HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-03-08 364 Bozeman, EontFlna E','rch 8, 1950 The Comrl;:~:3<::ion of t.he Sit;, of Bozeman mBt~ in r':!cubr session in the Commission Ro,)m, City IlBll Bl;il(~i11l,' \'icdnesdny ef'Ler'noem, Mardl 8, 19S0 ot 1:00 o'clock 1. E. Tho:ce Dr.ir::..; ]rcsenL were Mayor Lowe, Corr:ris2ion."r HeHl~r, COY'U"Ciissioncr Sec')r, Cit.y ~hmni::;er Henderson, Gi t~' Attorno:/ Lovclsce, and the Clerk when the iollowini':: r-Toceedin0s 'Were hc,d: The minutes oj 'the hst l'ocular session held ;'\8rch L 1950 were rond, 0nd it WIJS moved by C:)mndssioner Eoaly, seCQ,nd0':' b,j' COl'1J:lissiorlPr Secor, tllilt the minutes be q proved as rea_d, onel the lTlotion was carried by the followinG Aye B,nd No vote: those votinL Aye beinc JI.:nyor Lowe, Go:,nmissioner E,~nly end Corrffi1issioner Secor; those votinc Eo, none. Claims for the Month CIHims N03. 7935 to 2-141 inclusive were rresented on the v~-,r:ious funds 8S follows: Fm~D PJi:OtJNT BAnd Cemetery Cemetery Susfense ,;$prbago GenerAl Library f;srk .F ark in!:; Ivletor I'ol ice Reserve S. 1. D. W-H Tax 8DS C 011S truction SDS ;levenue WI' tor ~ 12.00 652.46 35.00 1,397.00 12,914.67 1,023.17 2 , ~')O 5 . 91 912.85 86.15 501. 3 5 894.60 56.45 751.05 4,081.46 Total ~25,624.12 The ManfJ2}Olr stated that he has Audited t.hese cle,in3 and finds them to be t;rue a.nd lRwfu1 claims o.z;ainst the City of Bozeme,n !),ncl recommends tbet warrrmts be drDwn for their r-eymr_mt. After eXHmine- tior. of the claims in detail by the COTJmission, it was moved by Cornmissionc-'Jr Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, th'3t the clBims be Dl1 roved end wHrrAnts drawn for their layment and the motion was cerried by the followinc Aye end No vote: those votinc; Aye being i.lnyor Lowe, Cor.1.missioner Healy Hnd Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Her-orts The fol1owinc rerorts for tlle nlonth of February, 1850 were lresented: folice Chief :Holice Judge Vvater Collector Cemetery Board Cnshier Fire Chief Recreation Director It we,s moved b:'l Commissiorlor Healy, seconded by Commi.ssioner Secor, thnt the rerorts be accC:Fted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the followitl[ Aye and Nc) vote: those votinG Aye beinG I,fayor L':wl'8, Commissioner Healy and COlillili ssioner Secor; those votinG No, none. i'urchase of 3/4-Ton Truck -- Water De.rartment The ManL'Eor stated that he hes tabulnted the bids received at the Inst reGular meetin~; for a 3/4-ton trwok for the I'inter Derartrnent. After investi[;Tltion end study of the bids submitted, it is the recormnendnt ion of the Water Sup'3rintendent and himself tl18t the bid of the Anderson Ii:otor for a 3/4-ton Ford truck was the lowest and best bid for e truck most suitable for the use to which it is to be Fut. It weE thereulon, moved by Commission,:r Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor. that the bid of the P.nderson Motor Co. for $. 1950 Ford 3/4-ton truck be accelted on the followinG basis: Bid I_/rice, with e cyl motor Less Foderal Excise Tax $51.00 Less ollowar,ce if deE'ler is liOt required to po int the t.ruck 30.00 ~ 1 , 4_ S 5 . 00 81.00 Net cost $1,414.00 and the motion 'we.:". c~llTied by the followinc:; Ayo and N'1 vote: tLose votinG Aye beini: Hayor Lowe, I I I Corrudssioner Healy Dnd COl:unissioner Secor; those votinG No, none. froposed Loading Zones at Schools Sketches showinu r1'o1'os8d londing Emd unloadin.::; zon'3S for school buses t's recormnen(;ed by the 1olic0 Dep,rbnellt end the Surerintendent of Schools were rrescnted. After dj scuSS:l,O~l of tbe 8dvfmtS(;eS of I-ermprent loading zones at the schools. it WDS dee,' ded 1:,h8t tLe Z0118S ss rlpnned be set-uI for I school buses only. Communication -- He; Failures in Paving A commu_nicllt.ion iron< R. J. Studer of the B18_cktop Construction COr1l'my WHS read relsbve to eondition of flwinL which tlds cOInfyny instPlled in Bozeman in 1949. The letter stated th<,t the compfmywill make irfUnediate temporary repdrs as needed. It rccof:1mended thnt a detRiled ensineerir~", study be mnde at onco to rietermine causes for fail:.<res jn this l-8vement and rrocedure to be followed to rut it hi first olD S8 condi tion. It stAted further th'lt tLe COL1I_OLy will r roceed with this wurk 8S E:oar: rUe!' 1!'01 er procedure for refair is detcrmirh1d Fl1cl f1-S SO'-1n as wcnt]-.'?r conditions I ermit. Adjournment '';''hcre Lein!., no furLber business to corJP before the COEunisdon nt this U,iue. j-t w,.r- ),Jovo6 bJ' ConLli:issioner Secor. spcondod Ly Commissioner liG81~r. t1.,,+; the m'JoLil\" ndjourE end tho :i'lotion was ct;,rri'od bJ' the lollowins Aye [me 1:0 voLe. those votin,; P.ye buill; r':ayor Low(,. Con:riisSiOrlGr li8aly snd C om.rr~is s j o:ner S QC 0 r j t 110 3 e va tirlL l,:'c'l; Y10I1C. ~L-~ ../' :':(lY01'" I kttest; .,dp~ Clerk ()f tte C"ty Cor::::'_:sslon I 365