t, and further tha t if the bids submitted showed the cost of both cast-iron pipe and
Trafl site pipe, tne Commi~ ~ion could award the con trec t to the best bid witnin tne prop08ed
estimate for the work.
GRrbq~e Assessment
I "'Ifr. .T. P. Cotton, 304 East Babcock, a ppea red and s tA t e d tha t he had no garbage at his
property an~ did not think he should be assessed. tie was informed that all residence prop-
erties are assAssed for garbage, and if it was not paid the assessment would stand as a
de llnoll en t tax upon his property.
Clai'Y's for the ~!:onth
ClefIT's Numbers 11270 to l1479B inclusive were presented on the various funds as
$ l,3ll.86 I
Gen era 1 l4,282.30 Garbage
Parking Meter l,5l8.97 Band l4.lU
Water 39,354.3l Cerny. Sus pense 4U.OU
W-H Tax 835.60 Police Reserve 86.15
Library 698.6l AIrport 75.0U
Park 974.33 SID No. 339 4,737.60
Cemetery 662.10 W & C '46 Bonds 7l4.85
$; 65,305.78
The Manager sta ted he has audi ted these claims and finds them to be true and law- I
ful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their
pa ymen t . After examinatlon of the claims in cleta:i.l by the City Commission, It was moved
by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the claims be approved and
warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the following 'Aye and No
vo te ; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commis 81 oner Sorenson an d Commis si oner Lowe;
those voting No, none.
Applic'?tion for Ci ty Lic ens e
The application of the Ice Cream Dipper for a City License was presented and read.
It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded bV Commissioner Sorenson that the application
be approved and the license issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
Novo t e ; those voting Aye being ~'ayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Comrri?'sioner Lowe;
tho se vo tin? No, non e . I
The following reports for the month of Uctober, 1946 were presented and read:
Health Officer Cemetory Board Fire Chief
It was moved by Commissioner Sorensor, seconded by Commissioner Lowe tha t the reports I
be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by tbe following Aye and No
vo te ; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner ;,;)orenson and Commissioner Lowe;
those voting No, none.
ResollJtion No. 593 -- Final Passage
The Mana~er stated that this was the time and place set for the hearing of protests
to the levying of the assessment for the construction of S. 1. D. No. 339, sanitary
sewer in the alley between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues from Koch to Colle~e Street. He
presen ted the a f'fida vi t of publica tion of the No ti ee to Property Owners and s ta ted tha t
no protests had been filed and no one was present to protest. He, therefore, presented
Resolution No. 593, en ti tled:
It was 1T'oved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Corr.missioner Sorenson that the Reso-
lution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
No vote; thos e vo ting "1ye be ing Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lnwe; I
those vo ting No, none.
Appointment to Ad .~l)S tmsn t Boa rd
,Mayor Healy announced the appointment of Yr. Frank L. Stone to fill the unexp1red
term until Novmeber 8th, 1947 of Harry Sti th a s a member of the Ad,jus tmen t Board. It
was moved by Commiss~oner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the appointment
be approved and the motion was os rried by the following Aye and No va te; those voting
Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissiorer Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those vo tlng No, none.
Opinion - CJty Attorn8~ He Section 5465 RCY 1935.
A written opinion of the City Attorney re3ard1ng Section 5465, R. C. ~!. 1935 was read.
The City Attorney stated that in his opinion the Chief of Police has exclusive control over
the stationing and transfer of all patrolmen and officers of the Police Force. The Manager
I s ta ted that a copy of this opinion was presented to the interested parites.
Ac5,j ournrr "n t
There be~ng no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Com~issloner Lowe, seconded by Commiq si oner Sorenson the t the mee ting ad'; ourn and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thoee voting Aye being Mayor
Healy, 'Commis s ioner Sorenson and Commis sion er Lowe; those voting No, none.
" ~!~ MaY#~ '
C e rl., of the ommie s i on