HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-12-06 466 B 0 Z ":ma.D , Eon t ana December 6. 1950 The COfm;,:,s31'?1" of the City of' BozeY!lur. met in rei'ylar session in tile Commission Room, City Hf.ll Euilding, Wednesday afterno~m, December 6, 1950 at 1:00 o'clock l. M. Those beinG r~esent were Uayor Lowe, Comrnissi:::mer Secor, Comrnisdoner Healy, City Ivlanei:.~er Eenderson, City Attorney Lovelace Ano the Clerk when the fol1owinc; r-roceedirlL3 were h8d: The minutes of the lllst re",u18r session were read end it w8s'!ioved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that, U:e minutes be errroved es rend, e,rd t.h0 motion VISa carried by the fol1ow- int; Aye B.nd 1\0 vote: thOilfJ voting Aye b011'l> ,,:eyor Lowe, Com.'Tlissioner Secor and Comrnis2ioner Healy; those voting No, nono. Claims for the Month ClAims has. 9986 to 10056 and 1 to 115 inclusive were rresented on the various funds as follows: BD.nd Cemetery Cemetez;r ferm. Cnre Ce:nete ry S UBI ense Garba[,e General Librery Fark Farkin{'; Meter I-ol ice Reserve SVS Revenue s. 1. D. Ifl_H Tax Water 12.00 721.51 50.00 395.00 1,635.50 14,537.00 891.45 1,026.50 892.61 86.15 759.53 4,046.18 1,282.90 5,053.25 Tot a I :jf31, 389.58 The MrneLer stated tl1at he has audj.ted U:ese C16 ims and finds them to be true and lawfd claims 8gainst The City of BOZ8JT1.an, and reco:mrnends the t the clrdms be Sf, proved end warrants drawn for their payment. After examination of th,e clair:ls in detail by the City COrTU1lission, it was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the clnirns be aI-proved and warrants drawn for their pnyment, and the motion wes ca.rried by the followint~ Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beine Mayor Lowe, Corrunissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those votinL Fa, none. ReI-arts The followinG reTorts for the month of l\ovelnber, 1950 were rresented: Saritary Inspector Recreation Director Water Collector Libra!"ian }olice Chief Cesrder Fire Chief Folice Jude;e It WAS moved by Comnlissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the re1,orts be acce}ited and ordered f'il~~d and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, ComrnissionHr Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Bond & Contract for S. I. D. 364 The bond and contract of Allen Edens for the construction of Special Improvement District N0. 364 were presented. The bond and contract 'Nere approved as to fonn by the City Attorney, whereuI)on, it '''fas moved by Conunissioner Heely, seconded by Conunissioner Secor, thet the bond and cont.ract be accepted and the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the contract for The City of Bozeman, end the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votiI1f; Aye being; I\~ayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those votine; No, none. Applicatior:. for Tax Abatements The followin~ aprlications for tax abatements were presented and read: Name Lots Blk Adsl i tiOI], Ar1l9_upJ 1:urf~ [elen librrison W~.f5' of Tr. 11 (75 X 86) Border's 7.20 Gnrbalje r H. Drummond 1, 2, 3, 4, & w. 6' of 5 A Rouse's 79.3E SID 361 (rrin) ,-,. Leona Hammond 1 'i' , 18, 19 101 Nor. rac. e.oo Garbage Thos. M. S i 1-e s 4 & 5 101 Nor. fac. 4.00 Garbap'e c., D. 1. Henry 19, 20, 21 E Story's 1.28 SID 362 ( In t . ) t. L. Henry 20 & 21 33 Park 6.40 Ga rbage (Continued next raGe) I I 1 467 Neme Lots Blk Addition Amount Fuq:,ose D. L. Henry 1 to 5 49 Cap. Hill 2.00 Garbage s. M. Sallee lL 5' of 8, 6 7, s. 5' of 5 40 lmes 8.80 Garbag;e , Myron J. Casper 5, 6, &: 19 & 20 35 Imes 2.37 ~ieeds Frank Benepe, Jr. 17 & 18 46 CaI--. Hill 7.20 GarbaGe Lorene SaIl ee s. 20' of 8; 9, &: N. 15' of 10 40 Imes 8.80 Garbage ItOSS Rasmussen 1 &: 2 H Alderson's 8.00 Garbage Mrs. w. D. Wi llmo re 1'.j" 65' of Lots 21- 24) 25 West F'e rk .80 GarbaGe ..... Gust A. N'J rd strom 4 &: 5 5 Cap. Hill 2.37 Weeds J. P. Cloninger F.~ (22 & 23) 19 Perk 1.60 Garbage I Jesse Bradley 3 & 4 2 Bab. &: Davis 4.GO Garbage NJrs. James H. Sne 11 18 to 21 42 Imes B.OU Garbai'~e Opal V. Mertin 4 & 5 6 'Nest Fark 3.12 Garbage B. Eo Thomas 1 A Farkside 2.40 Garba"8 E]. b D. r Henry 24, 25, w. 11' of 26 D T ra cy , s 1st 10.40 Garbage ...... :-2 I/rs. "-' Shinkle Tract 3 in 1 Acre 2 Beall's 1st 8.80 GarbaGe H,~ . Frank }{ . Shriver 9 &: 10 10 Fairview 5.63 'Vi&: C 1950 ...............~~- Total 1950 Assessments - - ~i191.32 Frank It. Shriver 9 & 10 10 Fairview 25.00 'r; &; C 1950 It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the abatements be e.I-~_roved and the Director of Finance be authorized to make the proI;er entries on the tax records and the motion we~s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votins Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Commissi oner Eealy; those voting: N'J, none. Resolution No. 700 -- Certifying Delinquent Taxes The Llanecer stated thet the resolution certifyinG He 1950 delinquent 51)02cio1 [Jssessments to the County Treasurer has been [rerared. He [resented Resolution No. 700, entitlad: A RESOLUTJ01\ OF TlIE COT1ilISSIOr OF' THE CITY OF EOZ~iJli': D"SCLARJKG CERT.'AH: 81EC1Il.. ASSESS!St.:TS A!:I INSTJiliLlv:EN';S elI SrECIAL AS2ESSLTEI\'lS. rUE M~D rAY/.BLI:': FOVE;:B~R 30n:, 1950, },}JD :n:rAI!J AS OF TLAT DA'fE, AI~D CERTAn: OTI-IER SrECIAL ASSESSn3}:'IS An: n:STALLrENT$ or SrECIJll.. ASSSSS!{E:l; 'IS, DUE fi.rD lAYAHLE }:OVEKBEH 30TH, 1950, AEL 'l'}TAID, DELIhG;.tENT. AS r'iQVILErJ EY ORDU!'}:::;;;; NO. 5;;J4_. EI':TIT' :~=-: "l'J: o ImlY' NrGE Fli'OVIDlNG FOR THE COLl,ECTIOr: or TAXES xx xx Al':L TEE COLLECTICI; OF SlECIAL ASSES,s- LIEl:'JS, :xx xx" ALII) SECTION 52bl. fOLI1'JCAL CODE, R. C. I,:., lS35. I It wn" movI'Hl by CO':lmissi0ner Secor, secor,ded by Co:mnissicmer Eoaly I tLFt +-L0~~esQll)t3 0:" l:,e I rs,-,c... Dr:d sdorteJ and i:Le mo+::lon was carried 1:y the followiriL; "';;0 sn~ ?>::- vote: those vct:~r.i:', A:'p l-.eiLG .,.ry::"" Lowe. Corfmlissionor 89cor :u.d Commissioner Healy; those voting; ]\10, none. Moeting; of Corrrmi ttees of MuniciJ..al League The Llane!;';er sblted the Executive Co:mnittee end the Legislf:.ti'le Com'-dtteo oftIi!;! L;oLta~a :':c,:licilFl I..'3rl(,~l,,8 wil:::noet i:;1 Eel e:Ell , Lec:ember l6U, 1850. It WAS mOlee; by COImnis:cLlnu:r' l~c[ll;;', :';EH;-:JY',dec. by - ., S \.i cr:Tlml B G :l. ,~)l''le reG') r., that" it. Lei:~1b :L ttc rublic int€r(?st, tl.8 c...i+.~/ 1/jc:c:Pc~_/31" cL.d tf:..0 c..~t,~/ ll.tt()~:~r:'~~J. 1..1G Gl,thrJriz.erl to BttenC these meetines 8r.d their eXrCLSOR be reid fro:,[ tl~e .r;'~Ler'''l FLT:d, 9-nd tl.e ;:lo~i(:>r. ',','at; carried D.l the followInG A~'f: and 1:::, vote: t.hose vo-!~inG Aye UeiLC ,j,jt:.:>"or Lo-:,'<:', ~omr:,~,~::i(mer 0"';';::'" cr.:: Healy; those voting La, hone. Co~n~~issi~ner Hoaly; tllose votin~ No, none. Adjournment 'i'here bein,,- flO further b...siness to COC0.8 l-;ef'(:,r,:, the COIT!J't1S8l.or;",t th.;" ti::,c, it-; Wf'.S:110\'CG t., :;.Jrt~n.i.ssir),Ler See')!", seconded b~i C~::HnrIlis8ianer IIeuly, thet thQ llieetil:~.b adjo~:~Il f;,L,: the j1'J.Ot~~_<):c Vlf.;,G Gb.rrir.: ' G, the followiJl(;Aye end 1\'.) vote. tLOS0 voting Aye beiLe Ii:ayor Lowe, Com,');issior;er Secor Gnd C::nm:;':s;:;jcn,Cl' 1 LtteEb elJ~ Clerk 01 the City Com:clission