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Bozeman, Montana
V.') bruary 23, 1950
The Com.rn.ission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session it; the Conunission Room. City Hall
Building, Thursday afternoon, February 23. 1950 at l~OO o' clock F. M. Those beint; present were f,;eyor
Lo'!'8, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Secor , City Manacer Henderson. City Attorney Lovelace, and the
Clerk when the following; Froceedings were hed:
The minutes of' the last regulccr session held February 15. 1950 were read, a.nd it was moved by
Cor:L'Illssioner Healy, seconded by Corru:niSSloner Secor, thHt the minutes be nrrroved ss read, end the
m0tion was ca.rried by the following Aye and :Ko vote: those votin~ Aye being; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner
Healy and Commissioner Secor; those vet.ing No, none.
FroIJosal for "Fire Sohool" in Bozeman
Mr. F. J. Sull ivan. representi.nb the Montana SUI,erinter.den t of' Public Instruction. end Fire Chief'
~:'cCrosson were :t,resent to discuss :F,os~;ibility of holding a "School for Firemen" in Bozeman and during
the summer of 1950. Mr. Sullivan eXIlained the 11r01'OS81 but had no definite f;lans worked out for
curriculum, esti::nated CQst or other details of su(~h school. He was informed tlJElt the City of Bozeman
would look favorab1y on cooperating; wi tL his office in holdinc such a school but that before final
anroval is (;i ven it will be necessary for him to furnish r lans to cover details regarding; the school.
Communicatio:n from Folice Protective Association
Police Officers Smiley end Skerritt of the Bozeman Folice Frotective Association were fresent end
rresented e, cOlIll'lunication requestinG an increAse in salaries for Bozeman Folicemen. Their communica-
tion was taken under advisement and the }:IanHGer was instructed to secure data on salaries in folice
Departments of Montnna cities 8S t1 bRs:is for budget plans for the fiscal year ber.;irming July L 1950.
Recreation Re}'ort
The Ivlam'ger rresented a rerort of' the City-ScLool Recreation and Ath1etic l'roEroID showinG t.he
time Given to activities and en exr19ns"tion of the Froeram. He stHted further that March 6, 1950 has
been set as a tentative da-te for a I,ublic meetinG to be held at the Emerson Scho,)l to Get Fublic
reaction to the I resent recreation prOCrnm.
Report - Executive Meeting of Municipal League
City Mnn8t;er Henderson rerorted on themeetinc of the Executive Corruni ttee of the Iilontana Ibniciral
Leagl,e which he a ttended in Helena February 18. 1950. a:nd suggested that the Lea(;ue be invited to hold
their 1951 annual meeting in Eozeman. It wes moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner
Secor. thflt tho City MenaGer be auU.orized to 1n\i te the 1',Iontana Ii:unicirnl LeaGue to meet in Bozeman lD
1951 for the ir arlnua1 meeting, and the motion W8_S carried by the following Aye and 1\;0 vote~ those
votinE Aye being liiayor Lowe, Commissioner Eealy and Commissioner Secor; those votinG No. Ilone.
Amending Zoning Ordinance
The Manae.;er reported that the Board of Adjustment, at a meeting held February 20, 1950, had
recommended that a draft of Dn ordingncs be frer,ared which would amend the r resent Zoning; Ordinance to
require thn t floor BIace for besement apartments meet the same minimum requirements as for floor SIJRce
of living quarters ebove grolmd. in each of the residence districts. end that the floors of basement
arartments be prohibited from beins more than four feet below ground level.
It was moved by COllunissioner Secor, seconded by Conunissioner Healy, that the City Attorney be
instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning; Ordinance in accordance with the recommendations of
the Board of Adjustment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote~ those votinE Aye
being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none.
Applications for Beer Licenses
The ftl-plications of Ralph's Food Store No.1 end No.2 for retail beer licenses were presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the apylications be BTrroved
and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those yoUnt; Aye
being; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy ar,d Commissioner Secor; those voting; No, none.
The reIort of the Director of Finanoe for the month of January, 1950 was presented. It was
moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the reI_art be accerted and ordered
filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being; l\.iayor Lowe,
Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none.
Federal Tax on Admission Tickets
The City Attorney called attention of the Commission to a bill thet has been introduced in
ConGress which will exempt cities from payment of federal tax on admission charges to swimming; pools
or other recreational facilities. The City :Manager was instructed to write, in the name of the
Montana Municipal Leaeue, to our senators and rerresontatives in Washington to urge the l-8.ssage of
this bill.
There being no further business to come before the Co~nission at this time, it was moved by
Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the meetinG adjourn and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye beinb Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and
Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none.
/ Mayor
Clerk of the City CoillTlission