HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Amendment 3 to PSA - Robert Peccia and Associates - Durston and Cottonwood Roads Improvements Project Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement for Durston and Cottonwood Roads Improvements Proiect THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this ld"- day of , 2017, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman,'Montana,herein referred to as OWNER and Robert Peccia and Associates,Helena, Montana, 59604, an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated January 5, 2015,herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT A (Scope of Services) and EXHIBIT B (Fee Proposal)are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 1 -ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: This project amendment is the preliminary and final design phase for the Durston Road and Ferguson Avenue roundabout and intersection improvements. 1.2. The scope of services under this contract is set forth in this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. 4.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE After acceptance of the pre-design report and receipt of written authorization to proceed with the Preliminary Design Phase,ENGINEER shall: 4.2.1. In consultation with OWNER determine general scope,extent and character of the Project. 4.2.2. ENGINEER shall then prepare a Preliminary Design Report, preliminary plans and specifications and a written description for the Project. 4.2.3. Preliminary Design Report: Specific items to be addressed in the design report will include, but not be limited to: I� Summary of construction requirements with appropriate drawings for each task included in the project. Special design considerations for Project tasks with conditions not covered in standard construction methods or specifications. 4.2.5. Permits and Rights-of-Way: The ENGINEER shall obtain approved permits from agencies or entities requiring similar approvals prior to bidding. These approvals will be coordinated with the OWNER and will be made on easement and permit documents approved by the OWNER. 4.2.7. Preliminary Plans and Specifications. Prepare preliminary construction plans and specifications with information which addresses the special features of each project task. 1 $62,000.00 (50% of design fee) until the Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. $111,600.00 (90% of design fee) until the Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. 6.1.3 General. Engineer shall submit monthly statements for services rendered. The statements shall be based upon Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing, subject to any limitations on Payments based on completion of tasks or specific retainage requirements pursuant to the payment provisions of the Agreement. 6.1.4 Reimbursable Expenses. Only those expenses specifically identified for payment under section 6.2 of the original Agreement are reimbursable. All other design related expenses are included in the Lump Sum Payment for the Basic services (4.3) and are not separately reimbursable. Additional Services specifically identified under the scope of design services for payment under 6.1 are not separately reimbursable. ARTICLE 7-MEANING OF TERMS 7.3 DIRECT LABOR COSTS Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment mean the actual salaries and wages paid to all ENGINEER's personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, surveyors, designers, drafters, specification writers, estimators, other technical and business personnel; but does not include indirect payroll related costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this "Agreement the principals and employees of the ENGINEER maximum billable Direct Labor Costs are: Principal $64.66/hour QA/QC Reviewer $57.00/hour Project Manager $44.50/hour Design Engineer $38.25/hour Staff Engineer $29.60/hour CADD Drafter $27.91/hour Environmental Planner $45.46/hour Accounting $36.57/hour Clerical $23.35/hour 3 Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project Scope of Services EXHIBIT A DESIGN - DURSTON & FERGUSON ROUNDABOUT Scope of Services INTRODUCTION Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) and its sub-consultant Allied Engineering Services Inc. (AESI) agree to furnish professional engineering services for the Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements project for the city of Bozeman. The previous Phase 1 of the project was development of a Traffic Engineering Report including the 30% design of roundabout and signal alternatives along Baxter Lane, Cottonwood Road, and Durston Road, and cost estimates. This amendment#3 is part of Phase 2, which is the development of the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) set for the various segments. This amendment is for the Durston and Ferguson roundabout. See attached map for location. The planning level construction cost estimate for the project is approximately $1.6 million. This cost does not include right-of-way, wetland mitigation, design and construction engineering fees, or private utility relocations. This Phase 2 scope of services is for final design configuration recommended in the Traffic Engineering Report dated December 17, 2015, and as approved by the City Commission on November 91h, 2015. Roadway configurations include the following (widths are between top back of curbs): • Durston Road Widening (50' 3-lane Minor Arterial): from the beginning of the project to Ferguson • Durston Road Reconstruction (50' 3-lane Minor Arterial): from Ferguson to end of project The intersection configuration is the following (as numbered in the Traffic Engineering Report): • Ferguson Avenue and Durston Road -4.0—Roundabout The project will also connect gaps in the existing sidewalk network. Sidewalk gaps include the following: • Durston—North side from east of Flanders Mill to Ferguson (replace narrow asphalt path) This scope of services does not include project advertising and bidding, the bid to award phase, or the construction administration and observation. ACTIVITY LIST AND DESCRIPTION A project scoping meeting was held March 22, 2016 at the City Professional Building in Bozeman. The scope of services was developed based on information provided by the city of Bozeman. Task 1.1: Project Evaluation and Management This activity includes general project start-up activities including preparation of the scope of services, cost estimate, and contracts. Also, included in this activity are general management tasks throughout the Robert Peccia and Associates Page 1 of 4 Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project Scope of Services duration of the design phase including invoicing, budgeting and coordination with the City and subconsultants, assuming a six-month schedule. Task 1.2: Pick-up Survey This amendment does not include any survey items of work. If the City or developers change the project conditions (new construction, new installations, relocations, etc.) after the original survey in 2016, the subsequent pick-up survey will be completed by an amendment. Task 1.3: Geotechnical The City requested all geotechnical investigations to be removed from the scope of work. The pavement section for the project will match the adjacent surfacing courses. Task 1.4: Right of Way The city of Bozeman's right-of-way consultant, DOWL, will provide the cadastral survey CADD files, deed and ownership information, right of way exhibits, new Certificates of Surveys, and corner recordations. RPA will provide DOWL with electronic CADD files for new right of way areas. This task also includes coordination with DOWL during the acquisition process. Ideally the DOWL right of way task will be scheduled concurrently with this project, to keep the project on schedule. Task 1.5: Environmental RESPEC delineated the corridor wetlands in 2015. For this scope of work, RPA will coordinate the environmental permitting, prepare the draft permit applications, and submit the final applications. Anticipated environmental permits include a Section 404 Nationwide Permit for minor work in"waters of the U.S." and wetlands, and a 124 Montana Stream Protection Act permit for work in perennial streams. RPA will coordinate with both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) regarding permit requirements, suggested construction or mitigation measures, and application processing timelines. RPA will coordinate mitigation through the Upper Missouri Wetland Mitigation Bank and the MARS in-lieu fee program. The MPDES storm water permit will be completed by the contractor and is not included in this scope of work. An environmental impact document demonstrating compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) is also not included in this scope. Erosion Control plans are also not included in this scope of work. This scope does not include updates to the wetland delineation for areas outside the original project boundary or for recent subdivision construction impacts. Re-delineation, if necessary, will be through an amendment. Permitting fees are not included in this scope and will be paid directly by the City of Bozeman. Task 1.6: Irrigation Coordination This task is design coordination with the ditch company for the irrigation ditch along the south side of Durston Road. Task 1.7: Water Main Design The final build out of water mains along this section of Durston Road is complete.This task includes showing existing water lines in the plans at new storm drain crossings. Water main design, adjustments, and MDEQ permitting is not anticipated or included in this amendment. Robert Peccia and Associates Page 2 of 4 Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project Scope of Services Task 1.8: Sanitary Sewer Design The final build out of sanitary sewer along this section of Durston Road is complete. This task includes showing existing sewer lines in the plans at new storm drain crossings. Sanitary sewer design, adjustments, and MDEQ permitting is not anticipated or included in this amendment. Task 1.9: Roadway Design This task is the design of roadway features to include alignments, profiles, and side slopes for the roundabout, minor Durston Road intersections, and sidewalks. Design features to include ADA and PROWAG pedestrian and bicycle ramps, and WB-50 turning templates to refine the roundabout layout. Roadway layouts will consider controlling features such as utility conflicts, wetlands, and right-of-way. For design conflict areas, RPA will coordinate with the City and provide design options and associated impacts, for the City to determine the preferred design. RPA will refine the design layout with the City's input and review, to occur throughout the duration of this task, to minimize re-design efforts. See AESI's scope for the concurrent hydraulics design. RPA will incorporate AESI's hydraulics design features into the design mapping files. Landscaping and irrigation are not included under this amendment. Task 1.10: Electrical Desiqn Work under this task includes corridor lighting at the roundabout and along Durston Road within the project limits. The luminaire system layout will include cobra LED assemblies. All electrical features will include powder coating. This work also includes calculations for luminaire spacing/voltage drop and conduit sizing/fill. RPA will also coordinate with Northwestern Energy for a new service location and/or modification of an existing service. Task 1.11: Traffic Design This task includes the inventory of existing signs, and the design and layout of new signs and pavement markings along the project corridor. Task 1.12: Hydraulics Design See AESI's scope of services for the hydrologic and hydraulic design and preparation of the Hydraulics Memo. RPA's work under this task is the review of the hydraulics design recommendations and reports. Incorporation of AESI's design features into the plans is performed under task 1.9. Task 1.13: Private Utilities RPA will prepare colored exhibits detailing private utility impacts and the relocations required as part of the project. Anticipated impacted utilities include electric, gas, fiber optic, and telephone. RPA will attend the utility coordination meeting with the City and utility companies. The City will coordinate the utility relocation work. Task 1.14: Develop PS&E This task is the development of the Plan, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) package for a review by the City. This task includes development of the plan sheets, details, and summaries for roadway, traffic, electrical, storm drain, water and sanitary. This task also includes RPA's internal review and revisions. Plans for geotechnical, landscaping, sprinkler systems, right-of-way, erosion control, and traffic control are not included in this scope of work. Robert Peccia and Associates Page 3 of 4 Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project Scope of Services Task 1.15: Desiqn Review Submittal This task includes electronic submittal of the 90% PS&E package with design reports to the City for review. Per the City request, a design review meeting will not be held and the City will provide RPA review comments. RPA will revise the plans and perform an internal QA/QC review of the PS&E package. The final 100% submittal will be printed copies and bound reports. All deliverables will be provided in AutoCAD format for electronic drawings, color 11"x 17"size hard copies, black and white 22" x 34" size hard copies, and PDFs for plans submittals. SCHEDULE Work under this amendment will be completed for the 2018 construction season per the Capital Improvement Program schedule. Robert Peccia and Associates Page 4 of 4 FAt00hweys\14510_000_0urston Cottonwood Roads\DESIGN\RD\E%HISITS\AMENDMENT SCOPING\Dumton FmOuson E hiblt_042117.d0n Z'— IT. m o � o Z FLANDERS MILL ROAD z m mx z�n � m xm p 11� � o n E. ") z = ni G� y p o 0 m r• n T � � tny r' v T y y > f�T1 . . m �D , BEG.DURSTON DESIGN i No (CURB TO FLANDERS MILL) o y Z • y cni �� m - i = SHEET TITLE PROJECT TITLE SYM REVISION BY APPR. DATE 5/1/2017 IT DURSTON, COTTONWOOD DESIGNED BY DATE '—' DURSTON/FERGUSON & BAXTER IMPROVEMENTS DRAWN BY PROJECT NO. ROUNDABOUT 8®Z@ Durston Ferguson Exhi I 11iQn I Montana CHECKED BY FILENSTRITCEIC ROBERT PECCIA&ASSOCIATES DuRsmu&CormNw000 ROAD impRovom TB PR*A= EXHIBIT B crr,r OF Bozetm.MT AMENDMENT NO.3 DESIGN - DURSTON & FERGUSON ROUNDABOUT DATIa: JuNz 2017 QA/QC PROJECT DESIGN STAFF CADD ENVIRON.ACCOUNTING CLERICAL TOTAL WORK ITEM/SUBTASK PRINCIPAL. REVIEWER MANAGER ENGINEER ENGINEER ; DRAFTER PLANNER { PERSON Billing Rate: $64.66 $67.00 $44.60 $38.25 $29.60 $27.91 $45.46 $36.67 $23.35 HOURS 1_1 1.1 Project Evaluation and Management Develop scope of services 2 8 1 11 Develop cost proposal 2 8 1 11 City&subconsultant services agreements 1 4 1 6 Project Schedule&staffing plan 2 4 6 Invoicing,setup&budgets(assume 6 months) 3 6 12 21 General management&team meetings(2 per month) 6 6 6 6 24 City coordination 8 1.2 1.2 Pick-up Survev Not used 1.3 Geotechnical Not used 1.4 Right of Wav Coordinate with DOWL and develop Right-of-Way mapping file 4 4 8 1.5 Environmental COE&FWP Coordination 2 4 6 Prepare&calculate wetland&stream impact exhibits 1 16 17 Prepare draft permit application packages for 404&124 permits 1 24 25 Review,revise&submit final application packages and exhibits 1 2 3 Coordinate wetland and stream impact mitigation 4 4 Sage Grouse coordination/letter per MDEQ requirements 1 1 After receiving permits:Review and coordinate permit conditions 2 2 q 1.6 Irrigation Coordination Irrigation coordination with ditch company representative 4 4 1.7 Water Main Design Obtain&incorporate future/existing water as-builts/plans 1 4 5 1.8 Sanitary Sewer Design Obtain&incorporate future/existing sanitary as-builts/plans 1 4 5 1_9 Roadway Design Develop alignments&profiles for centerlines and curbs 8 40 40 88 Refine roundabout layout,turning templates,design checks 4 24 28 ADA,bike ramps&intersection staking layouts at roundabout and minor Durston intersections 4 40 40 84 Develop working crass sections at critical sections only 2 8 10 Develop 30 model for construction limits 2 12 14 Review layout,conflicts,design options with City&subsequent revisions 4 16 16 36 1.10 Electrical Design Corridor lighting design with staggered layout,lighting software&talcs 4 60 64 Review design options with City&subsequent revisions,NW Energy coordination for service 4 8 12 1.11 Traffic Design Signing&pavement marking inventory 2 8 10 Pavement marking layout 4 8 12 Signing layout 2 12 14 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT B ROBERT PECCIA&ASSOCIATES DURsl'ON&COTMNWOOD ROAD IMPROVMUWM PROM= EXHIBIT B crnr OF 8OZM4 ,Mr AMENDMENT NO.3 DESIGN - DURSTON & FERGUSON ROUNDABOUT DATE: JuNe 2017 QA/QC PROJECT: DESIGN STAFF CADD ENVIRON.ACCOUNTING CLERICAL TOTAL WORK ITEM/SUBTASK PRINCIPAL REVIEWER MANAGER ENGINEER ENGINEER DRAFTER PLANNER PERSON' Billing Rate: $64.66 $67,00 $44.60 $38 25 $29.60 $27.91 $46.46 $36.57 $23.35 HOURS' 1.12 Hydraulics Design ` Review AESI hydraulics design&recommendations for storm drain, culverts,reports 4 4 8 1.13 Private Utilities Utility impacts of private utilities&prepare colored plans 2 4 8 14 Utility coordination meeting,preparation,follow-up,PDF's 8 4 12 1.14 Develop PS&E Road plans-title sheet,notes,table of contents,control diagram 1 8 9 Road plans-Typical Sections&subexcavation details 1 8 9 Road plans-Geometric&Staking Details 2 40 42 Road plans-Incorporate Pond&Storm Drain Details from AESI 1 16 17 Road plans-Road and Curb Plan/Profile Sheets 2 40 42 Road plans-Cross Section Sheets(critical sections only) 2 2 Electrical-Lighting plan&details 2 16 18 Signing Plans 2 16 18 Pavement Marking Plans 2 16 18 Specification Book&finalize special provisions 16 16 Cost Estimate&Calculate project quantities 12 2 2 16 32 Internal Review&revisions 4 8 16 16 16 60 1.15 Review&Submittal Electronic 90%Submittal to City of PS&E and Reports 2 8 10 Revisions after City's review comments&Internal QA/QC Review 2 8 8 16 16 16 66 Printed 100%Submittal to City of PS&E and Reports 8 16 24 TOTAL PERSON-HOURS: 22 8 167 281 150 262 39 13 16 958 LABOR COST PER EMPLOYEE: $1,422.52 $456.00 $7,431.50 $10,748.25 $4,440.00 $7,312.42 $1,772.94 $475.41 $373.60 $34,432.64 DIRECT EXPENSES Total Subcontracted services-AESI $10,924.00 Mileage(4x4$0.59/mile,10 for Bozeman&1 Helena site visits& meetings) $230.10 Misc.(phone,postage) $500.00 Computer($2.25/hour) $304.88 CADD($6.50/hour) $5,047.25 Printing(review submittals,final 22 x 34 prints,Color utility,reports) $1,000.00 Total Direct Expenses: $18,006.23 SUMMARY OF ENGNEERING SERVICES DIRECT LABOR $34,432.64 OVERHEAD(CURRENT OH RATE X DIRECT LABOR)(1.6760) $57,709.10 SUBTOTAL LABOR COST: $92.141.74 DIRECT EXPENSES $18,006.23 SUBTOTAL PROJECT COSTS: $110.147,97 PROFIT(15%OF LOADED LABOR): $13.821.26 TOTAL ENGINEERING FEE(ROUNDED� S124000.00 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT B 1� l Civil Engineering . Geotechnical Engineering . Land Surveying ACI ,�D 32 Discovery Drive ENGINEERING Bozeman,Montana 59718 SERVICES,INC. Ph: (406) 582-0221 Fax: (406) 582-5770 Terse PIo1e June 14, 2017 Staci Venner, PE Robert Peccia &Associates, Inc. 3810 Valley Commons Drive#4 Bozeman, MT 59718 staci@rpa-hln.com RE: Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project—Phase 2—Durston Road (Ferguson Avenue Roundabout) - Scope of Services Dear Staci: Thank you for the opportunity to provide our scope of services for Phase 2 of the Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project for the Durston Road, Ferguson Avenue roundabout segment. We look forward to continuing our work on this project by providing assistance with the Hydraulic Design. It is our understanding the project programming includes street improvements along approximately 0.3 miles of Durston Road and includes the following street configurations: • Durston Road Widening (50-ft, 3-lane minor arterial): from east of Flanders Mill to Ferguson Avenue. • Durston Road Reconstruction (50-ft, 3-lane minor arterial): from Ferguson Avenue to Sanders Avenue (or west of Sanders Avenue). • Roundabout at the intersection of Durston Road and Ferguson Avenue. Allied Engineering Services, Inc.'s objectives for this project include: • Provide hydraulic analysis and design for the project including stormwater collection and conveyance infrastructure, stormwater ponds, and outfall facilities. Develop and document design to allow Client to produce detailed plans and specifications for stormwater conveyance infrastructure. Develop preliminary plans for stormwater ponds. Attached is our proposed scope of work and fees to complete the work. Exhibit A provides our scope of work and fee summary and Exhibit B provides a detailed itemized budget. The table below provides a condensed summary of the proposed scope of work and budget. t� www.alliedengineering.com RPA—Staci Venner Project:Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvements Project— June 14,2017 Phase 2—Durston Road(Ferguson Roundabout) Task Cost 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $920 1 HYDRAULIC FACILITIES EVALUATION $694 2 HYDRAULICS DESIGN $6,610 3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS $2,700 Total $10,924 We appreciate the opportunity to provide our scope of services. Please give us a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allied Engineering Services,Inc. for Paul Sanford, PE Principal Civil Engineer enc: Exhibit A—Scope of Work and Budget Exhibit B—Detailed Itemized Budget P:\2015\15-017 Durston&Cottonwood\O1 Project Management\Proposals\Design Phase 2-Durston(Roundabout at Ferguson)\CoverLetter.doc 32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman,Montana 59718 . Ph:(406)582-0221 . Fax:(406)582-5770 .www.alliedengineering.com Page 2 EXHIBIT A-SCOPE OF SERVICES Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvemenst Project-Phase 2-Durston Road (Ferguson Avenue Roundabout) PROJECT Tasks Attend Scoping Meeting(NA for this project) Develop Scope of Services and Cost Proposal Internal Project Management Administration Deliverables Total Proposed Fees $920 ,',Task 1 HYDRAULIC FACILITIES EVALUATION Tasks Gather and Review Record Drawings and Relevant Past Hydraulic Reports Research Information in Stormwater Master Plan for Specific Requirements(NA for this project) Communicate with Owner to Investigate any Existing Drainage Problems(NA for this project) Site Visits to Review Condition of Existing Stormwater Facilities and Field Conditions Deliverables Total Proposed Fee $694 HYDRAULICS Tasks Hydraulics Design Complete Stormwater Pond/Treatment Facility Analysis and Design Complete Stormwater Collection and Conveyance System Analysis and Design Complete Culvert Analysis and Design(NA for this project) Provide Fish Passage Design for Culverts(NA for this project) Develop a Preliminary Hydraulics Report for Client and Owner Review Finalize Hydrologic Analysis and Hydraulic Design Develop a Final Hydraulics Report Deliverables Preliminary Hydraulics Report Final Hydraulics Report AutoCAD files containing preliminary stormwater infrastructure locations Total Proposed Fee 1$6,610 Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 1 June 14,2017 EXHIBIT A-SCOPE OF SERVICES Durston and Cottonwood Road Improvemenst Project-Phase 2 -Durston Road(Ferguson Avenue Roundabout) CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Task 3.1 -90%Plans&Specs Submittal Develop Stormwater Pond Preliminary Plans in AutoCAD Review Stormwater Conveyance Plans by RPA Review Stormwater and Geotechnical Specifications by RPA(not included in scope/budget) Review Layout, Conflicts, Design Options with City&Subsequent Revisions Proposed Fee: $2,160 Task 3.2-100%Plans&Specs Submittal Revisions to Stormwater Pond Preliminary Plans in AutoCAD Proposed Fee: $540 Deliverables Redlined 90%Stormwater Plans by RPA Exhibits for Design Review Meetings with RPA/City(as necessary) 90%Stormwater Pond AutoCAD File(Plan Sheet Production by RPA) 100%Stormwater Pond AutoCAD File(Plan Sheet Production by RPA) Total Proposed Fee $2,700 Assumptions and Exceptions 1 AESI will provide electronic deliverables in.pdf format. Requested hard copies will be billed seperately on a time and materials basis. 2 Any required permitting(stream/wetland/stormwater)will be conducted by others. 3 Any required stream/wetland jurisdictional determinations will be conducted by others. 4 One new stormwater pond located north of Durston and approximately 250 feet west of Kimball Avenue is anticipated for the project. 5 Sediment and erosion control design and plans are not included in the scope of work. 6 Work involving easements will be conducted by others. 7 RPA will develop detailed geometry and plans for the stormwater conveyance system(inlet and pipes)based on schematic layout and sizes provided by AESI.AESI will complete the pond grading for the ponds and develop preliminary plan sheets for the pond design plans based on a tempate provided by RPA. Autocad files of the pond grading and preliminary plan sheets will be provided to RPA to produce final plan sheets. 8 Any required culvert extensions will be designed by RPA. 9 With the exception of the existing stormwater pond on the SW quadrant of Durston&Ferguson(retrofit of this pond may be necessary), impacts to other existing stormwater facilities will be minimal and will not require hydrologic/hydraulic analysis. Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 2 June 14,2017 DURSTON/COTTONWOOD ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT-PHASE 2-DURSTON ROAD(FERGUSON AVENUE ROUNDABOUT) EXHIBIT B-ITEMIZED BUDGET June 14, 2017 Task 3.2-100%Plans&Specs Submittal Revisions to Stormwater Pond Preliminary Plans in AutoCAD 1 4 5 $540 $540 Subtotal Hours 5 0 20 0 0 25 Subtotal Costs $700 $0 $2,000 $0 $0 $2,700 $0 $0 $2,700 TOTAL HOURS 15 1 85 0 2 103 TOTAL COSTS $2,100 $125 $8,500 $0 $110 $10,835 $14 $75 $10,924