HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-03 Bozeman, Montana Junuary 3, 1951 473 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon. January 3, 1951 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Those present were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy. City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and D. L. Henry, Acting Clerk, when the following proceedings were had: I The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting; No, none. Civilian Defense Advisory Council -- Recommendation for Civilian Defense Director Messrs John Mason, David DeLap, H. T. Porter. and A. J. M. Johnson. members of the Civilian Defense Advisory Council met with the City Commission. The Council informed the Commission that they have held two meetings wi thin the last week and after careful consideration they unanimously reconunended that Mr. Dean Waldorf be appointed Director of Divilian Defense. Mr. Waldorf was called into the meeting and informed of this recommendation. Mr. Waldorf requested that he be given a few days time to consider the matter and it was mutually agreed that no public anIlouncement of the recommendation should be made until an answer is secured from Mr. Waldorf on whether or not he will accept the appointment. The Advisory Council announced the appointment of Mr. John Mason as their permanent chairman. Fetition from School District No.7 to Vacate a Fortion of Short Street and Certain Alleys A petition was presented from the Board of Trustees of School District No. 7 requesting that Short Street between 5th AVenue and 6th Avenue, the alley in Block 1 and part of the alley in Block 4. all I in Violett Addition to the City of Bozeman be vacated. The purpose of the requested vacation of the streets and alleys is to enable School District No. 7 to use all of Block 1 and pert of Block 4 as a school ground. In a general discussion it was pointed out that School District No.7 owns part of Block 4 and there is possibility of their acquiring all of the remainder of that block. In view of the circumstances, the City Manager was instructed to inform the Board of Trustees of School District No. 7 that the City Commission looks with favor upon granting their petition but deemed it advisable to delay action in the matter until definite information is available as to whether or not the school district will acquire the remainder of property in Block 4. Letter from Burns & McDonnell -- Improler Location of Va.lve at Sewage Flant A letter from Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company. signed by R. E. McDonnell. was read. This letter was part of an exchange of correspondence between that firm and this City relative to improper location of certain valves as shown by the plans and specifications furnished by Burns & McDonnell for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Mr. McDonnell proposed that the City do the work necessary to correct the situation and bill them for cost of such Work. The City Manager was instructed to render a bill for this work on an actual cost basis. Licenses. Beer and Liquor. Apl'lications I The following applications for licenses for sale of beer and liquor were presented: The Arcade by George W. McKean - Fark Bar by Avis Toohey - The Stockman by Darrel F. Kilbride - The Rocking R by M. H. Lee - The Oaks by J. R. Hogan - The Capitol Bar by J. N. Apgar - The Top Hat Lounge by E. D. Griffin - V. F. W. Club (Club License) - Walter L. Ericson - Wholesale Beer only Beer a.nd Liquor " It " " II II Of " " II " .. " .. II " ff " .. " .. These a.ppl ications being in the proper form and accompanied by the required fee. it was moved by Commissioner Healy and seconded by Commissioner Secor, that applications be approved and licenses issued and the motion was carried by tile following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, 474 Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims, Nos. 119 to 315 inclusive, were presented on the various funds as follows: General Parking Meter Water SOS Li b rary Park Cemetery Band Garbage SID'S Cemetery Suspense Cemetery Fermanent Care Police Reserve Withholding Tax $l2,608.5l 1, 3l4. 64 4,370.28 772.18 1,051.48 l,885.88 627.11 12.00 1,338.47 4,191.11 65.00 1,900.00 86.l5 1, 2l2.43 $31,435.14 Total The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommended that warrants be drawn for their payment. After examina- tion of the claims in detail by the City Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the claims be aFproved and warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Cormnissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. City Yard, Fencing; of Conditions at the City Shops and Yards at Rouse and Lamme Street were discussed. The City Manager was instructed to take necessary steps to have an adequate fence built around these yards. ReForts The following; reports for the month of December were presented: Librarian Sanitary Inspector Police Judge (also annual reFort) It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Co~~issioner Secor, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Lowe, COLTInissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Licenses - Junk and Hide Dealers The Manager reported that question has been raised relative to the basic license of $20.00 resuired by Ordinance No. 637 for junk and hide dealers. The commission discussed this matter at lengtll and decided that the amount of license is fair and commensurate with other licenses required by this ordinance. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Co~nissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Attest: ~~. Acting Clerk of n I I I