HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-08 308 Bozeman, Montana October 5, 1949 The Commission of fhe City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Ci ty Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, October 5th, 1949, at l:OO o'clock F. M. Those being present were Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson and the Clerk. A quorum not being present the meeting was adjourned until Saturday, October 8, 1949 at 9:00 o'clock A. M. .- ~~ I erk 0 theCi ty Commission Bozeman, Montana October 8, 1949 The Corrunission of The City of Boz,eman met in a regular-adjourned session in the Commission Room, Ci ty Hall Building, Saturday morning, October 8, 1949 at 9:00 o'clock A. ~. Those being present were Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henci.erson and the Clerk. A quorum not beinG present the meeting was adjourned until Monday', October 10, 1949 at 10 :00 0' clock A. M. /p~ Clerk of the C1ty Commission Bozeman, Montana October 10, 1949 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in a regular-adjourned session in the Co~~ission Room, City Hall Building, Monday morning, October lO, 1949, at lO:OO o'clockA. M. Those being present were Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson and the Clerk, when the I followinr proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was movec. by Conunissioner Healy, seconded by CO~Jnissioner Lowe, that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beint:: Mayor Sorenson, Corrunissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Charge for Fire Call at Karst's Ranch The Manager reported the Fire Department had been authorized to make a call to Karst's Ranch to assist in putting out a fire, and Mr. Karst has eXFressed his willingness to pay a reasonable fee for tLis service. Chief McCrosson of the Fire Department was present and took part in the discussion. After consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that a bill in the amount of $50.00 be rendered to Mr. Kerst for this service, and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: tlJose voting; Aye being; Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Comfletion of S. I. D. s 349, 351, 353 & 354 Ci ty Engineer Babcock W9.S present and reported that the construction of'S. 1. D. s 349, 351, 363 and 354 have been cOIllFleted by the Blacktop Construction Company with the exception of a few minor I details, such as driveways and cleaning up. After discussion by the City Commission, it was decided that the construction of S. 1. D. s 349, 351, 353 and 354 be considered comfleted,unde.rthe termS of the contract and not subject to :penal ty. Completion of' Swimming pool Contract for Heating Equipment The follomng; letter from Frank J. Trunk, Contractor for the installation of heating; equiVrnent for .,~ the swimming; pool, W8S 1 resented and read: (see next [Bte for copy of letter) October 6, 1949 B09 City of' Bozeman Mr. N. E. Henderson, City Manager Bozemarl, Mon tam', Dear Sir; Reference is made to the letter of :vlr. 1\.. L. :trussing, Engineer, Sert. 6, 1949. I We have completed the swimming pool job with the exception of the followin..:, minor items referred to in his latter. Item N:). 1. The automatic equipment did not arrive in time to properly adjust and test it. That we will do AS soon as the pool is rut in operation next season. There is some questian in regard to B pBrt of the automatic control being defective and we Bre notifying the surr-lier so when the test is nlsde in the slrint, and it is f:lUnd faul ty, he will lwve hed r;otice and will rellaee it. Item No. 2. The hent exchencer has been cOrrlrletely insb:.lled and tile boiler covering has been touched u} in a neat manner, and cwering on fittings made to comI-ly with the enGineer 's suggestions. Item No.3. fainting is best done when plant is warm. It is a small item and will be cared for as soon 8 s },eat is turned on again. Item No.4. The dividing lost hBs been installed. The responisbility for the cOffiFletion and rroper operation of' the plant r8meins with me until my contract wi th the city is fully satisfied. Very truly yours, (Signed) Frank J. Tr unk Frank J. l'runk }J 1/ rw I C I (dill No. 6974 in the amount of $1,854.24 of Frank J. Trunk for the installation of the heating pool equipment was rresen"l:;ed. After examination of the claim by the City Co.lYJ.mission, and consideration of the above letter, it was moved by COl1uuissioner Healy, seconded by COl!:missio:r.er Lowe, tLa t th(~ cla:i:n be allowed, and the bond presented wi th the contract rem~in irl full force and effect until final emqle- tion of the contract and the motion was carried. by the followinG Aye and Eo vote~ those votirLL; ;'yo being I.lnyot' So rens on, COHunissioner Lowe and CorrunissionBr Healy; those va tinG 1,;:), none. Reports The followin6 rerorts for the month 01 September, 1949 were presented: 1'1 uubinG Inspec tor Recreation Director Fire CLief Building Inspector Sani tary Ins pee tor Librarian It vms moved by COinmiss loner Lowe, seccmded by Comrllissioner Healy, the't the rerorts be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and :No vote: t1 ose -J"oti.rl.g Aye beinG Ifayor Sorenson, Cownissioner Lowe nnd Conunissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Contract for S. 1. D. 358 The contract for the Standard ConstructioE Co;"puny for the construction of Special Improvement ?lo. 358, st:)rm sewer in the fil'si.; alley souLh of Main Street between Tracy A~Ter:;J.0 and Bozeman Avenue. T}-;e contract h9.ving; been rrepared b:,r the City Attorney, it was :IJ.Qvcd by '':;OI!missj Q1H3r Healy, secom:,"'Jd tj I Gommissionel~ Lowe, that the o::mtract be aprroved and the Hayor arld the Clerk be aut:wrized to sign the contr~ct for The Cit,y of Bozerns.n and tte mo:ion was carried by the foll:nvinr; lWe and 1\0 vote: tLose vot- inG A:/,} bein.; Mayor Sorenson, Commiss loner Lowe and Corr.:rlissjoner Healy; those '10 Unt; No, none. Claims for the Month Cleims Nos. 6801 to 7043 inclusive werD }resented on the various filllQS as follows: (seer:.9xt le6e~ 310 General $16,037.50 i'arking Meter 1,126.54 'lia ter 6,281.65 SDS Construction 6,852.99 Library 982.52 Fark 3,744.27 Cemetery 2,005.46 Band 783.20 Garbage 1,834.69 f:Jlice Reserve 86.l5 Cemetery Suspense 70.00 I C eme te ry f crIn. Care 7,000.00 SDS Revenue 429.65 1-. L. S" i. 2,000.00 ~~;- II Tax 1,221.40 S. I. D. 29,801. 25 Total - - - 4r 80 , 257 . 27 The Manager stated that he has audited those claims and finds them to be true and lewf'ul claims 8.Lainst The City of' Bozeman 811d reconunends that warrants be drawn for their lasment. After examina- tion of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the claims be aprroved and warrants drawn for their payment, and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, COlnmissioner Lowe and Conunissioner Healy; those votinL No, none. Adjourrunent TIlere being; no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by COITUTlissioner Lowe, that the meetinG adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being MayoX' Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Conunissioner Healy; those votint; No, none. (]~ J:L,.A ~/U) I . Mayor - Attest: ~j~ Clerk of the City Commission I