HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-05 1 1 1 '1?~) ,/~{j Bozeman, Montana May 5th, 1944 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday eveninC!', May 5th, 1944, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those bein~ present were Mayor Landoe, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Busch, City ManaO'er Quinnell, City Attorney Aitken, Director of Finance Walter Davis, City En?ineer Thorpe, and the Clerk. when the following proceedinCl's were had to-wit: The minutes of the last r0g1Jlar session were read, and it was moved by Commis8ioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor I:sndoe, Cornmis- sioner Healy and Comrnismoner Busch; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 6298 to 6444 inclusive were presented on the variOllS funds as follows: Ceme tery General Library Park Water Garbe FJ:e Cemetery Suspense Cemy. Perm. Care War Bond W-H Tax $ 734.10 6,917.01 772.29 966.63 1,826.58 857.96 295.00 5,000.00 150.00 501.87 $ 18,021.44 Total The Manager stated he has audited these claims and finds thpm to be true and lawful claims against The Cit~: of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their pa;rment. After examination of the claims in detail by the City Commission, it was moved by Commis- sioner Healy, seconded b:: Comm5.s sioner Busch the t warrants be drawn for their paymen t and the motion wa s ca rried by the followinp- Aye and No vo te; those vo tinp: Aye be ing Ma yor Landoe, Gommis cl oner Hea ly and Commis s ioner Busch; thos e vo ting No, none. Applications for City Licenses The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read: Lee Cosens .J. S. Miles C. H. Frey Myers Texaco Vorell & Son Ralph G. Smith Shamrock Rooms Elite Beauty Shop Dr. D.T. Griffith Helen's Beautv Salon Anderson Beauty School Elaine's Beautv Parlor Litening Service Station It was moved by Commlss1oner Healy, seconded by CommissionAr Busch that the applica- tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried b~ the followin~ Aye and No vote; those votinp' Aye bAing Mayo r Landoe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Busch; those voting No, none. Reports The followinO' reports for the month were presented and read: Cashier F,.re Chief Pr"I1ice Jud gEl Water Collector Enqineer Police Chief Cemetery Boa rd Director of Pinance It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma yor Landoe, Commi s,qi oner Haa ly and Commis s loner tiu soh; thos e va tin'" J\To, none. Bond -- L. S. T~orpe - City Englne~r The bond of L. ~'. Thorpe, AS City Engineer, in the amormt of $1,000 was presented. The bond wes approved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by ComrHs- 8ioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Busch thl1t the bond be accepted and the motion was 124 carried by the followlnp- Aye and }To vote; those voti.np: J"l.ye being Mayor Landoe, Commism oner Busch and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Traffi.c IrvIni:'; School Dr. E. B. Keller, Keith Haines, Mrs. M. Burlingame, and Mrs. P. W. Jordon, a committee from the PTA of the Irving School appeared before the Commlss:1on to discuss the traffic on Eighth Avenue near the Irv~.ng School. They sta ted the si tua tion was very dan,Q'er01JS and w0111d llke to know wha t could be done to make the street crossings ad.1acent to the school grounds safer for the children. The Cit;T Manaf'l'er rp.ported thgt he had written to the StAte Highway Department asking for a cop:r of' their rules and regnla tions perta ining 1t-o the ins ta lla tion of stop signs where state or federal hiithways pass school buildinf"s. He also stated that a stencil was being made so that "Slow" signs cOlJld be painted on the pavement in the vicini ty of the school. The Committee felt that "Slow" signs painted on the street might help consider" ably in relieving the dan9'erous traffic condi tions existini': on Highway 191 near the Irving School. Clean-1Jp Week The matter of Clean-Up Weel{ was brought up, and it was decided to set May 8th to 13th as Clean-Up Week, And that notice be published to that effect. Parks -- Recres tional Director s t Sou th Side Park The Ci ty lVlanager presented pet:i.tions signed by a large mmber of residents requesting thAt the South Side Playp:round be opened this summer for supervised play. The Manager stated that Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, general supervisor for the past several years, would take OVAr thts pArk around May 10th to study the situation and that she WOll1d submit a report at an early date on the recreational requlrementp at this Park. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved b~T Commissioner Healy, 8econned b;T Commissioner BUflch tlB t the meetina adjourn and the motion was carried by the followinl2' Aye and No vote ,: those votlnrr Aye being Mayor Lsndoe, Commis sion er Hea 1 y and Commiss loner Bl1sch; those voting No, none. Attes~ ~~. C erk of the Commission qjf)L Ma yor 1 I 1