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Bozeman, Montana
February 16th, 1945
,The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commisflion Room,
City Hall ~Jilding, Friday evening, February 16th, 1945, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those bejng
present were Connnissioner Healy, Commissioner Busch, City l~lanager Quinnell, City Attorney
Aitken, Director of .b'inance Walter Davis, City Engineer 'J.'horpe and the Clerk, when the
following proceedings were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
BUSCh, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thoAe voti.ng Aye be:1ng Commissioner Healy
and Commissioner Busch; those vot:i.ng No, none.
Request for Plumbing Inspector
Mr. Walter Savape, E. R. Currie, and Wm. Curran representing the Local Journeyman's
Plumber's Union apppared before the Commission in regard to plumbing and gas Inspections
within the City. They stated that some work has been installed by o\mers or tenants that
is very dangerous to life and health, because proper inspections have not been made and
the worle has not be installed as it should have been. They stated further, that at present
it was difficult to get inspections made because Archie Coleman, who does the inspecting,
works on the police force and is not always available when the plumbing and gas installa-
tions are ready to be inspec ted, and they would like to ha ve some one ava ila ble to do
this work.
Upon City Manar:er Quinnell reporting that a Mr. Jones, of Livingston, had made appli-
cation for the job of plumbing inspector the gentlemen stated that they also had Mr. Jones
in mInd for the position. They were then asked to contact Mr. Jones and get his reaction
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toward a ccepttn~,.. the "'~bb' ~s 'p1umbing inspec tor and at wha t price. The Manap'er s ta ted tha t
in the meantime, he would talk with Mr. Coleman about the inspection work with a view to
arriving at a satisfactory solution to the problem.
It was al~o sllt;"p:ested that the Ci ty sho'lld have an electrical inspector to inspect
electrical installAtions, and that this job could be combined with the plumbing and goBS
Applications for City Licenses
The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
The Bungalow
Hotel Baxter
Dr. W C Dawes
Louis Klawi tter
Shell Bulk Plan t
Dr. C. S. Smith
Alexander Art Go.
Modern Barber Shop
Nash-Finch Company
Fifth Avenue Grocery
Main Street Shell Servo
Doley's Standard Service
Pease's Jewelry Store
Ralph's Food Stores Nos.
1 & 2.
Park Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Park Ice & Cold Stora~e
Hotel Baxter
Hotel Bax ter
It was moved by Commifls:toner BUSCh, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the applica-
tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye
and ~To vote; those voting Aye being Commipsioner Healy and Commisf'iioner Busch; those voting
No, none.
Insurance -- Recovery on Cemetery Building Approved
The Mana.zer stated he had made a thorough and careful stlJdy of the report submitted b;r
the Bozeman Insurance Association showing the recovery on the fire loss of the Service
Building and its contents at Sunset Hills Cemetery. He stated that in his opinion the
proposal was fair and just and thnt it should be approved and accepted by the Commission
and so recommended.
It was moved bV Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Healy tha t the settle-
, .
ment as offered by the Bozeman Insurance Association be approved and the motion was carried
by the followin~ Aye and No vote; thoRe voting Aye being Commissioner Healy and Commis8ioner
Busch; those voting No, none.
Pavinp; Questionnaires
City Manager Quinnell reported thnt out of the 1615 cards mailed to the owners of
property abutting unimporved streets in Bozeman innuiring as to their wishes regarding
street improvements about 10/,b had been returned, with about 50% wanting some improvement.
Bids for Cast Iron Pipe
The Manager reported that the City was in need of some six-inch cast iron pipe, and
suggested that bids for a car load of this pipe be advertised for.
It was moved by Commie Rioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the Ci ty
Manager be authorized to advertise for a carload of cast iron pipe and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Commissioner Healy and
Commissioner Thlschr those voting No, none.
Ordinance -- Tankers parking within City Limits
The City Attorney presented and read an Ordinance restricting and re~lating the
parking of vehicles transportinQ.' flammable liquids within the City of Bozeman. It was
decided to postpone action on thiR measure until all members of the Commission are present.
Transporting Passanrrers wi thou t PermJ ts
M~. L. C Woodburn of the City Taxi Lines was present and stated th8t the person
transporting cadet nurses from the Colle~e to the Hospital was also transporting other
passengers and making: a charp:-e for this pervice, and he thoup:ht that this being the case
the person furnishlng this transportation should obtain the propor M. R. 8. permit and
also a city license cover1ng this occupation.
Mr. Woodburn was 'informed that the matter would be looked into and some definite
information obtained on this matter.
Police Department -- Ten-Hour Shift
~,/fr. Roy .c;mbry, Chief of Police, was present to report on the 011tcome of the meet:l.ng
of the members of the Police DepRrtment in reg~rd to working a 10-hour shift each day.
He stated that the men did not want to work ten hours a day, and that he would have to
p:et along the be1'lt he could until the firpt of the month when another man would be available
to the Department.
Mr. John L;man and Kenneth RichardRon were prenent and entered into the discussion.
It was suggested that the Commission bargain with the men of the Police Department to see
if means could be worked out whereby, during this war emergency, the present members of
the Department would work the ten-hour daily shift, and also that as the turn over in the
members of the Department has been considerable that inquiry be made to determine the cause.
Ad j ournmen t
There being no further business to come before the Commis sion a t this time, it was
moved by Commissioner BUSCh, seconded by Connnissioner Healy the t the meeting adjourn and
the motion was carried by the following .dye and No vote; those vo Ung Aye being Commissioner
Healy and Commi::1sioner Busch; t hose voting 'No, none.
Attest: ~
CO. ~ '0 t e :r om~i s s ion
Ac ng Ma yor