HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-05-17 384 Bozeman, Montana May 17, 1960 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon. May 11, 1960 at 1:00 o'clook P. M. Those being present were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy, City Jlanager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Clerk when the following prooeedings were had: The minutes of the last regular session held May 10, 1960 were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seoonded by Mayor Lowe, that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried. by the 1'ollowing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Commissioner Secor entered and was noted present. Charge for Firemen and Equipment The matter of a charge to the M.ontana Power Company for furnishing fire equipment and men at a gas line fire which oocurred on May 10, 1960w68 discussed. It was moved by Connnt88ioner Healy, seoonded by Commissioner Secor, that the Montana Power Company be charged $100.00 for men and equipment fumhhed at the fire and the men be allowed one day's pay, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Co:mm1lsioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Legion Contribution to Baseball Program A proposal from the American Legion was presented in which the American Legion offers to co-operate wi th the City of Bozeman in a Junior Baseball Program for 1960 similar to the program carried on in 1949. The proposal was accompanied by a oheck in the amount of $300.00 as their share in the program. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the proposal be accepted and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commis- sioner Healy and Commissioner Seoora those voting No, none. Offer from I. 11(. Johnson to Improve Baseball Park A written offer fran I. M. Johnson, oontractor, was presented under whioh Mr. Johnson will, at his own risk and expense, build and install toilet facilities at the City Ball Field on North Grand Avenue. His offer is oonditioned on the City of Bozeman expending approximately .500.00 on improve- mants on the playing field and as part of the cost of the proposed toilet installation as authorized by the CityCom.ission on May S. 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Seoor, that the offer of Mr. Johnson be approved and acoepted with the definite understanding that the full obligation of the City of Bozeman in the undertaking will be l1mi ted to the 8600.00 expenditure which has been authorbed by the City Commission and the motion was oarried by the following ~e and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Seoor; those voting No, none. Proposed Meat and Milk Ordinances Dr. J. D. C. Wipf, representing the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board, met with theCommiasion to discuss adoption of new milk inspection and meat inspeotion ordinances as recommended by his Board. After lengthy oonsideration the proposed ordinances were reterred to the City Attorney tor his opinion and advice and the City Manager was instructed to secure as much publicity as possible on the fact that the City Commission is oonsidering adoption of such ordinances. Publio Bearing S. I. D. 361 The public hearing, adjour.ned from the regular Commission meeting on May lOth, 1950, relative to proposed creating of Special Improvement Lighting District No. 361, was resumed at this time. L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission, reported that no fUrtiler protests have been received and that the I I I one protest previously received represents 1.24% of the property in the distriot. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the protests be over- ruled as insuffioient in law and faot and the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare the resolution oreating the distriot and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. I Publio Hearing -- S. I. D. No. 362 The publio hearing, adjourned from the regular Commission meeting on May lOth, 1950, relative to proposed creating of Special Improvement Lighting District No. 362, was resumed at this time. L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission, reported that no protests heve been reoeived, whereupon it was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Comm1uioner Healy, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepAre a resolution creating the district and the motion was carried by the following .hJe and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 677 -- Creating S. I. D. No. 361 City Attorn~ Lovelace stated that he has prepared a resolution oreating Special Improvement District io. 361. He presented Resolution No. 677, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CREATING A SP1OC:IAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF SAID CITY TO BI KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHT... ING DISTRICT NmmER 361 FOR THE PURPOSE or INSTALLING AND MA.INTAINnlG A LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT llA.IN STREET EAST AND WEST, FROM NORTH Bm::>.ADWAY AVENUE TO THE LINE OF JiOURTH AVENUE PROJECTED, THE SAME BEING THE AREA NOW INCLUDED IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 100 OF THE CITY OF BOZmaN .AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SUCH LIGHTING SYSTEM, PURSUANT TO AND IN CONFORMITY WITH COMMISSION RESOLUTION NUMBER 674 OF SAID CITY COMMISSION AS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID CITY CODISSION ON THE 19th DAY OF APRIL. 1960. It was moved by Comm1ss1oner Healy, seconded by CODlllliBsionerSecor, that the R.solution be passed I and adopted and that oall for bids tor the proposed work be advertised as soon as the City Engineer has oompleted the detailed plans and sFecifii;)ations and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 678 -... Creating S. I. D. No. 362 City Attorney Lovelace stated that he has prepared the resolution creating Special Improvement District No. 362. He presented Resolution No. 678, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THIClTY COMMISSION OF THEelTY OF BOZD4AN, MONTANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMI''HOVEMENT DISTRICT OF SAID CITY TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHT- ING DISTRICT NUM:BER 362 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING AND MAINTAINING A LIGHTING SYSTEM TO LIGHT MAIN STREET FROM THE lIEST LINE OF FOURTH AVENUE PROJECTED TO THE WEST LINE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WEST MAIN STREET AND SOUTH EIGHTH AVENUE, PWSUANT TO AND IN CONFURJ4ITY WITH COMMISSION RESOLUTION NU14BER 676 OF SAID CITY fX)O'ISSION AS PASSED AND AOOPTED BY SAID CITY COMMISSION ON THE 19TH DAY or APRIL, 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the resolution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Purchase of Radio fo r Fire Truck Advisability of equipping one tire truck with radio was discussed. It was pointed out that, I since installation of new F'. M. radio for the Polioe Department, radio service has been excellent and that it would be deoidedly advantageous to have a mobile transmitter and receiver in one fire truok so that, when out on oall, the Fire Department oould keep in constant radio oonununication with the Police Department. The City Manager stated that the proposed new radio equipment would oost approxi- mately $400.00 It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the City Manager be authorized to purchase this radio equipment as reoommended and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No. none. 385 886 Pe~i.sion for Street Dance I The City Jle.nager stated that the Alpha Gemma Rho Fraternity has asked permission to close off Olive Street between Third and Fourth Avenue for a street dance on May 26th, 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that per.mission be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Application for Beer and Liquor License The applicat10nsof the Bozeman Count~ Club for a city beer and a city liquor license were presented. It was m.oved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commiuioner Secor, that the applioations be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Application for Slot Machine License The application of the Bozeman Country Club for slot machine license was presented. It was pointed out that the applioation is not complete as to the listing of the machines and the state lioense. It was moved by Comndssioner Seoor, seconded by Commdssloner Healy, that the application be approved subject to its oompletion and that when discrepanoies in the applioation have been corrected the license be issued and the JnOtion was oarried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Examination of Depository Bond and Securities The Director of Finance presented a list of depository bonds to cover the city funds in the vari- out oi ty banks. The list was checked with the Custodian's Receipts, and it was moved by COIll1llissioner Healy, seoonded by Commissioner Secor, that the list be approved as sufficient and entered in full in the minutes ani the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor I DEPOSITORY BONDS AND SECURITIES Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. Commercial National Bank, Bozeman: Federal Deposit In~ce Corporation Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Minn.: U.. S. Treas. Bds. of 1956. ..59; ~2i%;. due 9/16/69 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1956-58; ; due 3/16/68 u. S. Trees. Bds. of 1962-54; 0; due 3/16/54 u. S. Treas. Bds. of 1951-64; 2-3/4%; due 6/16/54 U. S. Trees. Bds. of 1962-54; 2%; due 12/16/54 u. S. Treas. Bds. of 1951-53; 2%; due ~/16/63 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1952-54; 2%; due 12/15/54 Gallatin Trust &: Savings Bank, Bozeman Federal DeposIt Insurancecorporat ion Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Minn.l U. S. Tr8u. Bds. of 1962-54; 2%; due 6/15/64 U. S. Tress. Bds. of 1950-62; 2%; due 9/16/62 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1960-52; ~; due 9/15/52 u. S. Treas. Bds. of 1966-72; 2~; due 9/15/72 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1956-60; 2-7/8%; due 3/16/60 Gallatin Co. School Dist. No. 7; ~; due 7/1/60 Gallatin Co. School Dist. No.7; 2%; due 7/1/51-52 Gallatin Co. School Dist. No.7; 2%; due 1/1/53-54 Lewis &: Clark Co. School Dist. #1; l~%; due 6/1/61 Security Bank &: Trust com1>a~, Bozeman: Federal-neposit Insurance orporation Trusteed with FederelReserve Bank of Minn. t U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1966-71; ~; due ~/15/71 Par Value $ 5000.00 35000.00 35000.00 5000.00 13000.00 35000.00 35000.00 30000.00 Total 6000.00 10000.00 10000.00 15000.00 2000.00 1300.00 3000.00 6000.00 5000.00 7000.00 6000.00 40000 .00 Total Amount . 6000 .00 35000.00 35000 .00 5000.00 13000.00 35000.00 35000.00 30000.00 , 193000.00 5000.00 10000.00 10000.00 16000.00 2000.00 1300.00 3000.00 6000.00 5000.00 7000.00 I , 64300.00 6000.00 40000.00 . 46000.00 This is to certify that we, the Commission of The City of Bozeman in compliance with the provisions of Section 4767, Folitical Code, R. C. M. 1921, as amended by Chapter 49, Laws of 1929, and as amended by Chapter 23, Extraordinary Session Law of 1933..34, have' this day examined the receipts of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis I I 1 for the Depository Bonds held by the Director of F'inence as above listed as security for the deposit of city funds held by the several banks of Bozeman and find them to be as above stated. (Signed) Mayor w. Gn bert Lowe (Signed) Walter A. Seoor Commis s ioner (Signed) J. H. Healy Commissioner Dated May 17th, 1950. Report Matters discussed at the Montana Municipal League meeting Were taken up with the City C ommis s ion. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the meeting adjourn md the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor) those votlng No, none. Attest& ct:.4~don 387