HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-03-01 362 Bozeman, Montana March 1, 1950 The Commission of the City of Eozeman met in regular session in the COllunission Hoom, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, Mr;lrch 1, 1950 8t 1:00 o'clock f. H. Those being rresent were Ma,Ior Lowe, Commissioner Henly, Commissioner Seoo r , City Manager Henderson, City At tornay Lovelace, and the Cle rk when the following: rro ceedings were had: The minutes of the lest reguler session held February 23, 1950 were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the minutes be approved as read. and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those votinl Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No. none. School Children Crossing Main Street Mr. ehas. K. Caughlin wes present to discuss traffic problems pertaining to school children and particularly the failure of motorists to stop to allow school children to cross Main Street. TIle problem wnfC. discussed 8.t lenGth and consideretion Given to varioL~s Iossil)ilitios includini; the installation of a traffic signal liGht at 3rd Avenue and I:ain Street. It was pointed out, thet tLe use of such a siCne.l light miGht be imFracticable because of' the Limited time during each day when it would be used. It was a.lso pointed out tLat, bec8use of the limited size of the Folice force, -it is not possible to station Iol:icemen at school crossir;2:s. Suggestion W8.S made that signs cO'uld be placed on the presenr, silhouette used in the street- 8+ 3rd and ;l(chl ~o wax'!] motor:i~JLs to stop. children crossing, and it was agreed thp":; this would be tried out on an ex[orimental basis. White Cane Tag Day The !v18n8Ger l-eI_,orted that rle bas l'eceived a res-uest for holdine; "White CEu;e Tae Day" on Ih,rch 25th. Since this is r: l_.ro[osel for dd to the bJ :i.nd the Cormnissior\ eXTressed no objection. Reports The followinc reports for the month of Febrclary. 1950 were r-resented: LibrerilUl Sanitary Inspector It was moved by Conunissioner Healy. secon(~e(: by Commissioner Seco)', that the_ reports be accepted ond ordered fned ana tIle motion was carl'ied b~J tho followin,; Aye end No vote: those voti.cS A~'e beinl::; ;,jayor Lowe, COlmnissioner Eeuly and COrr.!"lissioner Seeor; those v0+:inG No. none. Statement Regarding Faving; TLe conc'!i tion of 18vinL lunde durinc; ID49 by the I3lecktol ConsLructi:JG COrT'+nny was discussed at length. Much of tl.is :raving has broken up and is in a very unsatisfactory condition. Some oJ tLis 18vement was reported by the contractor 96 comllete and some of it is only p,artinlly comp lete QIJt. on ell of' it. the City still holds 15;~ reserve on l-oymcnt to be made to the contractor. The IV~Ulp.Lor sb?ted the-+; he riPS received ir:direct word fro'n tr:'3 (:':):r:~:ract0r th~,t he will meke any necessury repairs !..Ind will eXloet t~) hnve the [-e:voment in I.rolier Gomillion before 1.0 receives his finol payment. The Menfl:.::;er we,;:, ,L~lstruct'3d Lo ~ive this rrt'3t;k:r rubljeity iI' loer.} I-sIcrs so th<:t citizens will lnt'v8 sssurOl:ce that the unsotj sfactory condi tiOllS 0 f the rnvemen twill te sa t isfHotori ly enrree ted. Bids for Truck Tl.o LlnnaEer ststcd th~d, t:,is vms the time 8.x!d r 18c!:, set for the opening of bids for a 3/4 Ton lick-ur Truck. He r-resentcd the affidavit of fublic0tion of the Notice. Wb3reU}On. it was rc.oved by COlr,missioner Seer)r. seeow~ed by COlnm:1ssioner IIcaly. thAt tbe bids be oroned and read; end tLe motion was carried by tho followinsAye em2 F~) vote: those vo tins Lye beinc 11nyor Lovre, Co:mnissiorer iicely and Cormr,issioner Secor; those votinc 1\:0. none. The followinG bids werE' tJ.ereul-on oIAned and read: (bids listed on next ~Bce) I I I Kenny's Motors Rolfe & Wood Owenhouse Hardware Co. KAmp Implement Comrany Sullivan Motors Anderson Motors Northern Auto Studebaker Dodge International " (1949) ;~1.475.00 1,489.00 1. 530.00 1,325.00 1,497.54 1,495.00 1,320.71 GMC Ford Chevrolet Because of variations as to equipment to ::'1e furnished with the trucks, variations in tire sizes I ete., it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded b,y Commissioner Secor, tllat these bids be tabulated in detail and careful comIJarisons made and that acceI tarice of any of the bids submi tted be deferred until the next regular meetinG and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and l~o vote; those voting Aye being Ivlayor Lowe, Commiss ioner Bea ly and Corruniss ioner Secorj those voting Ko, none. Adj ou rrunen t There being no further bus iness to come before the Comrnj ssion at this tLne, it was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Corrunissioner Healy, thflt the meetinG adjourn and the motion was carried b; the follo'Ning Aye and 1;0 vote; those votinc Aye beinG Moyo!' Lowe, Corrunlsdoner Healy and Commis- sioner Secorj those voting No, none. -a(~~ .--/ Mayor Attest; -r.f~~ Clerk 0 the CHy Commission I I 36;3